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Hicks Cut


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good cut, he wasnt gonna make the team so might as well get rid of him early and give him a shot elsewhere. Not like hes a huge threat, even in europe he avg what...3.1 yrds a carry?

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I'm going to have to say this since a whole lot of people gave me s**t about this:

I WAS RIGHT ABOUT SKIP HICKS!!! He's worthless. He will never be more than a 3rd stringer in this league--IF THAT.

And to add: If the Bungles cut him, that should tell you something. That something is that among the "what if's"--Skip Hicks STILL couldn't make it.

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I thought Hicks would make the grade - shows how much I know and shows the difference between NFL Europe & the NFL.

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No two ways about it. Everyone was up his a$$ after his first two games. I said lets see where he stands after the season and doubted he would make the team at all. His average in NFLE was only what it was because of a few long carries, not because of any great production on a consistent basis. Bye Bye Skip...


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