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Despite Dalton Struggles theres a brightside


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I watched NFL Network for 40 minutes this morning, and the only discussion was the Broncos and Patriots and that's really good news for Cincy. When the AFC North goes under the radar it's usually a good thing. Baltimore last year, Pitt in 2005. Running the ball and defense is always good going to the playoffs, and I'm still an Andy fan.

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Actually the brightside is that they had a reallly smart game plan, take the ball out of Phillip Rivers' hand by chewing up clock and running the ball early and often, I do think Dalton is finding his stride again next week will tell if he is back on the horse.

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Actually the brightside is that they had a reallly smart game plan, take the ball out of Phillip Rivers' hand by chewing up clock and running the ball early and often, I do think Dalton is finding his stride again next week will tell if he is back on the horse.

On that note, I saw a mention on another board, attributed to Anthony Collins, of the o-line going to Gruden during the game and asking to run the ball more. I haven't seen the actual comment, if it exists, myself, but from the way the team was gushing about enjoying running the ball yesterday after the game, I can believe it. So whether it was Jay's game plan or the later suggestion of the oline I don't know, but either way it definitely turned out to be the right call. And they should do it again against Luck next weekend.

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Actually the brightside is that they had a reallly smart game plan, take the ball out of Phillip Rivers' hand by chewing up clock and running the ball early and often, I do think Dalton is finding his stride again next week will tell if he is back on the horse.

On that note, I saw a mention on another board, attributed to Anthony Collins, of the o-line going to Gruden during the game and asking to run the ball more. I haven't seen the actual comment, if it exists, myself, but from the way the team was gushing about enjoying running the ball yesterday after the game, I can believe it. So whether it was Jay's game plan or the later suggestion of the oline I don't know, but either way it definitely turned out to be the right call. And they should do it again against Luck next weekend.

That'd be interesting to know. I got the impression that they changed the game plan in the 2nd half because of how well the post-Boling O line performed early

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Anytime you hear the o-line talking about how much they enjoyed running the ball, it's a good thing.

Knowing the Colts suck as bad as the Chargers at stopping it, I would be looking forward to continuing that trend.

Pound the ball. After that, pound it some more and see what the passing game gives you.

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