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Our offense didn't lose this game, our defense did.

They certainly didn't win it either, did they?

Ten dropped passes, inability to pick up blitz, 18 total rushing attempts (only 6 in the second half), interception, seven 3-and-outs, 8 punts.

Tell me, what does the offense have to do for anyone to say, "now wait a minute, that offense isn't good at all?"

I can see Joisey cracking his fingers, making a cup of tea -- earl gray, hot -- putting on his Bengals construction helmet with a cigarette in his mouth getting ready to prove the offense is the blame on this one. :P^_^

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The offense wasn't perfect, but 17 points beats 9 of the 25 other teams to play so far this weekend.

An offense taking advantage of a defense that allows 34 points beats all but two teams in the league.

Hell, the big plays alone that our defense allowed were worth more yards than about half the teams that played this weekend.

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The offense wasn't perfect, but 17 points beats 9 of the 25 other teams to play so far this weekend.

That's thing. The offense got the ball as a result of the defense on awesome field position.

Here's a points breakdown.

First 7: Defensive TD by KK on a fumble caused by Herring.

Second 7: Defensive INT by James, returned to the Cleveland 17.

Last 3: Garcia fumble caused by Landon. Offense starts at Cleveland's 20 yard-line.

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I can see Joisey cracking his fingers, making a cup of tea -- earl gray, hot -- putting on his Bengals construction helmet with a cigarette in his mouth getting ready to prove the offense is the blame on this one. :P^_^

First, I hate tea. Except for the Long Island variety, of course... :P

Second, yesterday was a group effort. In the end, though, I have to pin in on the offense more than the defense. Our alleged offense gained 189 total yards yesterday, and third of that came on a meaningless (and scoreless) final drive when we were down 17 points and the Browns were playing soft to run out the clock. The O actually scored 10 whole points. They were 1 for 13 on 3rd down!

As of right now, the Bengals are something like 28th in points scored, and 25th in points allowed. Last year, they were 28th in points allowed, and 13th in points scored.

Yes, the defense sucks donkey cajones. But that isn't why we're losing...

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Yes it is! The offense was pi$$-poor but the D was atrocious. The simple rule on defence is "Don't concede any more than you score." The D conceded 34 and scored 6. Not good enough by a country mile. Has any team EVER conceded 34 points and won? I don't fcuking think so.

I do concede that the Offense should have done a lot more with the 3 turnovers (not counting #4 cos KK took it in for 6), but I'm not in the habit of blaming the Offense for not winning games on their own, which is what they had to do yesterday.

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can anyone tell me the TOP for both teams? I swear it was like 38-22 browns favor. They had the ball alot cuz we werent putting anything together....the defense will get tired if they have to be out there the whole game. Our offense is partly to blame for this loss like ive been saying....

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can anyone tell me the TOP for both teams? I swear it was like 38-22 browns favor. They had the ball alot cuz we werent putting anything together....the defense will get tired if they have to be out there the whole game. Our offense is partly to blame for this loss like ive been saying....

Cincinnati: 23:41

Cleveland: 36:19

Doesn't anyone do research anymore on their own... shesh. B)

I think the Bengals defined exactly what it means to lose as a team.

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We gave up 38 to Gaycia last year and won 41-38 (by the hair of our teeth).

From what I saw Sunday, That Bangals team, and this one are worlds apart.

On defense? No, they're the same sh*tty squad. Which should not surprise anyone who has been paying attention since the beginning of the year.

On offense? You're absolutely right. Last year we had an offense that was capable of overcoming our asshat D. This year -- to date -- we don't.

For those looking for some hope, we are right now eerily identical to last year. After 5 games in '03, we were 1-4, had scored 77 and allowed 106. This year, we're 1-4, having scored 83 and allowed 129. But last year, the team's offense suddenly ignited. The Bengals went 7-2 over the next 9 games, scoring at least 24 points in each win (41, 34 3 times, 27, and 24 twice). The defense was of little help; the biggest margin of victory was 7 points over SD, 34-27.

