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Marvin Lewis


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Agree 100%. Where are all these young studs? Where the he11 is Patrick Johnson? Oh that's right, CUT. Nate Webster is OUT. Herring is OUT. Deltha has only played 2 games COUNTING preseason. Caleb Miller looks like a boy in a man's game. Perry is a ghost. Landon Johnson is M.I.A. Stacy Andrews is a fat, underdevolped project. Other than that, I am happy with our offseason moves.

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Other than that, I am happy with our offseason moves.

The offseason moves were made with an eye on next year and the years after. Just because Marvin didn't put a band-aid on the team and hope to go 9-7 and sneak in the playoffs to appease whiney bitchy fans and the cost of years of success doesn't mean the offseason was bad. Everyone in the press says that this team is built for a major run next year, hence the projects in people like S Andrews, Geathers , and Askew. Players that are projected to be starting next year. Will they compete this year. Uh, sometimes...If they can fricking tackle but Marvin is here for 5 years and he wants to win for most of those years. If a player ain't gonna help get this team to the Super Bowl within the next few years theirs no point sticking with them. Does that mean there will be some growing pains? Yep, but the risk is worth the reward. Otherwise you get the mess that Washington has had the past 5 years....spend spend spend and not a damn thing to show for it but a nasty cap hell in the next 2 years and not even the first trip to the playoffs

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Other than that, I am happy with our offseason moves.

The offseason moves were made with an eye on next year and the years after. Just because Marvin didn't put a band-aid on the team and hope to go 9-7 and sneak in the playoffs to appease whiney bitchy fans and the cost of years of success doesn't mean the offseason was bad. Everyone in the press says that this team is built for a major run next year, hence the projects in people like S Andrews, Geathers , and Askew. Players that are projected to be starting next year. Will they compete this year. Uh, sometimes...If they can fricking tackle but Marvin is here for 5 years and he wants to win for most of those years. If a player ain't gonna help get this team to the Super Bowl within the next few years theirs no point sticking with them. Does that mean there will be some growing pains? Yep, but the risk is worth the reward. Otherwise you get the mess that Washington has had the past 5 years....spend spend spend and not a damn thing to show for it but a nasty cap hell in the next 2 years and not even the first trip to the playoffs

I'm with ya, Brother Kev! Preach on!

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Other than that, I am happy with our offseason moves.

The offseason moves were made with an eye on next year and the years after. Just because Marvin didn't put a band-aid on the team and hope to go 9-7 and sneak in the playoffs to appease whiney bitchy fans and the cost of years of success doesn't mean the offseason was bad. Everyone in the press says that this team is built for a major run next year, hence the projects in people like S Andrews, Geathers , and Askew. Players that are projected to be starting next year. Will they compete this year. Uh, sometimes...If they can fricking tackle but Marvin is here for 5 years and he wants to win for most of those years. If a player ain't gonna help get this team to the Super Bowl within the next few years theirs no point sticking with them. Does that mean there will be some growing pains? Yep, but the risk is worth the reward. Otherwise you get the mess that Washington has had the past 5 years....spend spend spend and not a damn thing to show for it but a nasty cap hell in the next 2 years and not even the first trip to the playoffs

Good post B)

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WAIT A MINUTE!!! I am usually dont say much in the forum i just like to read what people have to say but this is not right!!! When the Bengals win Lewis is being called the black jesus but when they go 1-3 all of a sudden he is out of steam??? GIVE ME A BREAK, Marvin IS THE BENGALS!!!! With out him we are nothing and he is the future of this team. We owe everything to him. Think about it we are all bengals fans and we are actually talking about going to the playoffs!! That seem a little strange for bengals fans talking about going ot the playoffs. But this is not the old bengals and we will go to the playoffs. But its not just about this season, its Lewis's plan to focus on the future of this ball club. People think about this year only, Marvin is not doing that. Ya i am sure if he played his cards right we COULD MAYBE barly make it to the playoffs and thats it. Then next year we would be a year behind. Its not about this year, ya this year is very important but we want to get to the play offs the RIGHT way. With a young team that is maturing and growing together, a team that will grow as a team and will be VERY SUCCESSFUL. He is a great coach that is still learning with his players. PEOPLE want to come to cincy to play for him and that is going to be more and more commen.

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Who is going to step up now? I think we all have been waiting quite long enough.

Marvin says he is not in panic mode.....he better get in panic mode...the train is out of steam.

The sky is falling! Oh No! :o

No, Marvin is FINE..

Dave Wannstedt is the one who needs to be worried....

I don't even know why I bother to respond to these posts.

