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Good game last night


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Hey everyone, I'm new to the board. Finally, a board where not everyone is so damn negative. Does anyone read Jungle Noise? Every person on there is bashin the team. I'm not sayin that the Bengals are the best team in the league and they have nothing they need to work on but come on, you gotta have FAITH in your team!

The Jungle looked great last night on SNF. The new field turf, the walls, the jerseys, the fans, everything looked great.

Overall, I think the team looked good last night. The defense had a couple breakdowns, but I have no doubt that Marvin will fix that. The defense needed to take more advantage of the mistakes that the Dolphins were making, there were a lot of chances for interceptions. But, I get on them too much for that.

The offense looked great. We're gonna be hearin a lot of "ROOOOO-DEEEEEE" this season. He looked great. And Carson...wow... if you can't see that he's gonna be an AWESOME quaterback, you need to get your eyes checked. He played great all game long, only making a few mistakes. I think that last drive shows everyone how good he is and how good this offense is going to be. They moved the ball when they needed to, they took their time, they didn't force anything, didn't make any stupid decisions... great football!

I'll be at the game Saturday... I can't wait. It should be a good test to see how the offense runs against another good defense.

One more thing... did anyone read that ESPN The Magazine article on Rudi? It was a great 4 or 5 page article. If you haven't read it you should go buy the magazine. Rudi makes a great statement saying he doesn't want to break Corey Dillion's single season rushing record...he wants to SMASH it.

Hmmm... I can't really think of anything else to say on my first post. If anyone has AOL Instant messenger my screenname is kessman42. I'm always up for talkin about the Bengals or the NFL or whatever. Just IM me anytime.

GO BENGALS! :player:

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Hey everyone, I'm new to the board. Finally, a board where not everyone is so damn negative. Does anyone read Jungle Noise? Every person on there is bashin the team. I'm not sayin that the Bengals are the best team in the league and they have nothing they need to work on but come on, you gotta have FAITH in your team!

The Jungle looked great last night on SNF. The new field turf, the walls, the jerseys, the fans, everything looked great.

Overall, I think the team looked good last night. The defense had a couple breakdowns, but I have no doubt that Marvin will fix that. The defense needed to take more advantage of the mistakes that the Dolphins were making, there were a lot of chances for interceptions. But, I get on them too much for that.

The offense looked great. We're gonna be hearin a lot of "ROOOOO-DEEEEEE" this season. He looked great. And Carson...wow... if you can't see that he's gonna be an AWESOME quaterback, you need to get your eyes checked. He played great all game long, only making a few mistakes. I think that last drive shows everyone how good he is and how good this offense is going to be. They moved the ball when they needed to, they took their time, they didn't force anything, didn't make any stupid decisions... great football!

I'll be at the game Saturday... I can't wait. It should be a good test to see how the offense runs against another good defense.

One more thing... did anyone read that ESPN The Magazine article on Rudi? It was a great 4 or 5 page article. If you haven't read it you should go buy the magazine. Rudi makes a great statement saying he doesn't want to break Corey Dillion's single season rushing record...he wants to SMASH it.

Hmmm... I can't really think of anything else to say on my first post. If anyone has AOL Instant messenger my screenname is kessman42. I'm always up for talkin about the Bengals or the NFL or whatever. Just IM me anytime.

GO BENGALS! :player:

Welcome to the whodey42. My thoughts are I support my team not tear them down. True fans stand behind their team. Been there all through the years.


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The white/orange tube socks have to go and the white-sided black jersies are a complete mismatch with the pants.

Bring on the orange jersies and get some socks with black tops so they don't look like clowns!

I like the black on black they wore last night. I also like the Orange jerseys also. When I was down to the last preseason game I will tell you that chicks look hot in those orange jerseys :) Much more so than the black jersey.

Am I the only red blooded male to notice this???/

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The offense looked great. We're gonna be hearin a lot of "ROOOOO-DEEEEEE" this season. He looked great.


Damn, some of you guys that come on here kill me!!!

So far this season, Rudi HASN'T looked good at all. He's averaging under 3.0 YPC. That's not anything close to great.

