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How do we beat the Jets


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Run, run, and run some more. Just like us, the Jets D was a sieve against the run last year (ranked 28th) and they didn't do anything of note to improve it in the offseason. Feed them a steady diet of Rudi-Perry-Jeremi Johnson, pound out first downs, keep the clock moving, and keep the ball OUT of the hands of Chad Pennington and Curtis Martin.

This has the added benefit of not asking too much out of CP. They will have to go deep to CJ or K-Wash a few times to keep the Jets D honest (otherwise they'll just stack 8-9 men in the box). But I really don't have any worries about CP here. He's already played in Giants Stadium under horrible weather conditions (2 INTs, 2 TDs) so if he has to open his career on the road anywhere, this is probably the best venue (plus I'll get to see it live)!

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Now this is is a little too early to be worried about beating the Jets....(stop Pennington, stop the Jets) They still have the entire preseason to play, anything can happen, and any player could be injured or explode out...Who knows?

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How are the Bengals going to beat the Jets? The same way they're going to beat any team that they take the opportunity against.

#1: Ball Control.

The Bengals must win the all important "Time Of Possession" to realistically be in position to control their destiny in each game. The less the opposing offense has the ball, the better. That requires a sure and balanced offensive attack. You can't let the defense sit on on the run or the pass because they know you can't do the other.

#2: Giveaway/takeaway ratio.

Over 90% of successful (i.e. PLAYOFF) teams have this ratio well in their favor. Defensive pressure on the ball is the biggest factor in swinging this ratio. Last year, for the most part, it was non existent. In the Rams game Bulger had all the time he wanted to throw, down after down!

The Bengal cornerbacks didn't play all that poorly overall, it's just that NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE can cover someone when the defensive pass rush gives the QB all freakin' day to find an open receiver! Anyone that says our defensive backfield was our weakest link just doesn't know football. This game is won and lost in the trenches!

#3: Special teams.

Pinning the opposing offense as far back as you can is undeniably a factor in winning. Having kickers and punters with some leg strength is obviously an enormous factor, but not the only one. The coverage teams MUST TACKLE! You MUST make the the field as long as possible, and never give up the quick and easy kickoff/punt return runback for a touchdown! As usual success boils down to executing the basics.

I may have left more than a couple of things out...but I feel in relation to last years performance by the Bengals, these areas are going to be the biggest factors in any improvement. That is IF there is going to be any improvement.

I honestly believe Marvin won't allow this to happen. His coaching history dictates otherwise, and even you Barbarian cannot dispute that! Even with Carson Palmer, and all the other offensive weapons at hand, I feel Coach Lewis is actually aiming for a more defensive minded team. His history in this area speaks for itself.

Baltimore, under his coaching became, and still somewhat remains a defensive power. Washington was essentially the same, until his departure, then they decended into mediocrity as even Baltimore is doing, and if you don't believe that, explain their buttwhoopin' by the Dolts in last years playoffs!

Draw your own conclusions...but only time will tell, and I think Marvin is on the right course.

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I think Billy covered the basics, but I have a few others...

- The Jets have no idea what type of offense we're going to be running with the turnover of talent on the team. We could throw it deep or run 10 straight times (seriously, we have two awesome horses at RB). As long as we keep both options open (note to Brat) and USE them, then I think our offense will score many points.

- Defense needs to come out firing and hit the receivers especially hard. It's one thing when you're a WR in mid-season, you know how the hits are going to feel and what to do to protect yourself. Pre-season games and practices are pretty tame and most #1-2 WRs only play a quarter or little more. The first big hit will be their first time feeling it, so it may make them a little aware of their surroundings while the ball is in the air.

We are away for the opening kickoff for the first time since 1999.. we were 4-12 that season, and lost that game by only one point.

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With stopping the NY Jets, on the Offensive side--Curtis "My favorite Martian" Martin is still the guy to stop. Hold him to under 70 yards and I think you've got them.

Chad Pennington is coming back from injury, so this year may be a down year for him. They have no real receiving threats, so stopping the running game is the key.

Then shove the ball right down their throats. Use the battering ram--aka Rudi Johnson for 25-35 times for this game. TOP will be the key for this game.

Expect a low scoring game.

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Run .... run ..... run ... and then run some more.

See how much that O line has improved over last year. Play action pass is revived in Cincinnati game plan.

Bengals go into the bye week @ 3 and 1. And yeah .... I'm serious. :player:

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With stopping the NY Jets, on the Offensive side--Curtis "My favorite Martian" Martin is still the guy to stop. Hold him to under 70 yards and I think you've got them.

Chad Pennington is coming back from injury, so this year may be a down year for him. They have no real receiving threats, so stopping the running game is the key.

Then shove the ball right down their throats. Use the battering ram--aka Rudi Johnson for 25-35 times for this game. TOP will be the key for this game.

Expect a low scoring game.

santana moss is a big play waiting to happen and mccareins is decent, but there aint much about any part of the Jets team to worry about. another year of sucking for the Jets.

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The Jets don't have much on defense, just play it safe and pound the ball. If the Bengals OL is improving they shouldn't have a problem steadily moving the ball downfield, especially against a defense that will have no choice but to account for the Bengals' receivers. Johnson/Perry shouldn't have to worry about 8 in the box all season.

On offense the Jets have some weapons - Moss, McCareins, Martin, Jordan, and most importantly, Pennington. But their OL depth chart reads like a who's who of WHO?!? Not to take them for granted, but I think the Bengals will be able to control the line of scrimmage.

