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Number one draft


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We are front runners for the number one draft pic this year. Let's take a look at the other front runners.

- Houston They have the best chance of winning some of the next four games. They play, Miami, Lions, Bengals and the Vikings.

- Lions, who benched a former Bengal QB. The one who couldn't get us that play off win when Palmer went down. but, I have to admit, he's a better back up then what we have right now. They can get a win within the next four games. The play the Vikings, Texans, Skins and Bears.

- The Rams. they'll lose their next four games. Skins, Cowboys, Pats and Cards.

It's going to be a tough race, but I think the Bengals can actually accomplish this mission. We have the Jets (Lose), Steelers (Lose), Houston (possible win), and Jags (another lose).

I have to agree with othe Bengal fans that say, play the second and third sting guys to give some some NFL experience. Bench Chad, he hasn't done anything to earn a pay check, bench the line. the RB (Perry, Mr fumble master), etc.

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Yep. Let the younguns get some experience. Actually build the lines up over the next couple of drafts and get a strong running game back, not a bad idea in the AFC North. This trying to win now mentality just doesn't suit this team. Devoid of direction or leadership.

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Yep. Let the younguns get some experience. Actually build the lines up over the next couple of drafts and get a strong running game back, not a bad idea in the AFC North. This trying to win now mentality just doesn't suit this team. Devoid of direction or leadership.

Holy crap. A man living in London England sees how to improve the team more clearly than the head coach Marvin Lewis. ^_^

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Yep. Let the younguns get some experience. Actually build the lines up over the next couple of drafts and get a strong running game back, not a bad idea in the AFC North. This trying to win now mentality just doesn't suit this team. Devoid of direction or leadership.

Holy crap. A man living in London England sees how to improve the team more clearly than the head coach Marvin Lewis. ^_^

I am thinking, call me crazy, that right now the Bengals FO is making calls around the league, along with TJ's agent, to find him a new home for a 2ed round pick. Ok I'll settle for a 3rd.

I am thinking that right now, call me nuts, that Chad's name is in play for a trade too. If our QB's can't get the ball to the deep threats, why not make some trades? Another 2ed round pick or better. Got to hurry the 14th is breathing down our necks.

The problem with playing the yung'ens is that there aren't enough of them to give fans any hope. Besides Sims, Simpson and Caldwell, who are they? Lousy prior drafts and bad luck have left the cupboard bare.

This team is no where near the bottom. Next year could be just as bad. Then in 2010, the team could stake a claim to average.

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Yep. Let the younguns get some experience. Actually build the lines up over the next couple of drafts and get a strong running game back, not a bad idea in the AFC North. This trying to win now mentality just doesn't suit this team. Devoid of direction or leadership.

Holy crap. A man living in London England sees how to improve the team more clearly than the head coach Marvin Lewis. ^_^

I am thinking, call me crazy, that right now the Bengals FO is making calls around the league, along with TJ's agent, to find him a new home for a 2ed round pick. Ok I'll settle for a 3rd.

I am thinking that right now, call me nuts, that Chad's name is in play for a trade too. If our QB's can't get the ball to the deep threats, why not make some trades? Another 2ed round pick or better. Got to hurry the 14th is breathing down our necks.

The problem with playing the yung'ens is that there aren't enough of them to give fans any hope. Besides Sims, Simpson and Caldwell, who are they? Lousy prior drafts and bad luck have left the cupboard bare.

This team is no where near the bottom. Next year could be just as bad. Then in 2010, the team could stake a claim to average.

I believe you give MB too much credit for being able to possess lucid thoughts.

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This team is no where near the bottom. Next year could be just as bad. Then in 2010, the team could stake a claim to average.

I'm not ready to write off 2009 yet. Setting aside the matter of Carson's elbow, the two crucial issues on offense are center and running back. Get two good players in those slots and the offense gets a lot better immediately. With the defense coming along, a quick turnaround is hardly out of the question.

But I agree that it's time to move on from 2008. At 0-6, it's time to get the youngsters into the games, and possibly move players (Chad? TJ? Levi?) to stockpile picks for April 2009.

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If there was one year you would want to have as many picks as possible for the draft, it's the one coming up. With the collective bargaining agreement possibly changing and all the talk of capping rookie salaries, this would be the last draft rookies will have the chance to cash in big on their rookie contracts. There is going to be a HUGE amount of underclassmen coming out early and it should prove to be one of the strongest overall drafts in a very long time.

I would like to see the Bengals keep that thought in mind...

I guess you could argue the other side of NOT wanting to put out big money, but it not like anything big can be expected to happen...

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Guy I want




I don't think that's why, but I hope your right. We really need to focus on the OL.

