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playoff chances from an outsider


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I like all this positive attitude about the Bengals, but they are not going to the playoffs. I would like to see it, but they are not getting past New England, Buffalo and I think the last game is with Philly?? As a future Cincinnati resident, I am starting to really like this team. As I read all of your comments, I don't share your optimism. Your defense is nowwhere near a playoff defense- Marvin Lewis should be embarrassed. I think New England will probably beat you guys up pretty good especially in New England. My Bills are on a mission and they are playing great. I am glad I am flying in for that game. Everyone in Buffalo is really worried about the Bengals game. I wish your team well, and what do I know, my teams isn't that great as well. Enjoy the last couple of weeks of football. Bills 31 Bengals 17

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26-23? You are out of your *** damn mind.

More like 26-3. Bills...just a joke. In reality, only one good win (Jets, despire the fact that it was at home) in relation to how bad the NFC is right now and how they got to play Miami twice along with Arizona. But good luck on the rest of the season, just don't expect to come into the Jungle looking for a handout. :P

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It's fun to dream tho, isn't it? If you don't set your sights high, you'll never make it off the ground. Do I really think that Cincy will go to the playoffs? No. But I do know not to count yourself out until triple zeroes appear (see Cincy win over the Ratbirds). There's still that mathematical chance, so we can still dream in the meantime. :D

Said it before, saying it again, Marvin Lewis shouldn't be ashamed of the defense. There's now a lot of good young talent on that defense and they'll only get better. The more I see them play, the more I think Marvin made some really nice choices in the draft. He's still in the process of building the defense and it will continue to be built. The defense has had flashes of greatness, but they seem to follow those up with flashes of uglyness. Consistency, experience and Marvin draft #3 will definitely help the defense to really improve. Oh, and by the way, there are several teams that allow more YPG and would be going to the playoffs if the season ended today: Indy, Green Bay, Minnesota and St. Louis. By that rubric, we have a playoff caliber defense! :P

Your Bills are on a "mission" alright. They're trying to desperately figure out how to not get creamed at Cincinnati in a couple weeks. :D Hopefully, it'll be a good game between two not-quite-playoff-yet teams.


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AHHHHH, finally a chance to chat with a Bills fan. As a Bengal fan living an hour east of Buffalo I get to hear all about the Bills, while once in a while getting lucky with a paragraph about the Bengals.

I really haven't seen or heard anything from the local media or fans that they are the least bit worried about the Bengals. In fact, the only thing I've heard is how the Bills are going to sweep their last 4 games and surge into the playoffs.

Let me give you something to chew on. The Bills have had some easy games of late. They have played the Dolphins, who gave the Bills a scare, the Seahawks who all of a sudden can't even beat the Cowboys, the Cardinals, and the Jets minus Chad Pennington. The Bengals have played the Steelers, the Ravens, and the Broncos. The Bengals won 2 out of those 3 games and have won 5 out of their last 7.

I can all too vividly remember the Bills fans screaming for Bledsoe's head earlier this season for standing in the pocket too long, and throwing too many INT's. All too familiar in Buffalo. I can remember seasons when the Bills won at least 12 games each year and the Fans were coming down on Levy, and Kelly, and Thurman Thomas, while I was happy as could be if the Bengals were able to win more than 3 games.

The Bengals will be able to put some pressure on Bledsoe, they have a good enough secondary that they can take advantage of his mistakes. I am concerned that they will have trouble covering Lee Evans, and stopping McGahee, but that should be the coaching staffs main objectives. The Bengals D is better than you give them credit for. They have stopped teams with better offenses than the Bills, and they always step it up at home.

The Bills now have to worry about Carson Palmer clicking with his offense. Chad Johnson is not the only threat the Bengals have at WR, TJ has stepped it up the last few weeks, and Kelly Washington will make the occasional clutch play. Rudi was held up in Baltimore, and Bills have almost as good a front as the Ravens, but the Bills will have to commit to pass defense and won't be able to stack the line.

The game will not be a blowout in favor of either team, the Bengals will pick off Bledsoe to secure a win in the 4th quarter, and run out the clock pushing Rudi over 100 and preserving a 27 - 24 victory.

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Also, the Bengals and Bills are pretty much in the same boat as far as playoff readiness is concerned. This year the AFC is strong, and the Bills are sitting in the strongest division. The Patriots at 11-1 will win the division, and may get home-field if the Steelers falter down the line. The Steelers will win the North, the Chargers are poised to take the West, and the Colts should have the South locked up. So the 4 division leaders go, that should be Patriots, Steelers, Chargers, and Colts, with 2 Wildcard spots up for grabs between the 9-3 Jets, the 7-5 Broncos, the 7-5 Ravens, and the Bengals, Bills, and Jaguars all at 6-6.

