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P-Dud aka piss ass warick


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yo, bet you'll be on my ass about this. and by the way; a fine...d ass it is :P !!!! 5 ole' get you 10 his ass is at best, a back up, if not gone this preseason. any pompous ass that admits 2 years ago he didn't run his patterns has got to be on the block. all you pdub fans bring it on. so folks, this is the second coming of cd. yo...warick.. ..take a hike....cry else where and get the f**k outa dodge. have a great night :angry: i luv u man :player:

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yo, bet you'll be on my ass about this. and by the way; a fine...d ass it is :P !!!! 5 ole' get you 10 his ass is at best, a back up, if not gone this preseason. any pompous ass that admits 2 years ago he didn't run his patterns has got to be on the block. all you pdub fans bring it on. so folks, this is the second coming of cd. yo...warick.. ..take a hike....cry else where and get the f**k outa dodge. have a great night :angry: i luv u man :player:

What??? :blink:

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What are you on about? PW is the best run blocking WR on the team and has busted his butt since Lewis came on board....No way he gets cut.

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While I don't think PW will be cut in training camp (but he could be for salary reasons), I do think that he has never lived up to his hype or earned his salary. :player:

His stats are at best a number three receiver, yet he is paid like a one or two :wacko:

| Rushing | Receiving |


| Year TM | G | Att Yards Y/A TD | Rec Yards Y/R TD |


| 2000 cin | 16 | 16 148 9.2 2 | 51 592 11.6 4 |

| 2001 cin | 16 | 8 14 1.8 0 | 70 667 9.5 1 |

| 2002 cin | 15 | 8 22 2.8 0 | 53 606 11.4 6 |

| 2003 cin | 15 | 17 143 8.4 0 | 79 819 10.4 7 |


| TOTAL | 62 | 49 327 6.7 2 | 253 2684 10.6 18 |


Peter Warrick never finished in the top 10 in any major category.

Peter Warrick is not in the all-time top 50 in any major category.

Hell, he only lead the team once in receiving! :huh:

After this contract or sooner PW will be gone. The new alien headed receiver may well replace him.

There are too many receivers on the roster, so who you going to cut and why?


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It wouldn't shock me at all if Warrick was cut. The guy obviously hasn't lived up to the hype.

He had a decent year last year--but he still drops balls and can't do anything after the catch (which was what he was known for in college).

He's never had a 1,000 yard season. You would think that having 70 catches in 2 years, that he would have.

If Warrick was cut, it wouldn't bother me at all. He's been a slacker--not studying and running horrible routes in his first couple of years.

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Ill agree he hasnt lived up the "the hype", but cmon, hes still valuable for what he is....an excellent slot reciever and good punt returner. I think we have to ditch the whole first round pick expectations with Pete, because frankly, he wasnt worth that.

But, even so, hes still worth keeping! And he seems to be coming into his own now under Marvin.... :player:

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"I don't put much stock in X's and O's. Anybody can draw up plays," Lewis said. It's his ability to get inside players' heads that has made the difference. Lewis trained his light last year on Willie Anderson and Peter Warrick. Anderson went to the Pro Bowl for the first time; Warrick had career highs in catches, yards and touchdowns

Lewis said to Warrick: "We're going to teach you how to catch the punts. We're going to put the football in your hands so that you can do what you do best: make people miss."

If you tell people they're good, and you're consistent about it, they actually start to believe you. Especially if you back up the psychology with teaching.

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how many #2 WR's last year matched or exceeded his numbers I wonder?

How many made the Pro-Bowl?

My guess is if Warrick were as white as Justin Smith people wouldn't be constantly betting on the fact he'll get cut the first chance the Bengals get.

This offense needs 3 WR's, and CJ, Warrick and Washington are probably the youngest, most promising, and possibly the best, group in the NFL (hopefully).

Remember the 3 Amigos? They've reincarnated themselves in Cincinnati.

I enjoy watching Warrick and he consistently produces - he's actually a very nice guy (quite flashy but oh well) if you've ever met him, and has grown up quite a bit.

The only reason he isn't having 1,000 yard seasons right now is that his QB sucked since he was a rookie, as did the coach and the rest of the team, and then CJ tore up the league last year.

Quit worrying about the freakin' salary cap and just enjoy his talent this year.

Warrick's that 5'10" guy with good (but not great) speed that you have to admire, since football's always been a game that anybody can play and be good at it - fat guys, tall guys, short guys, slow guys, kickers.

I hate seeing it dominated by people running it who think heigth and forty times are the only reasons people make it.

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My guess is if Warrick were as white as Justin Smith people wouldn't be constantly betting on the fact he'll get cut the first chance the Bengals get.

Man, that qualifies as the dumbest comment of the year. And probably the most racist comment too.

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great response's guys!!!!!!! hi on hemp; drunk; you name it. hell who knows you may be right!!! :rolleyes: now on to the facts; as many have stated warick is out as a returner; being pushed as a reciever (or piss poor pattern runner); TJ will blast his ass outa' dodge; trade his ass for what ever you can get, not much, and be done with it. :rolleyes: i luv u guys :wacko:

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great response's guys!!!!!!! hi on hemp; drunk; you name it. hell who knows you may be right!!! :rolleyes: now on to the facts; as many have stated warick is out as a returner; being pushed as a reciever (or piss poor pattern runner); TJ will blast his ass outa' dodge; trade his ass for what ever you can get, not much, and be done with it. :rolleyes: i luv u guys :wacko:

You worry me sometimes!!!!

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It wouldn't shock me at all if Warrick was cut.  The guy obviously hasn't lived up to the hype.

He had a decent year last year--but he still drops balls and can't do anything after the catch (which was what he was known for in college).

He's never had a 1,000 yard season.  You would think that having 70 catches in 2 years, that he would have.

If Warrick was cut, it wouldn't bother me at all.  He's been a slacker--not studying and running horrible routes in his first couple of years.

They're not gonna cut him. He hasn't lived up to expectations, but he did have a good year last season. I think he'll have a good season this year. :player:

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hell....it's training camp and we're only just geting to page 2. sometimes i too worry myself kitared. yet, to me the writing is on the wall; tooooooo many decent receivers on the roster (rooster, cocka dodlo doo.) pdud spent tooooo much time in the bars and was a cd fool, follower, in previous years, don't think lewis will put up with it this year. seriously think his ASS is gone. AND FOR THE BETTER OF THE CLUB!!!!! yet still :D ; i luv u guys :o

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