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Pro Football Weekly's grades for '04 Bengals


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I picked up the 2004 Season preview issue by Pro Football Weekly and here are their grades for the Bengals by position group..

QB: C+

RB: B-

WR: B+


DL: C+

LB: B-

DB: C+


Summary: The Bengals have a brighter outlook than they have had in more than a decade. But a drop in the AFC North standings is possible if Carson Palmer isn't ready for prime time and if the defense doesn't improve.

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I don't understand why it seems that everyone thinks Palmer is going to struggle. He is in the exact same situation as Daunte Culpepper was when he started after sitting his first year. Remember, they let Jeff George go and gave the starting job to Culpepper. He had a great season.

The 2004 Bengals have just as much offensive talent as the Vikings did. I think Palmer will have his moments that he makes bad throws, but I think he will have a big year and it wouldn't shock me if he had a bigger year than Kitna last year. People seem to forget that when the Bengals lost that most of the time Kitna played like crap. This offense can be a top five offense.

Here are my grades:


RB: B+

WR: A-

OL: B+

DL: C-

LB: C+

DB: C+


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Not a big fan of Pro Football Weekly, only because they are too generalistic in their reporting and don't do much investigative work.

However, I think they've pretty much hit the nail on their grades. I would have liked to see the WR up a little, I still think we have the top 3 1-2 punch at WR.

I'm sure these grades also were picked out of uncertainty with the turnover this team had this off-season.

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I picked up the 2004 Season preview issue by Pro Football Weekly and here are their grades for the Bengals by position group..

QB: C+

RB: B-

WR: B+


DL: C+

LB: B-

DB: C+


Summary: The Bengals have a brighter outlook than they have had in more than a decade. But a drop in the AFC North standings is possible if Carson Palmer isn't ready for prime time and if the defense doesn't improve.

IMO, if the Bungles don't pick up Daryl Gardener (and maybe even if they do)--that C+ grade is a little too high. According to the Run Defense last year, they deserved an F.

The C+ Grade is also too high for the DBs. The depth back in the secondary is horrid and they're one of the youngest secondaries in the league. That smells trouble.

The WR grade is too low. CJ and Warrick deserve an A- for last year alone. Adding 3-receiver sets for Kelley Washington could prove to be graded as an A.

The OL's B grade is also too low, in my opinion. They're the ones that made the offense what it was last year. Rudi ran for 165--3 straight times!!! They deserve a B+ or maybe even A- as well.

Also, can you give "I"'s--for "INCOMPLETE" Grades??? If so, the QB and RB positions deserve an I. They really haven't proven themselves yet.


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I don't understand why it seems that everyone thinks Palmer is going to struggle. He is in the exact same situation as Daunte Culpepper was when he started after sitting his first year. Remember, they let Jeff George go and gave the starting job to Culpepper. He had a great season.

The 2004 Bengals have just as much offensive talent as the Vikings did. I think Palmer will have his moments that he makes bad throws, but I think he will have a big year and it wouldn't shock me if he had a bigger year than Kitna last year. People seem to forget that when the Bengals lost that most of the time Kitna played like crap. This offense can be a top five offense.

I disagree.

I think the Vikings at the time had way better WRs in Carter and Moss, one of the best RB when he was healthy, and an offensive line that was comparable to no team. Culpepper was in a far better position than Palmer is this year.

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Hey jjakq27...do you mind posting the rest of the AFC Norths grades if possible? Great info by the way! B)

Sure...no problem


QB: C+

RB: A-

WR: C+

OL: B+

DL: B-


DB: B+




RB: B-

WR: C+



LB: C+

DB: C+

ST: C+


QB: B-

RB: C+

WR: B+

OL: B-

DL: B-

LB: A-


ST: B-

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Hey jjakq27...do you mind posting the rest of the AFC Norths grades if possible? Great info by the way!  B)

Sure...no problem


QB: C+

RB: A-

WR: C+

OL: B+

DL: B-


DB: B+




RB: B-

WR: C+



LB: C+

DB: C+

ST: C+


QB: B-

RB: C+

WR: B+

OL: B-

DL: B-

LB: A-


ST: B-

Did anyone get any FLUNKING GRADES??? C+ for the Ravens' QB'ing???

C for the Squeelers' Defensive Backfield???

Those both deserve either D's or F's.

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Thanks jjakq!

And Barbarian, that's why I asked for the rest of the divisions grades...just to see how screwed the grading system was overall. It's messed up to say the least!

I suspect they are raging alcoholics, drunk when they put that article together! :lol:

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Thanks jjakq!

And Barbarian, that's why I asked for the rest of the divisions grades...just to see how screwed the grading system was overall. It's messed up to say the least!

I suspect they are raging alcoholics, drunk when they put that article together! :lol:

These guides' grades are always senseless. I picked up Lindy's guide last year and they had all the positions (DL, OL, WR, etc.) rated on a 10-point scale, yet the worst grade given to any team for any position was, IIRC, a 6!

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I don't understand why it seems that everyone thinks Palmer is going to struggle. He is in the exact same situation as Daunte Culpepper was when he started after sitting his first year. Remember, they let Jeff George go and gave the starting job to Culpepper. He had a great season.

The 2004 Bengals have just as much offensive talent as the Vikings did. I think Palmer will have his moments that he makes bad throws, but I think he will have a big year and it wouldn't shock me if he had a bigger year than Kitna last year. People seem to forget that when the Bengals lost that most of the time Kitna played like crap. This offense can be a top five offense.

I disagree.

I think the Vikings at the time had way better WRs in Carter and Moss, one of the best RB when he was healthy, and an offensive line that was comparable to no team. Culpepper was in a far better position than Palmer is this year.

Actually I'm going to agree with CincyKent here. Palmer comes into probably a better situation than Culpepper !

