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Power Rankings

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Thought this might be of interest - apologies if it's already appeared.

I've listed the teams as per the published rankings and have shown if we play them Home/Away throughout the regular season.

Ranking Team

1. New England...away

2. Denver............HOME

3. Indianapolis

4. Philadelphia.....away

5. Seattle

6. Kansas

7. Baltimore.........HOME/away

8. Carolina

9. Tennessee......away

10. New Orleans

11. Dallas..............HOME

12. Atlanta

13. St. Louis

14. Green Bay

15. Jacksonville

16. Miami.....HOME

17. Minnesota

18. Tampa Bay

19. Pittsburgh.......away/HOME

20. Washington....away

21. Cincinnati

22. Buffalo............HOME

23. Houston

24. NY Jets...........away

25. Oakland

26. NY Giants.......HOME

27. Detroit

28. Chicago

29. Cleveland......away/HOME

30. Arizona

31. San Francisco

32. San Diego

The split is, (exc divisional games):-

teams above us in the rankings 3 home matches, 4 away matches

teams below us in the rankings 2 home matches, 1 away match

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ESPN ranking Pittsburgh ahead of us and the NFL picking the steelers as a super Bowl contender is a farce! No real improvements on defense, and you've got to of their most important players on offense (Maddox and Burress) crying about their contracts. Some of these guys need to wake up and smell the Who-Dey. The sleeping giant has awoken in Cincinnati and is ready to eat them alive!

:player: :angry: :player:

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You've got to realize that the main reason everyone has us rated so low is because of Carson. No one knows what to expect with a 'rookie' QB so they are ranking us low until he proves something. I believe we will far out perform the critics expectations, but you can't blame them for not giving a lot of credit to a QB who has never taken an NFL snap. From everything I read it sounds like he's progressing nicely but until we put on some pads and play some real games you can't really expect to see us in anyone's top 10.

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They have Pittsburgh rated higher than The Bengals....WTF ?

Just remember guys...last year at this same time the Squeelers were rated at #4, and we all know were they ended up! In the crapper. Those rankings don't mean diddly squat until we get about 1/3rd into the season. B)

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You've got to realize that the main reason everyone has us rated so low is because of Carson. No one knows what to expect with a 'rookie' QB so they are ranking us low until he proves something. I believe we will far out perform the critics expectations, but you can't blame them for not giving a lot of credit to a QB who has never taken an NFL snap. From everything I read it sounds like he's progressing nicely but until we put on some pads and play some real games you can't really expect to see us in anyone's top 10.

I agree. More so, we did only finish 8-8 and typically that carries over to predictions for the next season. How many years was it before our last winning record? Yea, I don't blame anyone for putting us at 20th or below. It will be fun however, when we beat the hell out of their top tens, and here them saying, well, uh, oh, eh, the Bengals? Hell yes the Bengals jackass!

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You've got to realize that the main reason everyone has us rated so low is because of Carson.  No one knows what to expect with a 'rookie' QB so they are ranking us low until he proves something.  I believe we will far out perform the critics expectations, but you can't blame them for not giving a lot of credit to a QB who has never taken an NFL snap.  From everything I read it sounds like he's progressing nicely but until we put on some pads and play some real games you can't really expect to see us in anyone's top 10.


Good post and I agree with you that we will "far out perform the critics expectations".

But can someone explain to me "the reason" why some people have the Steelers going to the Super Bowl ?

I mean they were what 6-10 last year ?

What have they done that will be that much of an improvement ?

Looking at their team I don't see where they have improved themselfs all that much for 2004.

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But can someone explain to me "the reason" why some people have the Steelers going to the Super Bowl ?

I mean they were what 6-10 last year ?

What have they done that will be that much of an improvement ?

Looking at their team I don't see where they have improved themselves all that much for 2004.

Those people that think the Squeelers are going to the Super Bowl are smoking mass quantities of crack! :wacko:

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Well they did reach the AFC Championship game in 2002, so that has something to do with it. Do I agree with it? No. But they've done far more than we have in the the past decade, including 6 more wins than the Bengals in the past 2 seasons. Can't blame the "experts" for their opinions.

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The very first game is a huge game. It may be the easiest road game we have the whole year. If we are going to win 10 games this year we must win the opener, in my opinion.

A 3 TD win over the Jets would get some serious momentum rolling.

Herm has to do what ML did last year with the D. The Jets dumped 2 starting LB's, both safeties, and lost a CB so the new D should be on its heels to start.

Turn Palmer loose and blitz their brains out.

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