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hey tampa you need to get the hell off the bengalwagon i am here to fight it out with the bengal fans chump.

hey raven#1 u need two lern how two yuse your shift kee.


Normally with all of the Ray Lewis love from this guy, I'd think it's Ray Lewis. But, since I don't believe Ray Lewis can read, this has to be some loser who dresses up in a Ray Lewis jersey every Sunday and cheers for a team whose owner is the most hated man in the NFL and whose best player is a double-murderer.


I still can't believe some of you think I'm this Dipstick Ravens fan.

He sounds as if he's just completed third grade.

By the way Dipstick Raven Fan, Don't use any of my wording.

And Ray Lewis is a Hapless thug.

Always has been;

Always will be.

Lambert 58

Lambert, you're just a wannabe fool. Take a hike and let the real teams talk smack.

Again,I thought your organ grinder would've trained you better.

You know Raven Fag .... Your an idiot with dreams ! Lambert is a class act unlike your crack-smoking team ....... He does not have to leave !! Understand ......

My undertsanding Mr. JohnnieEgo is that your the actual Monkey Grinder, you hang out down on Pratt Street trying to score some smack while offering to swallow a few swords for $5.00.

Your team is riding a lucky streak that will come to an end !! The Bengals deserve respect and they are gaining respect, their fans deserve respect !

Go Away Crackhead ........ :angry:


I think what you just said was ........... "Du, you be da cracked u stoopid wif std stuf".

That's all ya got Bill?!?

How about one more time ...........

FACT: the NFL didn't start in 1975 and didn't end in 1980;

FACT: Squeelers were NFL doormats for 40 years;

FACT: Baltimore has as many NFL championships as Sh*tsburgh .......... in 1/2 the time;

FACT: Your team is in last place in what your fans say is the worst division in the NFL;

FACT: You have overpaid deadbeats on your roster that will send you into salary cap hell;

FACT: Your fans call for the heads of their coach and player after each loss.

In short, Pissburgh just doesn't matter. I don't blame you jumping off the wagon to be a Bengals fan.

Hey, I could insult your city, but that has nothing to do with football. Straighten your pocket protector.

FACT: Baltimore has as many NFL championships as Sh*tsburgh .......... in 1/2 the time;

FACT: Your team is in last place in what your fans say is the worst division in the NFL;

Okay, I respect that you say Baltimore has all those championships, but I would disagree with you on that. I'm sure they got packed up and moved by the Mayflower people in 1986 (And I'll go on record saying that any owner that moves his team (unless they move from LA) is a sorry sack of s**t) Those championships were won by the colts, not the city of Baltimore.

Actually, the Steelers are tied with Cleveland for last place...life is good :D


"I'm pretty sure you can't add together the championships that are sitting in Indianapolis and the one from the Ravens. When your crappy owner left you like an ugly prom date, he took the trophy case too. "


Chicago, after reading several of your posts, you're obviously "sure" of nothing. I'm curious is "billfromhanover" hiding behind your shirts?


The championships were won by the Baltimore Colts ... you're correct. Therefore, Baltimore has been the host of as many championship football seasons as Pittsburgh.

I must be missing the point being made? Can you help me with that?

Go Ravens ... The stadium is gonna be ROCKIN'!!!!!! I couldn't hear myself think at the end of the Seahawks game - when the stadium was half-filled. I remember the Denver playoff game - that place was deafening and I took 5 days to get my voice back. This weekend is going to have a serious playoff feel to it. Tailgating begins 5 hours before game time. See you other Ravens fans there!!!

And for those Bengal fans who ARE coming - be ready for some SERIOUS crap from the home crowd. We were relentless on the Seahawk and 49ers fans. Every since that Seahawks game - this team has become more of a family - including the 12th man. We take our house VERY seriously. For the rest of you who won't be there - have fun screaming at the TV. At least you'll be closer to a cleaner toilet when you need to throw up out of disgust. Heck - maybe Cory will walk off the field and quit mid-game again this year. That's always good for a laugh.


"Okay, I respect that you say Baltimore has all those championships, but I would disagree with you on that. "


kevnz, if I said the sky was blue, you would disagree.

I would have to disagree with that as well, at this moment it is Blue, a bit cloudy, but blue none-the-less. blue just like the Ravens are gonna be after this Sunday.


"I would have to disagree with that as well, at this moment it is Blue, a bit cloudy, but blue none-the-less. blue just like the Ravens are gonna be after this Sunday. "


I disagree. Since you don't watch the games you won't know what color anything is. :P


Yeah JohnnieEggo, but I still no more about football than you do so put that in your pipe and smoke it you dip....

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