Of the 6 teams eligible for the 2 wildcard spots the Bengals have the toughest schedule having to play the 11-1 Patriots on the road, the 6-6 Bills at home, the 5-7 Giants at home, and the 11-1 Eagles on the road. Unless fate smiles on us for the 1st time in over a decade the Bengals will be watching the playoffs on TV. The only chance would be to win 3 out of 4 of the remaining games, which would mean repeating the preseason success against the Patriots, winning the home games against an improved Bills squad and a struggling Giants team, and then losing to Philly...or losing to the Patriots, winning at home, and Philly sits their starters after going 14-1 and locking up home-field advantage.

The Bills have the easiest schedule of the 6 with tests against the Bengals in Cincy and the Steelers in Buffalo being the biggest concern. The Jets have gotten their starting QB back, can still run the ball effectively, and the defense is improving so they should be able to lock 1 of the wildcard spots, and I think that the Ravens and Broncos will battle it out for the final spot...possibly with the Ravens coming out on top due to their smothering defense.The Jags could sneak in with a great D, but their offense is suspect and they play too many close games.

Buffalo is showing as much optimisim as Cincy, and with an easier schedule they have the right, but don't count on being in the Playoffs, and don't expect to waltz into Cincy and have the Bengals hand over a victory.

By the way, welcome to the board...despite your tongue-in-cheek prediction you seem to be an excellent representitive for the average Bills fan. Hopefully you'll see the error of your ways and leave the darkside once you relocate to Cincinnati and learn of power growing within the force surrounding the Bengals and Master Lewis.

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Like has already been said, Marvin should be damn proud of his defense. Langston Moore has performed better than Tony Williams, Robert Geathers is playing great, Madieu Williams has been excellent, Keiwan Ratliff has been playing a lot, and doing a decent job, Caleb Miller has done pretty well, Landon Johnson has been good. These are all rookies except Moore, who is playing his 2nd year.

Deltha O'neal came here and is now one of the best corners in the league again, Justin Smith has proven that he was worthy of his first round pick, Duane Clemons has been playing better than ever, Tory James has 7 interceptions, etc.

We have had so many injuries this season, and to think that we are at .500 without some of our best weapons and with a first year starter at QB, marvin should be DAMN proud.

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The only chance would be to win 3 out of 4 of the remaining games, which would mean repeating the preseason success against the Patriots, winning the home games against an improved Bills squad and a struggling Giants team, and then losing to Philly...or losing to the Patriots, winning at home, and Philly sits their starters after going 14-1 and locking up home-field advantage.

Even with a 3 - 1 record, we'd still need serious help from the football gods. We'd be ahead of the Broncos in a tie-breaker situation, but if we wind up tied with the Ravens or Jets, we lose out. Assuming that the Jets are in, if we went 3 - 1, Baltimore would have to go 1 - 3 at best and Denver would have to go 2 - 2 at best. If one of those 3 victories is against Buffalo, then we'll beat them out, but if the one loss is to Buffalo, we'd need them to go 1 - 2 in their other games to get in. And then there's Jacksonville. Long story short ... in order for Buffalo, Cincy or Jacksonville to get into the playoffs, they need to win out. I don't know how Buffalo or Jacksonville stands in terms of tie-breakers with the Donkeys and Ratbirds, tho.

What'd be really weird would be if a 10 - 6 team is denied getting into the playoffs in the AFC and a losing team gets into the playoffs in the NFC. It's so weird to have these crazy Dallas fans around here talking about possibly getting into the playoffs and their team has a 5 - 7 record!! At least I can still remind them of their 26 - 3 shellacking at Cincy. :D

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What'd be really weird would be if a 10 - 6 team is denied getting into the playoffs in the AFC and a losing team gets into the playoffs in the NFC.

It happened last year with the Dolphins, its entirely possible that scenario can play itself out again. :(

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My wife is correct, you midwest people are indeed friendly. If you go on other team sites and suggest the home teams going to get hammered, you would receive death threats. I think you guys are just being nice, so I move to Cincinnati. If you want proof that Buffalo fans are scared of the Bengals, go to Twobillsdrive.com - I like many think that game might stop us from getting in the playoffs. On a different note, I noticed that Rudi Johnson is a free agent after the season. I kinda get the feeling that you the fan and ownership think letting him walk is acceptable. Is that mentality from years of bad ownership or just low fan expectation ( seriously???) Not that anyone of you care, but in Buffalo, signing the big name guys becomes the priority. Winning and spending money are needed to keep the organization running smoothly. It would drive me insane to have ownership that won't do what is best and spend that extra dollar. Champions don't let stars go!!!!!!!! They lock them up long term and trim the payroll of less productive players. I get the feeling the Reds also share that kinda cheap ( don't ever pay for talent mentality as of late. If I were one of you, I would be very angry. PS, I truly love your baseball stadium. Doug in Clearwater Fla - trying to become a Cincinnati sports fan. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am sticking to my first prediction - Bills 31 Bengals 17

Never forget the words of Chris Berman of ESPN - No one circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills!!!!!!!!!!

