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Rudi's Gone Next!


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It seems to me that Marvin wants to get rid of everyone from the old regime that he can. (I can't say I blame him), but the thing I wonder is it because of talent, character, or because someone else picked them? It seems that if it came down to it, he would rather have Perry than Rudi because he drafted him. It is amazing though how few of these cast-offs do anything anywhere else.

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Rudis' future is literally in his own hands. He's got a year to prove that last year wasn't a fluke. If he performs like last year he not only won't get cut, he'll have the deal that he wants before the season is over. * see chad johnson

The reason that coach Lewis got rid of so many of the guys that were on the team is simple. They weren't very good football players. Not many of last years cuts were able to catch on with other teams even as back ups. At least some of this years cuts are getting jobs with other NFL teams. The reason the the coach is still cutting is that last year he kept the " best " of a bad lot.

Also think that Rudis' play will mirror the play of the O line. IF they do well..... then so will he. I will admit that he's a lot faster than I had thought, but he still runs to where the hole is supposed to be. If it's there then he gains yards .... and if it's plugged then he pushes against the wall of people that IS there till somebody tackles him. Have yet to see him improvise when the path the plays is supposed to take breaks down.

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Rudi wont be back bengaldom, not because Marvin wants his own guys are he is not the real deal! Its simple this franchise is doing the Denver thing,RB are disposible when you have a great line. What ever draft pick can come in and produce from day one. I for one like this strategey why pay so much for that position when they burn out so quick, RBs are the disposible heroes of the new NFL. Build a great line and any bumb can kick ass(hence Dillons departure) Perry will be given time too adjust then be given the reigns next year freeing up alot of cap space too pay linemen! Its thinking ahead and that is what will turn the corner for us.

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You gotta wonder if Marvin was just trying to add talent to back up Rudi, or if he was planning on doing a Palmer/Kitna thing and giving Rudi 1 year before turing things over to Perry no matter how good Rudi's numbers are. I for one don't think you draft a RB #1 if you don't expect him to contribute right away. Lewis cutting Ross shows that he is not opposed to cutting players he likes if the talent is there to replace him, and money can be used for other purposes.

I suspect that if Perry shows his worth this year, then Rudi is auditioning for a big payday in Free Agency and he is gone next year. There are some teams out there without the talent at O-line that the Bengals have, and they'll need a back who can produce regardless.

I also have faith in Lewis to do whats best for the team. I don't see him making cuts just because he didn't draft a player. Simply, if you can't beat the guy next to you your gone.

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Amazing that people actually think the Bengals are even remotely considering trading or cutting Rudi Johnson now or in the future...that is the furthest thing from their minds.

Also amazing that people think that RB's of Rudi's caliber are something you come across every year.

Last season wasn't a fluke, the guy's for real, and at worst will be a very reliable, capable back. If he runs for 1,500 yards or something ridiculous then the Bengals will pay him because at that point he will have proved he's durable, he's still young, and he's a bonifide top 10 NFL RB...or better.

Chris Perry hasn't proved squat yet and he is simply filling a need in case of injury and to give them options as every team needs.

If Marvin wasn't confident that Rudi can do the job, he wouldn't have traded Dillon an let Bennett go.

It's Rudi time folks for the next several years...get used to it!

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Ok, let me reiterate. IF Perry can show his worth he could replace Rudi next year. It could happen, not saying I want it to because I love the guys work ethic and his attitude in the Locker room, but it could. To think that in today's NFL that a player not locked up in a long term deal is guarenteed to be around for a long time is just a matter of being in denial. The Bengals could lose him in Free Agency if a team throws a mountain of money at him, they could Franchise him, Transition him and gets lots in compensation, or keep him. The only thing you can say for sure is they have him for another year as per his contract. I hope that he is the real deal, that he dominates and leaves the Bengals no choice but t keep him around, cause that would be very good for the Benagals and the Bengals Fans :player:

Just don't say anything outside of his contract is guarenteed...this is the NFL.

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Amazing that people actually think the Bengals are even remotely considering trading or cutting Rudi Johnson now or in the future...that is the furthest thing from their minds.

Also amazing that people think that RB's of Rudi's caliber are something you come across every year.

Last season wasn't a fluke, the guy's for real, and at worst will be a very reliable, capable back. If he runs for 1,500 yards or something ridiculous then the Bengals will pay him because at that point he will have proved he's durable, he's still young, and he's a bonifide top 10 NFL RB...or better.