Acute Bengalitis

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Who is going to step up now?  I think we all have been waiting quite long enough.

Marvin says he is not in panic mode.....he better get in panic mode...the train is out of steam.

The sky is falling! Oh No! :o

No, Marvin is FINE..

Dave Wannstedt is the one who needs to be worried....

I don't even know why I bother to respond to these posts.

Acute Bengalitis

I agree this is a stupid post NO WAY should we be questioning Marvin Lewis's ability as a coach. Even if he does make a mistake or make a bad desicion who cares. This is his second year as being head coach chill out. Look at his REG season stats and look at the WIN and LOSE area over this season and last season. I know its under 500 not sure exactly should be like 9-10. No its not great but its not that damn bad, and a HUGE start of something great. I have been a bengals fan even when it seemed that NO ONE else was, and now that they shown with some work they are going to be a major contender in the NFL it seems like there is a lot more Bengals fans, and then when they lose a few games it seems that a lot of fans have kinda left the scene. NO ONE likes a losing team but this is just a start. THIS IS A GREAT TEAM that just needs molded somewhat and they will get molded into shape VERY VERY SOON!!


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Agree 100%. Where are all these young studs? Where the he11 is Patrick Johnson? Oh that's right, CUT. Nate Webster is OUT. Herring is OUT. Deltha has only played 2 games COUNTING preseason. Caleb Miller looks like a boy in a man's game. Perry is a ghost. Landon Johnson is M.I.A. Stacy Andrews is a fat, underdevolped project. Other than that, I am happy with our offseason moves.

Wait a sec--Bax makes an excellent point about the "Offseason Moves". The Defensive Line WASN'T ignored, it's because the Bungles' Front Office couldn't come through in the clutch. Let's rehash for a moment:

1. DT/DE was totally ignored in the 1st couple of rounds of this year's draft. Obviously, the Bungles needed help here.

2. So, the worst kept secret of this year's offseason, the signing of Warren Sapp falls through--even when the deal is pretty much A DONE DEAL--then someone (it is unclear if Marvin or Mikey pulled the carpet out under the deal but....) pulls the contract from the table. Sapp would have been overpriced, but would have gave the Bungles credibility in the big-time FA Signings. More FA's would have taken the Bungles seriously again.

3. Then we get to one of the worst offseason happenings in quite sometime--the DT signing that was supposed to give Bungle Fans hope--Gardner--COULDN'T EVEN PASS HIS f**king PHYSICAL!!!!

Now, how pathetic is this?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?

Then you have a Marvin Lewis coming back to the press, after everything fell through for acquiring a FA on the Defensive Line and says:

"We're going with what we have. We're confident that what we have is good enough." (paraphrasing to prove a point) Weeeeeelllllllll, obviously it wasn't!!!

So, how is this not "puppeteering" Marvin Lewis from the Front Office, again?????

Pinoccio wasn't even THIS PUPPETEERED!!!!!!


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I could not have said it better!!! The problem with this year club started with the lack of signing quality free agents and drafting horribly.

The fact that we have guys on defense that Marvin &/or Mikey liked and signed over the past few years that are average players at best does not bold well for Marvin within the next couple of years. Its going to end up being a revolving door until we get people that can come in and make plays unlike the scrubs below are who we chose to go after as oppsed to signing legitamate players like Sapp, Ted Washington and re-signing Spikes etc.

Tory James --- via Raiders --- Aged - Can't cover or tackle. Hymes looked like an all pro

Kevin Hardy--- via Cowboys --- Aged - When was the last time he made more than 5 solo tackles in a game (gotta be since Jacksonville)

Rogers Beckett--- via waiver from Chargers --- No comment

Kim Herring --- via Rams --- Injury prone

Nate Webster --- via Bucs --- career backup for a reason

Duane Clemens --- via Chiefs --- Average at best forte is pass rushing

Kevin Kaesviharn --- resign --- 240 lbs vs 190 lbs at best playing safty is not going cut it in this division thats, which is quit obvious after Sunday

Bobbie Williams --- via Eagles --- Career backup solid with run game but below avg pass blocking

Patrick Johnson --- via Redskins --- Avg 15 catches a season, his ego would make you believe it was 15 catches a game

Larry Moore --- via Redskins --- Solid backup

Rich Braham --- resign --- This will be his last yr playing football

All that being said the best you could do in the draft with your blaring needs on the defensive front was to draft a RB, CB, S

The corner I might add now sits behind Rashad Bauman who they just brought in from the Redskins...

Ineptness in April has led to Ineptness during the season.

Lets fact it were staring 5-11 if were lucky.