Really, I don't see any secret to winning this game. The Bengals appear to be a flat out better team (on paper :rolleyes: ) than the Jets.

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Hi guys, just came over from BengalInsider. Looks like this is my new home, love the layout of the forum :D

Now onto the topic at hand:

I have actually thought a lot about this game. I feel it is critical to win this one to boost the confidence of our somewhat young team. After this game we head into a Sunday Night showdown with the Dolphins, and I think a victory against the Jets will cause this team to play with much more confidence in that nationally televised game.

I think we beat the Jets with a conservative approach to offense, throwing deep maybe twice in the game, mixing it up with a Peter Warrick reverse at some point in the game. I think both teams will play it this way. The Jets see us as a glaring weakness against the run, as we also see them, so each teams first series will probably consist of short passes and vanilla type running plays to gauge our suspicions.

I really think we should limit Carson to dump passes to Rudi, short curls routes to P-Dub and slants, quick hits to Chad. I think our position players have enough talent that they could take these "safe" passes and turn them into decent gains. Rudi has to just be Rudi and run hard between the tackles, with the same fire he had last year.

All in all, I see a low scoring game. Against any other team on the road that is on our schedule (save maybe the browns or steelers) I would predict a loss, but this seems to be a good opener for our team. I see a bengals win, 20-17.

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i think the score will be a little higher than others expect. our defense will take some time to calm down and get together, which means the jets will score some points. don't we always seem to give up a lot of points in our openers? pennington will be healthy, and living in tn i got a chance to see mccrairens (sp?) play every week, and think he will do well. then of course, there is curtis martin.

i also think that our offense will be as explosive this year as last. we may go through some dry periods when carson struggles, but we will also have spurts better than last years. expect a rollercoaster season for sure.

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The Jets don't have the talent to compete with the Bengals. They have a weak receiving corps with Moss being their biggest threat. Moss is very much like P-Dub. A smaller receiver with shifty moves once he gets the ball in his hands. They just brought in McCareins is new tot he team and gives them their only big receiver and I don't know if he's much better than TJ talent-wise. Chrebet...is he even going to play? The man is one more concussion from being a vegetable for the rest of his life. If he does play he is more of a possession type receiver who only burns teams deep that don't keep an eye on him. Of the offensive weapons that the Jets possess I'm most worried about Pennington. He is coming off an injury, but that really won't slow him down. He is just about the most accurate passer I've seen in a long time and he can pick you apart if you don't get pressure on him. So the key is mixing the coverages and blitz the hell out of him. Don't let him get comfortable in the pocket. I'm not even that concerned with Martin...he's a good back and he has a pretty damn good fullback, but the Jets O.C. does not know how to use them properly. His can't miss favorite call is the draw play to Martin. The Bengals will improve this year in their run defense...I can feel it. So, stop Pennington, give the Jets a generous helping of the Johnson triplets and the game is in hand.

As for the following game...the Dolphins D is what really worries me. And Ricky Williams will be a much tougher test of the Bengals run defense. I think that will be the lower scoring game of the 2, but I can still see the Bengals coming out on top of that one as well. The QB situation in Miami will make it tough for them to put up a lot of points...I hope.

Oh, and before my hands cramp up from this rant...why would anyone suggest that we limit Carson Palmer to dumps to Rudi and short passes??? Is that why he's the starter??? NO!!! If that was the way we wanted the QB to play we would have stuck with Kitna!!! Fire that Cannon Carson!!!! :D

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Justin McCareins 47 rec 17.3 ave 7 td's

Santana Moss 74 rec 14.9 ave 10 td's

Chrebet will be only their third receiver.They added McCareins from the Titans,and Santana Moss had a fine year despite Pennington missing six games.I'm not sure why people think they are hurting at WR.

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Chrebet is a wildcard with big play capability on RAC and tough catches.

But O'Neal is perfect against Moss. He'll absolutely shut him down when in man.

McCareless stands even less of a chance againstt James in man.

I don't think Cotchery will be ready, but it should be clear he's the Jets WR of the future by mid-season. He was a steal in the draft.

As for ground attack vs. the Jets. I hope it ain't that conservative. It may work vs. the Jets but won't fly vs. the Fins if they got Zack and Wally in. Besides, with a new, more agressive DC replacing Cottrell and five new starters on D, the Jets will be jumpy Jets keyed up for the run.

I'd like to see right from the start if the Jets try to test Donnie Abraham's return to Pro-Bowl form vs. CHAD. I say CHAD eats him alive and the help from the Jets new safeties won't be able to handle it the way last year's Garnes and Carter might have.

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Justin McCareins 47 rec 17.3 ave 7 td's

Santana Moss 74 rec 14.9 ave 10 td's

Chrebet will be only their third receiver.They added McCareins from the Titans,and Santana Moss had a fine year despite Pennington missing six games.I'm not sure why people think they are hurting at WR.

I can tell you that I saw almost every Jets game last year...they were one of the 3 teams considered a local team in the area of Jersey I lived in...the Giants and Eagles being the other 2. The reason I say the Jets are hurting at WR is I SAW THEM PLAY!!!

Moss did have a pretty good year...he could break out this year, or he could have over-achieved based on the fact that they really didn't have anyone else who was reliable. The Jets had a lot of drops, and they had a problem getting open to make the clutch plays. Despite Moss's best efforts, they had a rough year and lost a lot of games. The Bengals DBs SHOULD be up to the challange of covering these guys...and with a little help from the D-Line (hopefully) the Bengals will be able to contain these WRs.

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