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Pep Rally


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Since it's going to be a topic for a while and it hasn't been brought up yet, I figured I would get some opinions.


There are actually three certainties in life: death, taxes, and the Bengals being accused of being cheap.

The latest example of Cincinnati parsimony arises in connection with the decision to hold training camp at the team’s facility, for the first time ever — a move driven in whole or in part by, you guessed it, cost.

To commemorate the event, the team has invited season-ticket holders to a pep rally and concert at Paul Brown Stadium. But the tickets aren’t free; they cost $10 each.

WhoDeyRevolution.com has criticized the Bengals of “squeezing out a few bucks” from their most loyal fans. Bengals spokesman Jeff Berding takes issue with that characterization, according to Janice Morse of the Cincinnati Enquirer.

Berding pointed out that the event will cost the team “north of six figures” for a band, fireworks, security, and other expenses. Berding also explained a “focus group” said that the fee was no big deal.

“I think most people think this is a pretty neat thing,” Berding said.

The question isn’t whether it’s “neat”; the question is whether there’s a way to do this without soaking $10 out of everyone who attends. Especially since the franchise has soaked millions out of the taxpayers in putting together one of the sweetest sweetheart deals that any NFL team enjoys.

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It is just crazy to me. Who would pay ten bucks to go down like that? If it was something like Reds fest, maybe I would be willing to pay. Once again one organization in town gets it, while the other is doing the same thing it has ever done.

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I don't get the criticism. If it's not your bag, don't go.

On the other hand, people pay more than that to go to training camp, which consists of mostly uninteresting drills and the hope that you might catch a generous player for an autograph.

This event has live music, fireworks, the current team, and past players available for autographs. These types of events aren't for everyone... but if you do like that sort of thing, $10 is quite cheap.

The team just lowered ticket prices, and now are offering things they have never offered in the past, in an attempt to make nice with the fans - and all they get in return is a bunch of bitching. Damn this fanbase is toxic.

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I didn't have the time when I posted it, but here it goes.

I don't have any issue with it being 10 dollars, my issue falls in that it's geared for season ticket holders only and they already put out a buttload of cash to support the team. And why not the other low life fans like myself ?? No love for the casual game going fan ??

They could make it free for the season ticket holders and then have a small fee for all others.

They would win people over far more in trying something like that.

Anyway, there are other ways they could have pulled this off.

It doesn't matter to me all that much anyway around, but I think the season ticket holders could be shown a little more appreciation.

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If you're still a season ticket holder at this point you don't care about $10.

The Bengals deserve no criticism here. And it's worth noting that the whining originated at hate site WDR -- and if you go look at the comments there, even their readers think WDR is bitching about nothing.

It's a faux controversy stirred up by a crap site that updates about once every six months now because it can't whine that the team sucks anymore.

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Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

I also don't get the argument that it should be free to season ticket holders. Season ticket holders get what they pay for - season tickets.

I have bought multiple Apple products. When a new update to the operating system is released, I don't get pissed off when I have to pay for it, simply because I've spent a lot of money in the past. When I spent that money, I was buying the product that I bought... not new free products in the future. If I don't want the new updates, I can continue to use my old machine. If I do want the update, I spent the money to have it.

Why is this different? The Bengals are a for-profit company - just like Apple. Why should they give away things for free? Why should people be angry when they don't? This type of complaining completely blows my mind.

The bitching about this event just communicated to Mike Brown that even when he tries to take a step in the right direction, the fans and media are going to find a way to twist it. If I'm him, I'm saying, "F**k it. This is the last time I try to go out of my way to offer something to the loyal fans."

As for the non-season ticket holders... here's what the letter says:

Due to the Macy’s Music Festival beginning on Friday the 27th, the stadium will be set up in concert mode with a stage on the field facing the east sideline. General admission seating will be available for this event on the field, as well as on the sideline levels. Season ticket holders can purchase an unlimited number of tickets to the Pep Rally.

The entire stadium is not available due to the concert set up, so capacity is limited and tickets will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. It is our hope that we fill up our capacity by getting a good response from season ticket holders who are excited by this fun, first-time event.

Assuming it isn't sold out by season ticket holders, I imagine they will open it up to the general public... which will likely start a new level to the bitching and moaning somehow.