1. The 3 guys Palmer will be throwing too, accrued 21 touchdown receptions, and more than 2,500 yards receiving.

- I think if we get 21 + touchdowns/2500 yards out of Johnson,Warrick,and Washington in '04 we should see a Playoff birth.

2. Jeff George was shipped out of Minnesota, while Kitna will still be around to tutor and more.

3. We now can say we have good depth on the offensive line. Larry Moore as backup guard and Center. Stacey Andrews to backup Willie Anderson and be a force on Goalline situations.

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Both Wide Receivers for the Vikes were Pro-Bowlers. Between 1999-2000, the Vikes had four different pro-bowl offensive linemen. Robert Smith, a pro-bowl running back.

While the Bengals have the potential of bringing in Palmer like Culpepper was in 2000, the personnel was far better in Minnesota. Not including the divisional playoff they went to; coming from a division that only had one team with a losing record is pretty good.

1. The 3 guys Palmer will be throwing too, accrued 21 touchdown receptions, and more than 2,500 yards receiving.

- I think if we get 21 + touchdowns/2500 yards out of Johnson,Warrick,and Washington in '04 we should see a Playoff birth.

The speculation of our three as compared to Moss/Carter's 25 TD or 2650 yards is just that. You knew you could get great production from those two, we have no idea how Washington will perform or if our offense will remove double team coverage off Johnson.

2. Jeff George was shipped out of Minnesota, while Kitna will still be around to tutor and more.

This is a different circumstance for how each QB will react. While Marvin kept Kitna around to help tutor Palmer, Dennis Green didn't believe that was needed with Culpepper. 3900+ yards, 33 TDs, and a 62.7 passing pct supported his claim.

3. We now can say we have good depth on the offensive line. Larry Moore as backup guard and Center. Stacey Andrews to backup Willie Anderson and be a force on Goalline situations.

While we have an improving line, it's still nothing compared to the Vikings during their time.

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Both Wide Receivers for the Vikes were Pro-Bowlers. Between 1999-2000, the Vikes had four different pro-bowl offensive linemen. Robert Smith, a pro-bowl running back.

While the Bengals have the potential of bringing in Palmer like Culpepper was in 2000, the personnel was far better in Minnesota. Not including the divisional playoff they went to; coming from a division that only had one team with a losing record is pretty good.

1. The 3 guys Palmer will be throwing too, accrued 21 touchdown receptions, and more than 2,500 yards receiving.

- I think if we get 21 + touchdowns/2500 yards out of Johnson,Warrick,and Washington in '04 we should see a Playoff birth.

The speculation of our three as compared to Moss/Carter's 25 TD or 2650 yards is just that. You knew you could get great production from those two, we have no idea how Washington will perform or if our offense will remove double team coverage off Johnson.

2. Jeff George was shipped out of Minnesota, while Kitna will still be around to tutor and more.

This is a different circumstance for how each QB will react. While Marvin kept Kitna around to help tutor Palmer, Dennis Green didn't believe that was needed with Culpepper. 3900+ yards, 33 TDs, and a 62.7 passing pct supported his claim.

3. We now can say we have good depth on the offensive line. Larry Moore as backup guard and Center. Stacey Andrews to backup Willie Anderson and be a force on Goalline situations.

While we have an improving line, it's still nothing compared to the Vikings during their time.

Gotta go with Kirk here on all 3 points. With Culpepper's personnel, all he had to do with heave it up in the air (for Moss) about 60 yards, or throw it for a 10-yard out (to Carter) along the sidelines.

Not to mention the most important point:


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Handing out preseason grades in football is a excercise in futility....

Carolina Panthers anyone?

Thank you.

All you have to do is look at the plavement and number of "if's" and you realize, hey, these are just some guy's thoughts. What if the guy writing the article doesn't even follow the Bengals? He could be some guy who likes the NFC and only REALLY gets to see their games, interspersed occasionally with Bengals highlights, of course. I remember last season when Irvin or Deion only picked the Bengals to win like two or three games.

And people who still say Bungles are living in the past.

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:player: you're still wrong. firstly , Palmer isn't a statue after all. He was one of the fastest quarterbacks in the 2003 draft. His combine 40' was just under 4.6 ! Anyone that saw him play knows how well he moves for a big man.

* Dennis Green knew not to keep Jeff George around, simply because the one year experiment with him, only led them to a playoff birth where all of his football talents seemed to leave him all at the same time !! :lol:

* The fact is, Cincinnati had some of the better numbers comparably to any offensive line in the NFL last year. We all know that Cincinnnati players don't get the recognition they deserve simply because they're Cincy' players ! Willie Anderson got a nod last year because of our record, and the fact that he's been named a pro bowl alternate 3 times since the '98 season ! Eric Steinbach had a stellar rookie season, and at least should have been considered, so the Vikings, Todd Steussie,Matt Birk, and Korey Stringer pro bowl berths are kinda even. Randall McDaniel was the real difference on that line ! So I'll give the edge to the Vikes on that one.

* Why can't Kelley Washington duplicate what he did in his rookie year. If not for some early questions about his injured neck, Could he have pushed Warrick like he was drafted to..?? 4 touchdowns is pretty good for any rookie receiver. Jerry Rice only had 3 his rookie year !

* As for Johnson being double teamed, he was double teamed for most of the year last year. The only game it was an obvious distraction was the Ravens game. Exactly what will a defense be able to do against 3 potent receivers, perhaps a healthy Matt Schobel, and Rudi and Perry giving us 4+ yards a pop...?

Culpepper was my choice for our quarterback in the '99 draft if we couldn't have McNabb, but there isn't any real reason to say that Culpepper had any more or less of a chance at success as to what Palmer will be stepping into.

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