And I don't know WHAT THE f**k GAME YOU WERE WATCHING--BUT THE OFFENSE SUCKED BALLZ!!! Neither team was able to move the ball. The Bungles didn't even the ball in the end zone on the offensive side of the ball.

I think the Bungles f**ked up by not appeasing Leon--a.k.a. Corey. With CD behind Palmer--that would have been real nice this season.

Instead, CD gets his first ring with the Patriots--and I get to hear a whole lot of you homers crying about it.


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The offense looked great. We're gonna be hearin a lot of "ROOOOO-DEEEEEE" this season. He looked great.


Damn, some of you guys that come on here kill me!!!

So far this season, Rudi HASN'T looked good at all. He's averaging under 3.0 YPC. That's not anything close to great.

And I don't know WHAT THE f**k GAME YOU WERE WATCHING--BUT THE OFFENSE SUCKED BALLZ!!! Neither team was able to move the ball. The Bungles didn't even the ball in the end zone on the offensive side of the ball.

I think the Bungles f**ked up by not appeasing Leon--a.k.a. Corey. With CD behind Palmer--that would have been real nice this season.

Instead, CD gets his first ring with the Patriots--and I get to hear a whole lot of you homers crying about it.


The O didn't suck. Palmer was playin consersative, field position football. it worked didn't it???? And he took us down the field when we needed. What more can you ask. Just win. that is all that matters.

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um i disagree. our offense didnt play great but they didnt play bad either. The line needs to work on getting off the ball quicker and into position alot faster but other than that they did well vs miami's outstanding front 7. Carson had no where to throw all game long, do you not realize the dolphins have one of the best defenses in the league? Yes our offense didnt do much, but they didnt turn the ball over either, which pretty much won the game for us.

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The offense looked great. We're gonna be hearin a lot of "ROOOOO-DEEEEEE" this season. He looked great.


Damn, some of you guys that come on here kill me!!!

So far this season, Rudi HASN'T looked good at all. He's averaging under 3.0 YPC. That's not anything close to great.

And I don't know WHAT THE f**k GAME YOU WERE WATCHING--BUT THE OFFENSE SUCKED BALLZ!!! Neither team was able to move the ball. The Bungles didn't even the ball in the end zone on the offensive side of the ball.

I think the Bungles f**ked up by not appeasing Leon--a.k.a. Corey. With CD behind Palmer--that would have been real nice this season.

Instead, CD gets his first ring with the Patriots--and I get to hear a whole lot of you homers crying about it.


While I agree with most of this, take it easy on the newbie!


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but they didnt turn the ball over either, which pretty much won the game for us.

Actually they did, on the play that Taylor jumped offsides he got a pick on a deflected pass.

They just didn't do it as much as the Dolphins (we really should have had about 3 more turnovers...the D need to practice with the WR's this week)

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So far this season, Rudi HASN'T looked good at all. He's averaging under 3.0 YPC. That's not anything close to great.

And I don't know WHAT THE f**k GAME YOU WERE WATCHING--BUT THE OFFENSE SUCKED BALLZ!!! Neither team was able to move the ball. The Bungles didn't even the ball in the end zone on the offensive side of the ball.

First off, welcome to the board, WhoDey42. Don't let Conan get ya down, that's just his way of saying hello :P .

Now, as to Rudi, no he hasn't put up big numbers so far this year. But look at the teams he's faced. Last week it was the Jets, who held LaDanian Tomlinson to less than 100 yards rushing Sunday. And yesterday it was Miami, whose D has given up just 19 points in 2 games. That's a 9.5-points-per-game average so far; by comparision, the '85 Bears gave up a bit more than 13 points per game, IIRC.

Frankly, given the banged-up and jury-rigged o-line we've got -- last night it seemed on every short yardage situation that the handoff from Palmer and blitzing linebacker arrived around the same time-- and the teams we've played, I'm amazed he's broken 100 yards.

