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He dressed slowly and quietly, pausing only for a moment to look down on the pretty face he was already starting to forget. His eyes danced slowly over the sleeping fully exposed figure lying prone upon the bed, seeing as if for the first time the strands of grey hair and lines around the eyes. He still loved her, he admitted to himself. Of this there could be no doubt. But love didn't change things. In fact, too often love just gets in the way.

He deftly slips on his shoes and pockets his wallet an keys silently. He's done this before. The moves are practiced. The idea of leaving suddenly feels right like it always does.

Time for a change? Yeah, because nobody respects the trophy wife or girlfriend who is no longer beautiful. But damnit, they will respect the man who f**ks and forgets the trophy wife or girlfriend with relative ease.

He turns the door knob and slips out of the room like a ghost. A ghost with an odd spring in it's step and a bemused smile on it's face. The type of smile a man gets only after he's f**ked something as well as it could ever be f**ked.....and then promptly moved on.

He finds his car where he left it, enters, and starts the ignition. Then he turns on the headlamps, because it's so early it's still dark, before slipping the Chevy Lumina into gear.

He'd go home now, of course. But not directly. First he'd atttempt to get lost just so that he could spend hours trying to find his way back home. He liked doing that. Or maybe he'd try to reach home without making any left turns. Why not? He needed time to think and something else to think about. Or maybe he'd try to navigate his way home using the stars again. He'd tried that before and the results had been madcap.

In the end he just drove away without thinking.

As the miles flew by he wondered if he had left enough money on the dresser. Then he smiled again as he reminded himself of why his body was so wonderfully tired almost everywhere, from the top of his bald head to the bottom of his hairy toes.

The morning was still new, yet his worn and weary dick throbbed pleasantly already. He just knew it was going to be a good day. He reminded himself how the days possibilites were almost endless.

After an hour or so of driving aimlessly he realized he was, at last, lost again. As planned. Best, when he tried to remember her face he quickly realized he couldn't. Or at least he couldn't do it very well. Pieces of the mental image were missing already. The line of the jaw was gone. The gleam in the left eye had faded. Only the face's signature chin-butt remained clear and sharp. Surely that too would fade with time.

He reached into the cars glove box and took out a pair of gloves. Of course. But he also found the joint he was looking for, sparked it, and drove steadily towards the first intersection. Once there he'd turn to the right and he'd keep turning right all day until he found his way home.


There once was a man from Cali,

Who came to Cincinnati.

After some years he thought it a bore,

He dreamt each night that he wanted more.

He turned his back on his teammates and fans,

As he laid out his retire or trade demands.

Mike Brown struck back in anger,

This would be no cliff hanger.

"You aren't going anywhere son,"

Mike Brown was sticking to his guns.

But then one fateful day,

A broken collarbone came into play.

Sitting in his office Brown heard the phone ring,

It happened to be his old buddy Hue calling.

Oakland was in such a horrible bind,

The quarterbacks they had left were deaf, dumb, and blind!

That's when Brown decided it was finally time,

As be it the last day of the trade deadline.

I'll give you Carson in return for the farm,

As he tickled Hue with his greedy charm.

"Alright Mike," Hue begrudgingly replied,

"Even though I know I will be greatly chastised."

So the deal was done and all was well,

Finally, Carson was shipped off to that black hole of Hell!


So, it's the old "poop in the middle of the experimental thread" gambit, is it?


Well played.

The experiment is now over.

Please Note: This experimental thread will remain open for your future pooping convenience.


He reached into the cars glove box and took out a pair of gloves. Of course. But he also found the joint he was looking for, sparked it, and drove steadily towards the first intersection. Once there he'd turn to the right and he'd keep turning right all day until he found his way home.

Absently, he thumbed the radio.


Yes. A good idea. When he reached home, he'd call his travel agent and book a cruise. Something leaving from Miami. He couldn't remember her name, she changed it so often, but just perhaps she'd be there. Not that it was important.

He turned right.

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