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Cool, just throwing it out there.

I already said I don't care either way for myself.

I'm not angry about it in any way, shape, form, or fashion.

Just presenting something being talked about...

I hear ya. Sorry if I sounded pissy, I just found the whole thing supremely ridiculous.

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No, not saying I felt anyone was being pissy, only throwing out something that was brought up.

My two cents was that there were probably other ways they could have done that, in which they could have treated the people who have already invested a ton of money into the team and still made a nice bit of money. How they go about doing this is of little concern for me.

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Single game tickets go on sale Saturday.

Many Bengals ticket prices have been significantly reduced for 2012. Single-game pricing begins at $55, for locations which were priced at $73 in 2011.

WHAT???? THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS! Cheapskate Mike Brown charging $55!!!!!! dollars!!!!!! for tickets to see the Bungles?!?!? After taxpayers gave him an eleventy BILLION DOLLAR PALACE!!!! After all we have done for him he should let everyone in for free and but them all new Luminas!!!!! This organization is so f**ked up!!! MIKE BROWN SUCKS!!!!!


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Single game tickets go on sale Saturday.

Many Bengals ticket prices have been significantly reduced for 2012. Single-game pricing begins at $55, for locations which were priced at $73 in 2011.

WHAT???? THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS! Cheapskate Mike Brown charging $55!!!!!! dollars!!!!!! for tickets to see the Bungles?!?!? After taxpayers gave him an eleventy BILLION DOLLAR PALACE!!!! After all we have done for him he should let everyone in for free and but them all new Luminas!!!!! This organization is so f**ked up!!! MIKE BROWN SUCKS!!!!!


See, that's a great point.


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Maybe so, but it's conversation that is generating multiple pages of responses on other Bengals boards I check out.

There are responses on both sides of the debate from both season ticket holders and those that are not.

It's kind of interesting to see the difference of opinions.

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Breaking Story:

Mike Brown recently jumped into a narrow mine shaft to save a drowning child. For two hours, in near freezing water, he kept the child’s head above the surface while he battled to stay afloat until firemen could eventually pull them to safety.

WDR interpretation:

After all that Hamilton county has done for Mike Brown, why is he selfishly depending on the tax payer funded fire department to rescue him? Greedy bastard.

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Again, there are many season ticket holders that are arguing both sides and many non-season ticket holders arguing both sides. It's that, I am finding as interesting and no, I don't discount either sides opinions because there is validity

"TO A DEGREE" on both sides.

If you hold one sides opinion as the "be all and end all" of the conversation, then that's cool.

I simply like the back and forth and find nuggets of truth on both sides.

If you want to get a sample, head over to the official sites message board and check it out.

I don't care for that board for the most part, but it's interesting nonetheless.

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If you want to get a sample, head over to the official sites message board and check it out.

I don't care for that board for the most part, but it's interesting nonetheless.

It would be more interesting if I thought they knew what they were talking about.

The Bengals claim the $10 will simply help them cover the cost of the event. Detractors over there whine that the Bengals would eat the costs like the Reds do for Redsfest if they really cared about fans. But I'm betting the Reds don't eat the cost. They may "donate all proceeds" from Redsfest to their community fund, but "proceeds" typically means "profits." They donate what's left over after they've paid their bills.

Then there's the "Mikey is going to make a it back on beer sales" crowd. They don't seem to recall that concessions at PBS are contracted out to Aramark, who gets somewhere in the range of 35-50% of the after-tax gross.

The Bengals may or may not make money on this deal, but if they do it won't be much.

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My interesting came from the standpoint of just how many different opinions there are out there by both season ticket holders as well as non season ticket holders. I don't care for that board, as I mentioned earlier (I guess that's why I love this place so much) but the different angles certainly surprised me a bit.

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No big deal. I would pay $10/ea. for a few. I more excited about training camp being here at home in Cincy.

I'll be going to as many practices as possible if anyone wants anything signed. Ship it to me and I will ship it back!

PS, damn these threads are boring this time of year.... season can't get here quick enough. I'm thinking we will see another 8-8 season if not worse. I hope we do better, just not expecting it this year. We still need LB's and a better secondary.

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