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Bottom line for Sunday is, it appears the coaches are doing all they can with what they have to work with, whether we agree with the decisions made concerning Nugent and the players they picked up.

I agree with the fact that the Bengals seem to thrive better in situations they are told they cannot be victorious in.

I know, for this old baseball coach, it was much easier to chase and overcome the leader, than to be on top, to STAY on top, expected to win, with everyone gunning for you.

Yes, I know they are still on top of the division, but they are now perceived, by many, as the most flawed one loss teams, and looking like the 'same old Bengals'.

Despite the injuries and struggles, I think this bodes well for the Bengals overall.

These next two games will provide the proof in the pudding!


Thoughts as Sunday approaches ??

1. I really hope I can get my homework done before class tomorrow. I've done some good work at the last minute, but procrastination sucks.

2. I wonder what's for dinner?

3. I'm going to have to see the doctor if my knee doesn't stop hurting.

4. I have so much crap to throw away from cleaning out my basement, the trash collection company is going to charge me extra.

5. I wish my 3 year old would stop hitting my walls with his toy hammer or any other toy for that matter.

6. I should build shelves in my garage so I can store more shit I don't really need to hold onto.

7. Don't forget to set the DVR to record the Bengals game.

8. Try to get some freakin' sleep over the weekend.

9. I'm sure there's more, but that's enough for now.


Thoughts as Sunday approaches ??

1. I really hope I can get my homework done before class tomorrow. I've done some good work at the last minute, but procrastination sucks.

2. I wonder what's for dinner?

3. I'm going to have to see the doctor if my knee doesn't stop hurting.

4. I have so much crap to throw away from cleaning out my basement, the trash collection company is going to charge me extra.

5. I wish my 3 year old would stop hitting my walls with his toy hammer or any other toy for that matter.

6. I should build shelves in my garage so I can store more shit I don't really need to hold onto.

7. Don't forget to set the DVR to record the Bengals game.

8. Try to get some freakin' sleep over the weekend.

9. I'm sure there's more, but that's enough for now.

Shame, shame, shame Army, for being so behind on the honey-dos! I would expect better of you! :hammer::yes:


No sh*t is right.

Wake up 5am. (Thanks kids)

Work until 4 or 5pm. (Happy I have a job I like)

Come home and eat (Thanks to Mrs. ArmyBengal)

Play with the kids for a while. (Still not happy about 5am)

Help kids with homework and put them into bed before it gets late.

Promise myself to not do homework any later than midnight, but rarely happens.

Rinse and repeat.

Weekends? School all day Saturday, but I do get my Sunday's and usually watch the game.

This weekend will be "Get stuff done around the house" after school is over.

I'm living that saying of "I'll sleep when i'm dead".

I'm a real fan of sleep, I just don't get much.

Maybe that changes a little when I finish things with school next year.

Always hope huh ??


It does get better. And after all that education you'll end up making millions!

For me it's more like:

Go to be around 11 p.m.

Get up at 11:15 p.m. to let the dog out (no matter how hard I try he won't go out before I go to bed)

Let dog back in and go back to bed 11:30 p.m.

Wake up at 12:30 p.m. to deal with kid who can't sleep because she's stressed about the big test tomorrow.

Get back to bed around 1 p.m.

Lie awake in bed watching minutes tick off the digital clock for an hour.

Get up around 2 p.m. Drink some milk. Check bengalszone. Look at funny cat pictures.

Go back to bed around 2:30. Finally fall asleep around 3. Wake up at 5:30.

Drink coffee until noon.


It does get better. And after all that education you'll end up making millions!

For me it's more like:

Go to be around 11 p.m.

Get up at 11:15 p.m. to let the dog out (no matter how hard I try he won't go out before I go to bed)

Let dog back in and go back to bed 11:30 p.m.

Wake up at 12:30 p.m. to deal with kid who can't sleep because she's stressed about the big test tomorrow.

Get back to bed around 1 p.m.

Lie awake in bed watching minutes tick off the digital clock for an hour.

Get up around 2 p.m. Drink some milk. Check bengalszone. Look at funny cat pictures.

Go back to bed around 2:30. Finally fall asleep around 3. Wake up at 5:30.

Drink coffee until noon.

Somewhere in there is the valuable research and stats you provide for us on a daily basis.

For me, this semi-retired life has been good to me.

Got our son out of college in May and his own apartment in September.

Usually only have 2 gigs a day leaving plenty of time for honey dos, interent time, and movies at home. (Wife and I like all the movie outlets now on television)

God willing, I can start collecting early Social Security keeping my musician income under the cap.

  • 3 weeks later...

I just liked this thread, so I decided to bump it and ask a questions about a Sunday that is approaching.

I saw today where the Texans benched Ryan Fitzpatrick and Ryan 2.0 Mallett is the new starter.

I'm interested in seeing what Mallett does with the opportunity and how that changes how the Bengals can prepare for them.

They have a bye week and then only one game against the Browns before we play them.

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