So maybe history is on the verge of repeating itself. Maybe Chad will finally remember how to catch, the line recall how to run block, the light bulb pop on for Palmer, etc.

Of course, maybe Publisher's Clearinghouse will show up at my door with a $10 million check, too... :rolleyes:

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We gave up 38 to Gaycia last year and won 41-38 (by the hair of our teeth).

From what I saw Sunday, That Bangals team, and this one are worlds apart.

On defense? No, they're the same sh*tty squad. Which should not surprise anyone who has been paying attention since the beginning of the year.

On offense? You're absolutely right. Last year we had an offense that was capable of overcoming our asshat D. This year -- to date -- we don't.

For those looking for some hope, we are right now eerily identical to last year. After 5 games in '03, we were 1-4, had scored 77 and allowed 106. This year, we're 1-4, having scored 83 and allowed 129. But last year, the team's offense suddenly ignited. The Bengals went 7-2 over the next 9 games, scoring at least 24 points in each win (41, 34 3 times, 27, and 24 twice). The defense was of little help; the biggest margin of victory was 7 points over SD, 34-27.

So maybe history is on the verge of repeating itself. Maybe Chad will finally remember how to catch, the line recall how to run block, the light bulb pop on for Palmer, etc.

Of course, maybe Publisher's Clearinghouse will show up at my door with a $10 million check, too... :rolleyes:

Kitna was afraid of losing his job last year, that explains that resurgence.

(I didn't know Publisher's Clearing House still exists? I didn't see them on the Super Bowl half time this year. Then again, I didn't see it either, so....)

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10 drops, including one gimme in the end zone by Squirrel. Chad dropped 4 easy ones. Clock management is horrid. Stupid penalties continue. No discipline or confidence in them, it's almost as if Marvin has lost them.

How can any team win with that many dropped passes and then sit on the sidelines for 8 minutes while the Browns coast down the field the entire game and score? Ecspecially after turning it over 4 times!

It was pathetic and sad to watch.

Lewis' whole thing about him calling the defense and saying it's not the play-calling or the game plan, was odd also.

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A small peek at our offensive futility, courtesy of today's Post...

Out of 23 first-down plays, the Bengals gained 80 yards. They ran the ball 10 times and passed 13 plays, but only seven times did they gain at least five yards on first down. Palmer's lone interception came on a first down, and 12 other times the Bengals couldn't gain more than one yard to start a series.

Second down was a little better but not by much. The Bengals gained 79 yards on 19 second-down plays, although they did pick up six of their 11 first downs (one via a roughing-the-passer penalty).

Such a lack of proficiency on first and second down left the Bengals needing to pick up an average of 7.8 yards on third down. While third-and-2 may favor the offense, third-and-8 is definitely an advantage for a defense.

Note that to Conan's original point when he started this thread, they aren't stinting the run, at least on 1st down. It just isn't getting the job done. And it's tough to call a run or third-and-7 or -8.

One thought that occurs to me about the offense is that we have lots of options to go downfield -- CJ, TJ, K-wash -- as well as three RBs for close-in action...but with Warrick on the bench, no stud TE (tho Schobel gets some props for his TD catch Sunday), and our starting RB not an especially proficient receiver, we don't have much in the way of "medium" yardage specialists. Which also explains our struggles in the red zone. The obvious answer is to get Perry into the game; he came in here billed as the complete back who could block, run and pass, which is exactly what we need.

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7 teams that had RBs that ran for over 100 yards or more--7 wins.

Drunkowski, what does that mean to you???


I agree with you on this one B. Running the ball and controlling the clock is one way to keep your crappy defense off of the field. I would rather go three-and-out on three straight dive plays than one run and two passes or three passes.

Once again Palmer threw 35+ passes.

When will BB learn?

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