I'm not surprised the offense struggled last night; I expected as much. But clearly the order of the evening was "a punt is better than a turnover," and they didn't want Palmer taking chances against a D loaded with Pro Bowlers. Better to pin the other guy back and dare Feeley and Gordon to beat you, which they couldn't.

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I think Carson still needs to work on reading blitzes and working with WRs to create hot routes. I also think he should get out of the pocket a little sooner if the first reads look bad so he doesn't take a sack too early...

Rudi played well for what was given to him.. sure he may have missed a hole or two, but he was given nothing all game and fought hard for each yard. Miami is tough, and we've got a new center, a QB that's struggled seeing blitzes, and sometimes questionable play calling by Brat; so you can't put the onus of Rudi's low RPC average on just him.

Overall, this was a good win because it showed the team can win in the final seconds of the game (ala 2003 Carolina).

This game was won because of Carson and an AWESOME TJ catch in the final minutes of the game and a 20-yard reception by CJ.

The offense looked flat at times, but they performed when it mattered the most.

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Yeah, i guess i got carried away...the offense didn't play "great"... but really they didn't play that bad with the defense they were playin against. And yes, if you look at the numbers Rudi isn't doing anything special, but when we needed some yards, he came up big. He had a couple nice moves and he uses his strength to bust through some of the tackles. We ran that fake reverse too damn much, we weren't foolin them, and we didn't get the big play that the coaches were probaby hoping for when we actually ran the reverse.

Anyway, if you can't tell from my signature, I'm much more happy to have Rudi, a guy that is PROUD to play for the Bengals, and a guy that gives 100% every week, over a guy who whines when he doesnt get playing time, and who doesn't care about the TEAM...like Corey.

My thoughts are I support my team not tear them down.

I agree, I have no problem with criticism. But people that constantly bash the team and never have any faith in the team we have, those kind of people annoy me. Some people are already saying that this team is going nowhere, and this is going to be a long season. And all of a sudden people are turning on ML for the defense. Give this defense some more time to come together, and they'll be fine.

MAN, it feels good to talk to some more Bengals fans. Everyone around me are Clowns fans.

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I think Carson still needs to work on reading blitzes and working with WRs to create hot routes. I also think he should get out of the pocket a little sooner if the first reads look bad so he doesn't take a sack too early...

.....and sometimes questionable play calling by Brat.......

Yes, Kirk--these quotes say it all!!! I'd really be in a better frame of mind about Brat if:

1. He didn't give up on the f**king running game so early

2. He stopped making Palmer throw 38 times; especially when the Bungles have the upper-hand (25 yards on the ground for the Fins)

3. HE f**king DIDN'T RUN THAT DAMNED REVERSE 3,000 TIMES!!! It reminded me of my f**king high school coach my senior year when he tried running a failed screen 3 times in a row!!! Sheesh!!!

And I noticed early on that Palmer was taking some unnecessary sacks. For example, he wasn't picking up a corner blitz that he should have been hitting a quick route on...

This will come in due time--However, I'm real impressed by the kid's poise in the pocket!!! And daaaaaaaahhhhhmn--what a f**king arm!!!


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The offense looked great. We're gonna be hearin a lot of "ROOOOO-DEEEEEE" this season. He looked great.


Damn, some of you guys that come on here kill me!!!

So far this season, Rudi HASN'T looked good at all. He's averaging under 3.0 YPC. That's not anything close to great.

And I don't know WHAT THE f**k GAME YOU WERE WATCHING--BUT THE OFFENSE SUCKED BALLZ!!! Neither team was able to move the ball. The Bungles didn't even the ball in the end zone on the offensive side of the ball.

I think the Bungles f**ked up by not appeasing Leon--a.k.a. Corey. With CD behind Palmer--that would have been real nice this season.

Instead, CD gets his first ring with the Patriots--and I get to hear a whole lot of you homers crying about it.


While I agree with most of this, take it easy on the newbie!


Brew Crew,

Yeah, you're right!!! :D

My bad!!!!

:player: :player:

Just getting a little overzealous for Ravens' Trolls to come in and start talking s**t!!! P.S. Jam isn't a troll--he's cool so far.

Carry on, newbie.


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