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I know, I know, go ahead call me crazy, but I think if the Bengals can pull out a victory this week in Baltimore, and go into New England next week and have a miracle victory. They will be able to cash in their ticket for their first playoff appearance in fffffoooorrrever! And no I'm not on crack....I've done a tid bit of research on this (looked over the remaining schedules of the possible wildcard teams). I think it can for the most part be presumed that New England, Indianopolis, Pittsburg are going to win there division. Oh and I forgot to mention another gigantic game that will be taking place this weekend that will have a major impact on the home teams amazing ascension into the playoffs.....San Diego has to beat Denver this weekend. San Diego is playing at home and has been playing solid football lately so this isn't out of the question. With a win against Baltimore and a Denver loss to San Diego the Bengals will pull within one game of the final wild card. The other wild card is going to the jets most likely. Then the Bengals come home to play the Bills and the Giants and with the Bengals pulling off two improbable wins at Baltimore and New England I seriously doubt either the Bills or Giants are going to come into our jungle and pull out a W, because the crowd noise will be suffocating. Then some of you ask how in the world are they going to go into Philly and beat the Eagles.....Well by the good graces of the lord and the weak NFC the Eagles will have home field advantage clinched and will take week 17 to give their star players a rest. McNabb....Owens...and company will probably not play much more than the 1st quarter, because the Eagles won't risk injuries to thier stars in a meaningless game. So now the Bengals are 10 and 6:) Now to eliminate the other teams through deductive reasoning. First off the Jaguars. I'll make this short and sweet....the Jaguars aren't making the playoffs! So I'll take them out of the picture. Next the Ravens....The Birds will be 7-5 after the Bengals hang an L on them at their place with two blistering matchups still left on their schedule. They have to go into Pittsburgh and into Indianopolis down the stretch. The Ravens are a good team, but the Blitzburgh D will have Boller head spinning and as great as their D might be the won't be able to hang with the Colts in the Dome. Ravens final record 9-7. Last of all the freagin Broncos! I'm going to be p.o. if these bums jockey out the Bengals for the last wild card, but luckily that Monday night loss will be looming large in this equation. I personally think the Broncos will not go into K.C. down the stretch and pull out a crucial victory, and K.C. doesn't get them let's hope that the Colts still have a reason to be playing come week 17 because they will be hosting the Broncos. Either way I see the Broncos losing one of those games. Broncos final record 10-6. SO BY WAY OF HEAD TO HEAD TIE BREAKER THE BENGALS GO TO THE PLAYOFFS!!!!!! YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST!!!!:)

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Well as much as i would love to agree with you, i don't see it happening this year. I just don't think and 8-8 record is going to buy us a playoff spot. Now if we played in the NFC on the otherhand, we'd be in there like swimwear! You have to figure that Indy, New England, Pittsburgh and San Diego are going to win the division titles and i see the next four being : NYJ, Denver, Baltimore and Denver. The reason I say Baltimore over us is that the can win 2 more games, finish 9-6 and steal a spot from us, even if we beat them this week. Oh well, we can use the experience to carry on towards next year.

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Jesus, I thought I was optimistic.

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We must keep the faith as the original poster "Joseph" (and his amazing technicoloured recreational drugs) has said.

I believe we can beat Baltimore

I believe we can beat New England

I believe we can beat Philly

I believe we can beat all three down the stretch

I believe we can make the play-offs this year

I believe I need to lie down in a dark room.

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Hey, miracles happen, and right now we can be a dangerous team. We are playing aggressive offense, our secondary is sound (except for the Clowns game) and our D line is improving; the rookies are having fun. It is not impossible, even though I wouldn't bet my house on it. I seriously see an upset in Baltimore this Sunday and from there the momentum could carry us thru to our goal....Who Dey!!!!! :player:

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What is remarkable to me is this: that for the second year in a row, the Bengals' playoff hopes are still alive going into December. Our chances of getting in may be vanishingly small -- but they are still there.

This after the vast wasteland that was the Lost Decade-Plus. Season after season in which the Bengals went 0-6, 0-7, 0-8 and were out of the running before Halloween. While fans of other teams spun playoff scenarios and cheered their club on, November and December were a string of death marches into the offseason for Bengals backers. And they were marches without hope, for we knew nothing would change. Coaches would not be held accountable. Underperforming players would not be let go. There would be no new scouts to improve our poor draft record. All our team president and GM would say was things like "one day it will all come together and we'll win." If Apocalypse Now were about football instead of Vietnam, it would be a movie about the Bengals. We were indeed in the Heart of Darkness, and all a Bengals fan could do was hang their head and mutter, "the horror...the horror."

But that's over now. The memory lingers; like Marley's ghost, many Bengals fans still wear the chains they forged in those dark years, dragging behind them Mikey and Katie, Shula and Coslet, Ki-Jana and Pickens, Akili and Dillon. But it is, indeed, over. Are the Bengals where they need to be? No, obviously, not yet. But two straight years of still being in it in December, after so many years of not being in it at all, whispers of better days ahead.

