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Out of all the teams in the playoffs, who would you like to see crowned as the Super Bowl Champion, and why?

Personally, I'd like to see either the Steelers or the Jets, but honestly I really only see the boys from Pittsburg having a real good shot at it between those two teams. Plus the Steelers are in the AFC North as our Bengals, and I'd like nothing more than to see the Super Bowl Champ emerge from our alleged weak division!


Having many obnoxious Steeler co-workers I can't offically root for them, but as a Miami grad I want to see Big Ben continue to do well. Other than Ben I'll only be cheering for my blocks in the super bowl pool. Maybe wouldn't mind seeing Farve go out on top, but just can't see anyone from the NFC winning it all...


f the steelers. go pats!!! pats or the colts deserve it the most. pitts fluke season will be exposed when they lose. Chargers might knock them off after they beat the jets.


I'd like to see the Colts wrap it up.

Steelers - A mean part of me doesn't want to see Big Ben win a Super Bowl as a rookie.

Pats - An even meaner part of me doesn't want Dillon to win a Super Bowl...ever.

Eagles- I guess they would be my 2nd choice, although it doesn't seem fitting for an NFC team to take it all.

These are the only teams that I feel have any sort of chance.


Gotta go with the Colts. Peyton, Harrison and Edge deserve rings. I wouldn't mind seeing SD, Philly, or the Jets win it either.

Teams I DON'T want to see win are the Pats and Squealers. The Pats for obvious reasons (i.e. Leon), and the Squealers cuz of their obnoxious fans. Imagine what life would be like here next year if we had to constantly hear "you can't beat the mighty Steelers...we're champions of the world." No thanks. I wouldn't mind seeing Cowher crying after a heartbreaking loss either.

I'm not even going to mention the Donkeys. :rolleyes:

If not, then our loses to them look sad.

Our loses to them look sad anyway. We had those games won. D**NIT !!!

I'd like nothing more than to see the Super Bowl Champ emerge from our alleged weak division!

Agree, but it sure is hard rooting for those guys and thinking about their S**TBAG fans next year.

Peyton, Harrison and Edge deserve rings.

Couldn't agree more !!

I myself though am a huge Favre fan. Say what you will, however, I love his toughness and watching him lead that team. Rooting against all hope for the Pack.

Hopefully next year this topic will be unnecessary, as the answer will be obvious !!



I love good comeback stories, so I think it would be cool to see the Chargers take it.

But since I also have a large distaste for Marty Schottenheimer, I would like to see Peyton cap off his record-setting year with a ring.



Sorry fellas, choke-job Manning will NOT get to the Super Bowl -- much less win it. I'd like him to get the "can't win the big one" off his back, but until he proves it, he'll never win the big one. Same applies to McNabb.

Now, if you guys remove your distaste for Steelers fans, then does that change the your perception of them?


I want a Colts-Pack SuperBowl so Farve can win another championship and go out on top. Plus then everyone won't say that Peyton Manning can't go to New England or Pittsburg and win outside.

I definitely want the Eagles to lose in the NFC Championship game to drive a stake into the hearts of Eagles fans since they talk way too much smack. But of course they will all use T.O. as a scapegoat and say his injury is the reason why they lost....blah blah blah...


if the steelers some how make the superbowl...i hope big ben turns into marino. get there early, but never again, and never ever win it.


While in my heart I want the Colts to take it, they just don't have the defense. Between the Pats and Squeeler's, I would like to see the Pats take it because I can't stand the repugnant fans. At the same time, if the Squeelers win, maybe they will be full of themselves and celebrate excessively in the off season. During that time we will be getting ready to de-throne them as conference champs.


Chargers for the random factor.

Hate the Patriots, Bob Kraft screwed over Connecticut, plus now Dillon is there. Hate the Steelers and mostly Big Ben for his f**king rookie season where everything managed to fall in place for him.

Every other team I'm neutral on, except the fact that the Jets have really ugly jerseys and it bothers me.


I would like to see a team like Seattle or St.Louis go to the super bowl and beat the Pats' or the Steelers'. This season is dishearting. We could probably made playoffs on a wild card if we won one-two games. Im counting on this coming season to aleast get on a wild card, or better if we clinch or division. The schedule looks' pretty easy, and we are finally getting the team straighten out. So hopefully we will get some wins.


The CHARGERS, hey if they can do it so can we :D:D

Now, if you guys remove your distaste for Steelers fans, then does that change the your perception of them?

Wow. Maybe it's just that I'm lucky enough that all the Steeler fans I know PERSONALLY are pretty cool. I try not to let on-line impressions get the best of me, but the Bills game sorta changed that to a degree for me.


I would love to see the Colts win it cause i grew up in Ind. I also love the Eagles cause i live close to Philly now. So i would love to see a Colt-Eagles Super Bowl. Don't want the Steelers to get all the way that way i can tell my friend i told ya so.

The CHARGERS, hey if they can do it so can we :D:D

I would hope we would fare a little better than what they did. I still can't believe they blew that game! The Jet's sure aren't complaining though! :lol:

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