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On a different note, I noticed that Rudi Johnson is a free agent after the season. I kinda get the feeling that you the fan and ownership think letting him walk is acceptable. Is that mentality from years of bad ownership or just low fan expectation ( seriously???)

Not everyone is that dumb. Don't worry, unless we sign Shawn Alexander (which ain't gonna happen), Mike Brown will tag Rudi's ass so fast he'll feel like wild game being hunted by Marlin Perkins!

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On a different note, I noticed that Rudi Johnson is a free agent after the season. I kinda get the feeling that you the fan and ownership think letting  him walk is acceptable. Is that mentality from years of bad ownership or just low fan expectation  ( seriously???)

Not everyone is that dumb. Don't worry, unless we sign Shawn Alexander (which ain't gonna happen), Mike Brown will tag Rudi's ass so fast he'll feel like wild game being hunted by Marlin Perkins!

How is having a differing opinion "dumb"?

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On a different note, I noticed that Rudi Johnson is a free agent after the season. I kinda get the feeling that you the fan and ownership think letting  him walk is acceptable. Is that mentality from years of bad ownership or just low fan expectation  ( seriously???)

Not everyone is that dumb. Don't worry, unless we sign Shawn Alexander (which ain't gonna happen), Mike Brown will tag Rudi's ass so fast he'll feel like wild game being hunted by Marlin Perkins!

How is having a differing opinion "dumb"?

Because you don't give up a top 10 running back who you can transition tag and pay the average of the top 10 backs for an unknown.

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On a different note, I noticed that Rudi Johnson is a free agent after the season. I kinda get the feeling that you the fan and ownership think letting  him walk is acceptable. Is that mentality from years of bad ownership or just low fan expectation  ( seriously???) Not that anyone of you care, but in Buffalo, signing the big name guys becomes the priority. Winning and spending money are needed to keep the organization running smoothly. It would drive me insane to have ownership that won't do what is best and spend that extra dollar. Champions don't let stars go!!!!!!!! They lock them up long term and trim the payroll of less productive players.

Rudi was signed for a year so that the Bengals could get a look at how well he would do as the featured back, and because Rudi and his agent wanted to get a season on film and test the FA market. So far he has filled in nicely for the departed Corey Dillon, but don't go making him into a star just yet.

The Bills are aggressive in going out and picking up free agents, we all know they like former Bengals players(and coaches), but tell me...did letting Peerless Price go help Bledsoe and the rest of the team? He was a star-in-the-making in Buffalo before taking off to join the Falcons and the Bills struggled to get a guy to replace him. It is not unlike the Bills to let certain players go even if they have the potential to become a big star, or draft a player to push another one out. I'll be surprised if Travis Henry is still around after this season and all he did was rush for over 1000yds the first couple of seasons the Bills had him.

Unfortunately, the Bengals haven't gotten the results we'd hoped for when they passed on Kevin Jones and Steven Jackson to trade their pick and draft Chris Perry. Maybe he'll be back in the lineup when the Bills come to town and he can actually get some playing time to spell Rudi.

Also, if the Bengals can drop 20+ on the Ravens D, on the road, then you really need to rethink your prediction that the Bills are going to hold them to 17 at PBS, while putting up 31 points of your own. Buffalo's line hasn't given the QB enough time, and Bledsoe has to throw against some very good DBs. Tory James is tied for the league lead in INTs with 7, O'neal isn't far behind, and the Bengals have 2 very talented rookies in Ratliff and Williams.

As for my statement about not hearing concern for the Bengals game...the Fans may be a bit concerned but I haven't heard anything from the local sportscasters or team reps, but I expect that they'll talk about how they can't look past the game and expect to win in Cincy Blah Blah Blah...even Bellichek is talking about how the Bengals are a "fine" football team and they can expect a battle, and he's "worried" about some of our offensive weapons...and this from the coach who has lost a total of 3 games in the last 2 years!!! And, as for Berman...he is one of the most outspoken Bills supporters, and he rarely has anything good to say about the Bengals. Nothing new there, but none of what I say, or Berman says, or coaches, players, or Bills fans say will have an effect on the outcome of the game. I'm giving the Bengals the 3 point homefield advantage.

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All I know is the Bengals defense did not give up 32 points to Miami's offense...

But you did give up 48 to the Browns where Kelly Holcomb went 30-39, 413 yards and 5 touchdowns.

The Browns put up 20 on Baltimore's D to win their opener.

They rang up 31 on Philly and took the Eagles to OT.

We needed 58 points to beat them.

Maybe you ought to be a bit more concerned about the Bills game this week as opposed to the one next week... :unsure:

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