Chris Perry hasn't proved squat yet and he is simply filling a need in case of injury and to give them options as every team needs.

If Marvin wasn't confident that Rudi can do the job, he wouldn't have traded Dillon an let Bennett go.

It's Rudi time folks for the next several years...get used to it!

I thought I'd never say this...but I'm with Shula on this one! Rudi Johnson and Chris Perry will become infamous as the Bengals 1-2 running punch!

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They still have Washington at his current rate for what, another 2-3 years? Why would they need to make room for Warrick??? If Warrick has another pro-bowl caliber year they will keep him - you just don't let your pro bowl players go because they are too expensive and you don't feel like paying them....everyone else has a cap to for God's sakes - why do people act like the Bengals are in the poor house all the time?? I don't understand that mentality!

They have Kitna at a reduced rate, rid themselves of several salaries including Dillon's huge salary - if they could afford to pay Dillon - why for God's sakes can they not afford Rudi next season? Cmon!

Rudi, Warrick, Palmer and CJ are the CORE of this young team!! Why on God's green earth would they even consider letting them go? They just drafted a bunch of cheap players on defense and have people that will become expendible on defense next season as well if they need more room (and offense).

The Bengals might be close to the cap but they have room still and are in great financial shape with every home game probably selling out this year and the Bengals being one of the top 10 revenue producers in the NFL - and the top 15 in all of pro sports.

Warrick is one of the most exciting players to watch in the NFL, is versatile for a WR and is just coming into his own finally - I would HATE to have him get cut over money and they already have CJ locked up as well.

If the only players they need to re-sign next year that demand big salaries are Warrick and Rudi, I am sure they can get it done.

And you should know Brown prefers to re-sign his own proven players in those key positions rather than sign FA's.

This isn't the only board I've seen where people simply don't respect Rudi or Warrick for some reason and I just don't get it - you don't just cut two of your top 5 players because you don't feel like paying them - everyone else has a cap to and gets it done - why can't the Bengals!!

Some of you guys are stuck in that pre-PBS era still where Brown was unwilling to pay people I think - times are different now!

Sorry if I come off as agitated or abrasive - not my intent - just have seen these kinds of statements for a while now and it always bugs me that people are so easy to cast-off players like Rudi and Warrick - they're the most exciting players outside of CJ on the team!!!

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It's just business sense. We gave Warrick a big deal, and we gave Palmer a big deal. We will have to give Levi Jones a pretty big deal too. We can't afford to give everyone on offense a big contract, as if we do we will never have enough money to have a good defense.

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Why would they have to give Levi a big deal? And isnt' he signed for another couple of years? What has he done to deserve anything really? he's a very mediocre LT.

Again we act like the Bengals are the only team with multiple stars...I would cut Justin Smith before I'd cut Warrick or Rudi and keep building the defense through the draft as Marvin has been doing.

I think both Rudi and Warrick would re-sign here for reasonable amounts, ecspecially if they do well this year.

I am pretty confident they both will be signed to multiple year deals after this season...the fans would go nuts if the Bengals let them go and kept other schleps like Tony Williams, Schobel, Smith, Kelly, et al..., (not that I don't like Justin Smith - but I would think at this point still he's more expendible than those two).

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You cant pay eveyone in this day an age, you need players to take their place when they go, and thats what Marvin is doing. We might see simmons go as well if one of the young guys step up. Hardy seems a bit overpriced too. The core of the O is CJ and Palmer, and OL The others are not going to get big contracts unless they prove they are superstars.

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I'm with Steakhouse on this one.Bengals just solidified thier offense.Can't see anyone going anywhere,unless there's a major whine about $$ to where it creates friction within the team.They added to Rudi with Perry not for him.They added to Chad and Warrick with Washington and they perhaps upgraded QBs.Still Kitna is a major key.Best #2 out there and could probably run us to the Super Bowl this year if asked upon.Offense is now suited best for him it's just that Palmer might be more...colorful?!?

Trading away high dollar or high drafted players for a Humer and 2 second rounders from the Pop Warner League is Old School mentality.Bengals made a committment to build a team years ago.Started with Big Willie.A couple setbacks with Carter and Smith,but they were trying to do just that.A few more years pass and now we have a team that's not only talented,but young.When was the last time Bengal fans were this Excited about starting a season?

And who wants to leave a team that just played in the Super Bowl?

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