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By younguns I mean, we have a young secondary, and one with a fair amount of potential IMO. Other may disagree. On that front I am fairly optimistic. We also have a young DT who was rated by a fair few in Sims and a wild card who might pan out in the long run in Shirley (and I am being serious). Might as well play them to get experience and see how Shirley progresses. We're losing with fat old guys who won't improve further. What's the harm in the long run? We also have a few young WRs who need games and years to see if they ultimately pan out - might as well get started soon then, waste no time. Get rid of f**kface Chad and give TJ a shot at some tangible success at another team. We need picks - two more in the third, maybe even a second will help greatly when drafting for the lines. This of course is built upon the naive assumption that we'll use those drafts picks we might get in return on building up our real weakness - the O-line. (actually, trading Chad is probably a wild flight of fancy too but anyway....)

A nice big fat nasty centre would be lovely. Along with maybe a tackle and a guard. Followed up with a nice, unspectacular, big 4 ypc RB in a mid round somewhere.

Hell, maybe the year after we'll try and get some pressure on the opposing QB by going after a DE with real potential - ya know, not even I think our secondary has the potential to go against the history of pro football and be able to cover recievers for 3 minutes each snap.

/drinks more bleach

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Guy I want




I don't think that's why, but I hope your right. We really need to focus on the OL.

Aye though I want another high round Linebacker I'm more happy with seeing Oline taken in round one...I just wouldn't mind seeing reyrey then Oline in every high round pick after that...p

if we do go linebacker, i would rather have little animal. james is a way better lb. he's fast can tackle and is considered the best lb at dropping back in to pass coverage. go compare james stats vs reys stats and you will see that there really is no comparision. but like i said before o-line and d-lineshould be our number 1 priority. as you can see the o-line and the d-line are trash. people will say well they o-line only gave up 17 sacks last year. well that is because carson was throwing the ball before the pressure could get to him, check his int's for the proof of that. this team has now regressed to the point where the whole team needs to be rebulit. this team is now 3-4 years away from getting it back to being a respectable team. man if i was carson i sure in the hell would want out of here.

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The thing I would hate to see the most is a RB taken with the #1 pick. It has to be an OT. It has been proven over and over you can get a great RB after the 1st rnd. I would hate to see another 1st rnd RB bust. I couldn't take it.

if you don't want to see another first rd bust, then you might want to pull for another team. because we all know this team can not draft players at all!!!!!!!

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man if i was carson i sure in the hell would want out of here.

Yeah, but Carson's not a little bitch like Chad. He's manning up and doing what he can to make this better, not trying to find a way out.

it's not about being a little bitch, it's about playing for a team the will not ever win anything. the reason these guys play is to win and that will not happen here. trust me i want this team to win but we all know that will not happen. unless some kinda miracle happens.

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Forgot about Peko too. We have a some very interesting younger players. Time we rebuilt this thing really. If our secondary can become solid, if unspectacular at the very least, and two of the three DT progress into good players our D looks young and solid.

Rebuild the line almost completely, our depth is largely pathetic, nevermind some of the starters. Old, injured or both. Collins, Bald guy from LSU (My memory fades with age) and a couple of vets for experience/depth and a lot of shiny new O-linemen, without the baggage of being stuck on a team going nowehere for the last few seasons would look decent. Add a bruising, solid RB who can pound the ball in the mid-late rounds and say f**k it - you have 2 or 3 years of playing together. See who is progressing and who isn't and draft accordingly.

Of course, Carson might not be enamoured with the idea of playing with basically a rookie offense for a couple of years. However, he's hardly surrounded by an explosive offense anymore. All gone to s**t rapidly. I dunno, I think he might relish literally leading this team and learnin' them stuff.

I would suggest the odd astute FA pick-up to augment the team with some experience but yeah - we all know that isn't going to happen. So it isn't worth talking about.

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man if i was carson i sure in the hell would want out of here.

Yeah, but Carson's not a little bitch like Chad. He's manning up and doing what he can to make this better, not trying to find a way out.

it's not about being a little bitch, it's about playing for a team the will not ever win anything. the reason these guys play is to win and that will not happen here. trust me i want this team to win but we all know that will not happen. unless some kinda miracle happens.

True enough. If I read tomorrow that Carson decided to end it all, I couldn't blame him. I think, maybe hope but I'm going to give Carson the benefit of the doubt, he's different though. At least, if it ever gets to that point he'll go about trying to get a move in a far more professional manner and one that doesn't come across as nothing more than a slap to the collective face of Bengals fans.

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man if i was carson i sure in the hell would want out of here.

Yeah, but Carson's not a little bitch like Chad. He's manning up and doing what he can to make this better, not trying to find a way out.

it's not about being a little bitch, it's about playing for a team the will not ever win anything. the reason these guys play is to win and that will not happen here. trust me i want this team to win but we all know that will not happen. unless some kinda miracle happens.

I don't know that they'll NEVER win anything. This team has talent. They just need coaches to harness it. Marvin isn't doing it. The defense is getting better and if we can get a Zimmer-coordinator on the offensive side of the ball, we'll be in good shape.

If they address the RB, o-line, and d-line issues properly in the offseason, this could be a different team next year.

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