Fab Five

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Why are we always giving him the benefit of the doubt. One 8-8 season wasn't enough in my mind. I think he made foolish draft choices and I think he is stubborn with some free agents. I know he has a plan, but lets not treat him like hes a Lombardi or Parcells just yet. In Marvin I am starting to DIStrust. Plus, he is cocky and arrogant to the media and if you don't believe me just turn on the radio in this city and see what is being saud.

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I think he made foolish draft choices

As the season goes into week #4, the lack of utilization of our #1 pick Chris Perry, (yeah, I know he was nicked up a little, but he sure ain't THAT nicked up!) while the defensive line continues to get their collective butts handed to them game after game is really starting to work on me as far as this "Faith" issue with the Marvin.

I know he has a plan, but it doesn't seem to move too far until a wheel falls off, (by this I mean a player they got to be a force at a particular position is anything BUT a force. <_< ) or some other setback occurs! It's seems then the coaches are scrambling to make do with whoever we can. That sounds more of the definition of chaos than a "plan."

I'm not jumping off of anything. Not close, nor will I ever be. BUT...you can't observe what has happened so far this season defensively, compare it to the poor level of play from last years hidious defense, (the very one that the coaching staff promised to address and make improvements on, mind you!) without starting to have some reservations!

Do you suppose our defensive coordinator Leslie Frazier can pick up his paycheck on payday without feeling just a little bit guilty?

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Man you guys are quick to jump off the band wagon and on to Marvin's back.

I think he is doing a good job for what has happened so far.

The Bengals didn't get the great free agents pick ups but it wasn't like years past were we didn't even put out offers. We had offers out to all the big agents and most picked other teams. The Bengals rep of being a bad team to play for is still out there. Is this year going to change that? its hard to say it's still early. The team could turn around. Just think last year at this time they didn't even have a win. So you never know whats going to happen. I say wait and see before you start lumping the free agents as bust.

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I disagree that Marvin Lewis was 'outcoached' this past week. If anything, the Bengals were simply physically overmatched by the Ravens. Didn't Jamal Lewis look like a man among boys out there? The best defensive scheme in the world matters little if the defenders insist on arm tackling.

As others have said, the Bengals offseason was geared towards long term performance, and if it costs them the playoffs in 2004, so be it. The playoffs can't hold a candle to a Super Bowl victory.

I see one long-term problem with the Bengals, and thats the lack of a true GM. As far as I know, Belichick is the only head coach/GM who has met with true success, otherwise those arrangements have always fallen flat. Thats not to say that Lewis can't make it work, but I think the coach-as-GM is a mistake. Hopefully it won't cost the Bengals a missed opportunity to do something special. There are already some guys in place that can get this team to the top of the NFL.

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Well Tampa, won't you agree free agents aside, they passed up too many GOLDEN opportunities to pick up some defensive players in the draft? Many of which are already making an impact, and even a few who are starting on the teams that drafted them! And most of those teams had far fewer, not to mention later picks than did the Bengals!!

I just feel it was such a great opportunity lost. But conversely, if the defense's improvement continues at it's present pace, Cincinnati will be enjoying a earlier draft number than last season! :angry:

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How is our defense any better than last year? It's not and might be worse.

Why did we draft undersized LB when DT and DE were available? It doesn't make sense.

We have a 2nd rd CB who can't make the line up and a 1st rd running back that

doesn't start. How many" projects" do we have on the roster....way more than we can afford.

Who the hell is going to stand up and be accountable?

I think that person is Marvin. The honeymoon is over. Can this team win 5 games this year? I don't think so or if so this week in Pittsburgh better be one of them. I would like some one out there to tell me the games they think we are going to win?

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Who the hell is going to stand up and be accountable?

I think that person is Marvin. The honeymoon is over.

Yup. Let's just can his obviously incompetent butt. He comes in here and takes over a 2-14 team that was clearly going places and the best he can do is 9-10 (.473) since? You call that "improvement"? Hah! And all these new coaches, what have they dne? We should have given Kenny Anderson the head coach's job and kept solid staffers like Krumrie, Wood and Roberts. They were due for a turnaround. We definitely would have been better than .500 last year under them!

As for this year's draft, you're right, it's plainly a failure. Three games is certainly enough time to judge our rookies, and it's clear that they're all bums. If you bet on them all to be out of the NFL within three years, it's like money in the bank.

Pah! Ony 1 win in the first 3 games. May as well stop watching games and spend Sunday's raking leaves. They're done. And as long as Marvin Lewis is coach you can forget about them ever getting any better.


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