Hang in there, Bengals. Beat Baltimore. Ya may not make it, but you're not dead yet. And in December, that's an amazing thing.

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There is a POSSIBILITY that we could make the playoffs, but look at who we have to beat:

Resurgent Buffalo

New England (maybe you've heard of them)

Philadelphia (Only the third team since 1970 to clinch a division in November)

I'm not saying we can't make the playoffs, but I AM saying that it'll be harder than pushing molasses uphill in january with a fork.

I think we can swing 8-8. That's not impossible. We can beat Baltimore, no doubt about it. And we can beat the Giants, because Tom Coughlin made the worst decision in the history of pro sports in starting Manning.

But those three teams above? It's gonna take some miracles for this team to win out.

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Buffalo will go down like Garcia on "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"!

We can win this one. Bledsoe has had 1 good game all year, and they haven't played as many tough teams as we have.

New England will be a tough game, and we will most likely win.

Philly clinching a playoff stop in november is the BEST thing that could possibly happen for us. By the last week, they should have home field sewn up and will play backups!

The playoffs probably won't happen, but THEY COULD. We should finish at least 8-8 again, and that's something to get excited about considering our slow start and the percentage of starters who ended up on the IR.

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Buffalo is a toss-up, IMHO. We did take them into OT in Buffalo last year, so resurgent or not I give the bengals a chance there.

If we go to Foxboro and beat the Pats, I am going to start going to church on a daily basis, because the end is surely nigh.

The Philly game looks like an L, too, though Philly is a weird team. One game they look like champs, the next week it takes them OT to beat the Clowns. And if the game turns out to be meaningless for them, which is likely given the poor state of the NFC, they may choose not to risk key players like TO.

The real problem, as I've said elsewhere, is that even if the Bengals do by some miracle (and it would be a miracle) win out, they still need a laundry list of unlikely things to happen, things like the Giants beating Baltimore and the Fins beating Denver in week 14, for example.

But it's fun to think about. And it sure beats debating draft picks!

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this dude has lost his mind. no way we win this week or next week theres just no way!

I dunno man, we can win this week. Baltimore is great but with J. Lewis out, that takes out most their offense. If Cincy's D plays great like earlier not like last week, and our offense plays well minus the interceptions-its do able. Baltimore's D is scary, but we just need to play good on offense. If Carson can continue to get better, minus the picks, we got a pretty good shot.

Next week however, will be very, very tough and almost unrealistic to pull out a W. But hey you never know what could happen, Monday vs Denver, Last year vs KC, etc. There are huge upsets but this one would be insane.

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Philly is a weird team, but the Philly game is the last game of the season. Philly already has their division won. If the continue as they are and get home field advantage before the final game of the season, they won't have reason to fight very hard. They wouldn't want to get anyone injured and there would be no benefit from winning the game. Some of the starters wind up on the bench and the second string gets some practice in. Given that scenario, the Philly game is very winnable.

Buffalo and the Giants are both at home. They are beatable teams. Buffalo is doing better, but so are we. Going into New England and pulling off a victory would be amazing. New England can be beaten and there is a possibility that we could win, but the odds are slim. Everything hinges on this Baltimore game. Win that game and we're at .500 with a chance. Lose that game and we will need to win out. Baltimore has had our number in recent years -- but all bad things must come to an end.

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Just for kicks I popped out to profootball-reference.com to see how our record after 11 games stacks up to years past. So set the wayback machine for 1991 and...

1991: 1-10

1992: 4-7

1993: 1-10

1994: 2-9

1995: 4-7

1996: 4-7

1997: 3-8

1998: 2-9

1999: 1-10

2000: 2-9

2001: 4-7

2002: 1-10

2003: 6-5

2004: 5-6

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Houston will lose at lease one more game. They are too inconsistent.

Denver plays at San Diego and is at home to Indy.

Jacksonville plays Pittsburgh this week and at Green Bay in a couple weeks.

Baltimore plays at Pittsburgh and at Indy.

Looks like it's possible for Houston, Jax, Denver, and Baltimore to lose enough games for us to get squeak past. BELIEVE!

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Houston will lose at lease one more game.  They are too inconsistent.

Denver plays at San Diego and is at home to Indy.

Jacksonville plays Pittsburgh this week and at Green Bay in a couple weeks.

Baltimore plays at Pittsburgh and at Indy.

Looks like it's possible for Houston, Jax, Denver, and Baltimore to lose enough games for us to get squeak past.  BELIEVE!

Well don't forget the Hard part.

We would HAVE to Run-The-Table and WIN-OUT our last five Games....

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um kids...I just want to say something...

If, in this fantasy land, all the good teams choke, and you guys squeak in, do you really just want to get destroyed in the first round?

Then again, in this world where you can beat us and New England, you may just be fine. As long as you don't run into Pittsburgh again.

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