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Rueben Droughns


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I'm officially scared of what could implode monday at paul brown stadium.

the guy ran for 193yds vs carolina and now 173 more vs the raiders( who have warren sapp and ted washington on the d line, they're overrated but cmon 173 yds?). Were ranked dead last in run defense, I've got a bad feeling that he might be going for the record books, especially after what corey dillon did to shanahan 3 years go, u know he has to still remember that. all i know is i'm playing him on my fantasy team. I'll be there Monday night, but i don't know for how long if our defense plays the way they have been.

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I don't see much changing over the next week, and the Broncos could put me in at RB and gett 100 yds against a good D...I'm not looking forward to what Droughns can do against the Bengals D.

Maybe I'll try to find something to get me out of the house and away from all bars next Monday. That way I'll only have to check the computer for the aftermath.

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Nah, you guys got it all wrong. Come Monday night, the defense gives up less than 50 yards on the ground, picks Plummer three times and sacks him six, while the offense rolls with 150 yards and two TDs on the ground and 250 yards and 3 TDs through the air. The Bengals win 35-6 and all of us sit around here until 5 a.m. Tuesday morning asking, where the h&ll has this team been all year. We then get all fired up with comparisions to last year and the 7-2 run that started in game 6, and we read lots of stories on bengals.com about how it's finally coming together.

The we go to Tenn & give up 300 yards to Chris Brown, 350 to McNair, and lose 61-7. :rolleyes:

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Nah, you guys got it all wrong. Come Monday night, the defense gives up less than 50 yards on the ground, picks Plummer three times and sacks him six, while the offense rolls with 150 yards and two TDs on the ground and 250 yards and 3 TDs through the air. The Bengals win 35-6 and all of us sit around here until 5 a.m. Tuesday morning asking, where the h&ll has this team been all year. We then get all fired up with comparisions to last year and the 7-2 run that started in game 6, and we read lots of stories on bengals.com about how it's finally coming together.

The we go to Tenn & give up 300 yards to Chris Brown, 350 to McNair, and lose 61-7. :rolleyes:

LOL You know, that sounds about right the way this franchise goes....

You forgot the 60 yard field goal though....

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I'm looking forward to the game on Sunday. I just hope your team has a good week at practice.. your run defense sounds.. bad.

I hope the Broncos show up to play on Sunday instead of Monday night!!! :lol:

Don't worry, we'd probably still lose. First we'd lose the coin toss, then we'd commit 5 or 6 straight penalties on offense to back us up against our own goal line, and finally Palmer would trip over Braham's foot taking the snap and go down in the end zone for a safety. That'd put the Broncs up by 2, after which our inability to run or catch the ball would doom us... :P

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The Broncos seem to stick any schelp back there and their system and o-line is so good that just about any NFL caliber back can run for 100+ every week.

I saw Shanahan talk about his run game on TV last week. He has the running game set so that the RB has 3 options each time he touches the ball, all he has to do is read his blockers to see where the D has left him a hole. Then the Broncos are so good at blocking that the RB generally doesn't have to worry about getting hit until he's already gained 3-5 yards.

Going against the Bengals D I think that scheme will work very well, and Plummer should see plenty of Man coverage as the Bengals cheat the safeties up to help with the run.

As far as the Bengals' offense, Chad will see Champ Bailey all day, and even though he was able to burn him in the Pro Bowl it'll probably be a different story Monday night.

I want to be optimistic about this game, and see the team turn it around like they did last year, but I don't see that same attitude that they had last year or the confidence. We can only wait and see.

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Well, this is my first post on your fine Bengal board so...


Quote of a message I posted on another board...

Well it's gonna be tough for you guys but Broncos DO have its flaws in the D too, some of which are fatal in most cases.

Lets have a look at what happened in the game against Bucs...

Clayton fell while catching it at 40 yards, Lynch touched him as he got back up without the knees being on the ground. Clayton continued and made it to the end zone without the helmet.

Big mistake by our team, the exact same thing happened last season against Colts.

Anyway, if our defense and offense (DROUGHNS!) can keep it going then you're in for some serious trouble, I guarantee you that much! 

Broncos will beat the Bengals 30-10...

I hope I'm wrong though, I would love to see you guys give us a run for the money and turn it into a real game! B)

Good luck monday night guys! ;)

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Well, this is my first post on your fine Bengal board so...


Anyway, if our defense and offense (DROUGHNS!) can keep it going then you're in for some serious trouble, I guarantee you that much! 

Broncos will beat the Bengals 30-10...

I hope I'm wrong though, I would love to see you guys give us a run for the money and turn it into a real game! B)

Good luck monday night guys! ;)

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Hey sbound, welcome to our forums! First off, save the "Broncos will beat the Bengals 30-10...I hope I'm wrong though." comments. We know damn well you don't. Hell, I know I wouldn't. I love it when my team is winning a blowout! No stress, lotsa laughs, the beers go down real smooth, and all is right with the world...uhh, well at least that's as close as how I can remember it was. It HAS been quite a long time since we've been on the good end of a blowout ya' know!

This game has all the hallmarks of such a blowout. Our defense (and that is a very liberal application of the word!) has actually surpassed their poor level of play from last season and have firmly grasped the crown as the leagues worst. Especially against the run, and with the Bronco's running game looming on Monday, it could very well turn into a blowout in short order.

Our only hope is for Jake to go on one of his streaks of throwing interceptions, but why do that when he can simply hand the ball off and watch your backs stroll into the endzone like dancers in a dance hall conga line! But you never know. It IS in Cincy and the crowd may be a factor. Wheather or not they get anything to cheer about remains to be seen. I'll consider it a victory if the Bengals can lose by less than double digits!

Well you're right, I WOULD be hoping for a total blowout against most teams, especially against teams such as 49'ers, Raiders (consider it done, lol) and Chiefs.

However, it's different with teams such as the Bengals and Colts though, they're among the teams I like quite alot too!

Don't get me wrong though, no other NFL team comes close to the Broncos, that's MY team but I'm definately not hoping for a blowout against the Bengals, seriously ;)

What I'm really hoping for is a game that will be as intense as never before, hopefully the Broncos will win in OT (say 30-27?) B)

I don't need my team to win another blowout, not against the Bengals or the Colts anyway.

Unlike others, I'm fine as long as my team is winning, a blowout doesn't prove anything to me, I already know my team is outstanding and worthy a spot in this yr's SB ;)

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Myself and other Bengals fans will be extremely disappointed if our team does not give a good fight. The lowly sometimes beat the powerful in a game like this, where the Bengals don't seem to have much of a chance. One would think their manhood would be challenged, especially after such a horrible game against the Browns, a very beatable team.

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