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More TJ, Less Everyone


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TJ on the sked & lack of prime time games (from da site):

"They think we stink. They don't give us any chance, so we'll just go kick everybody's (...)," Houshmandzadeh said. "If you want national exposure, make the playoffs. Like the great Cleveland Browns. I guess they're going to go 6-0 in the division and everybody else is playing for second place."

:sure: :sure: :sure:

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TJ on the sked & lack of prime time games (from da site):

"They think we stink. They don't give us any chance, so we'll just go kick everybody's (...)," Houshmandzadeh said. "If you want national exposure, make the playoffs. Like the great Cleveland Browns. I guess they're going to go 6-0 in the division and everybody else is playing for second place."

:sure: :sure: :sure:

Jesus...Why can't Chad catch a clue from Touraj. (Yeah...I'm using first names here, not initials.) He realizes the crux of the matter is this is a VERY critical year approaching for our team.

Our new DC Zimmer brings new ideas and schemes Bresnahan would never consider. The new schedule announced today holds huge challenges for a team which few would argue is in major upheaval following the release of Henry, and the ever ongoing saga of Chad Johnson. Opportunity abounds in the draft to shore up a notoriously weak defense. Good to great RB's are seemingly deep in this draft.

The clock ticks loudly this year my friends, and as a listener to this ticking since 1968, I want to hear the bells finally ring for once...

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The clock ticks loudly this year my friends, and as a listener to this ticking since 1968, I want to hear the bells finally ring for once...

And that's what you got, buddy. It's April 15th and Cap'n Ponytail is already offering up bulletin board material! And ya know what? I like it!

Bells? Ding freakin' dong!

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The clock ticks loudly this year my friends, and as a listener to this ticking since 1968, I want to hear the bells finally ring for once...

And that's what you got, buddy. It's April 15th and Cap'n Ponytail is already offering up bulletin board material! And ya know what? I like it!

Bells? Ding freakin' dong!

I appreciate you optimism Dave, but I'm not putting on hearing protectors in anticipation of those bells. IMO this season hinges on what we have after the big "Blow Up". Does Marvin finally have a DC able to bring forth his defensive agenda? Leslie didn't. Chuck hadn't a clue. It all happens on this side of the ball.

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I appreciate you optimism Dave,

Me? optimistic? Damn but stuff is changing, eh? :lol:

but I'm not putting on hearing protectors in anticipation of those bells. IMO this season hinges on what we have after the big "Blow Up". Does Marvin finally have a DC able to bring forth his defensive agenda? Leslie didn't. Chuck hadn't a clue. It all happens on this side of the ball.

Ehhhh...possibly. Rome wasn't built in a day and this hasn't been built in forever...but less whining and more "bite me" on offense can't hurt.

Now...there's a cynical bastard in me that says there's some good cop/bad cop stuff going on between TJ and Chad (buddies after all) here and the two of them are after bucks for TJ, but I like the attitude, and if they show him the money no one will complain. No doubt we need D -- but this offense on a mission carries it own dangers.

O or D, the more p*ssed off this team comes into the season, the happier I am.

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The clock ticks loudly this year my friends, and as a listener to this ticking since 1968, I want to hear the bells finally ring for once...

And that's what you got, buddy. It's April 15th and Cap'n Ponytail is already offering up bulletin board material! And ya know what? I like it!

Bells? Ding freakin' dong!

I appreciate you optimism Dave, but I'm not putting on hearing protectors in anticipation of those bells. IMO this season hinges on what we have after the big "Blow Up". Does Marvin finally have a DC able to bring forth his defensive agenda? Leslie didn't. Chuck hadn't a clue. It all happens on this side of the ball.

Hey, I like TJ's attitude too. I especially like it because he's not one of those locker room heros who talks big then sucks or plays like a coward. TJ brings it - he makes the catch and fights for the first down, no matter what you do to him. And he's taken a whole lot of punishment.

TJ's earned the right to talk sh*t, but he's the only one out of 53 in my opinion.

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I appreciate you optimism Dave, but I'm not putting on hearing protectors in anticipation of those bells. IMO this season hinges on what we have after the big "Blow Up". Does Marvin finally have a DC able to bring forth his defensive agenda? Leslie didn't. Chuck hadn't a clue. It all happens on this side of the ball.

Didn't Leslie have the defense ranked like 14th or something before Marvin fired him? Frazier was going to be a good Def. Cord. but I don't think he was enough of a yes man for Marvin...and now after the defensive struggles the Bengals have gone through, I think Marvin has finally realized that "yes men" don't get the job done. I am willing to bet that Marvin wakes up each morning wondering why in the hell he fired Frazier and had Chuckie at his side the last 3-4 years.

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Isn't it amazing how we keep seeing signs of true team leadership from a player who honestly can claim to be underpaid.

But not underappreciated.

Yeah, more TJ.

Less everyone else.

I like it.

Then again, why wouldn't I?

It's my rant.

Thing is, he wasn't underpaid when he signed his last extension. For about the last 25 years, every NFL pro knows that his second deal will be very low compared to what younger guys get, a couple years later, when they sign their second deal in the NFL.

Where TJ is shining is how he's going about getting exactly what Chad is trying to do, get a third big contract in a sport that doesn't do many big 3rd contracts. At the end of the day, if TJ doesn't get that big deal, he'll no doubt be "bitter", not like some guy from small town Pennsylvania, but like many nfl greats who didn't think their skills diminish at 32 or 33 and can't understand why owners won't pay for what they did when they were 28, 29.

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Thing is, he wasn't underpaid when he signed his last extension.


Where TJ is shining is how he's going about getting exactly what Chad is trying to do, get a third big contract in a sport that doesn't do many big 3rd contracts.

While Chad seems all-consumed by his need for more pay TJ has repeatedly claimed he's unconcerned about his contract. He knows if he plays at a high level again he'll either cash in big with the Bengals or from some other team. His big payday is coming, here or somewhere else, and he knows it.

At the end of the day, if TJ doesn't get that big deal, he'll no doubt be "bitter", not like some guy from small town Pennsylvania, but like many nfl greats who didn't think their skills diminish at 32 or 33 and can't understand why owners won't pay for what they did when they were 28, 29.

I don't think he'll be bitter. He'll just move on to greener pastures....leaving behind a fanbase who still respects him.

Frankly, TJ has his own issues, but he always demonstrates the maturity and work ethic of a player who has worked for everything he's gotten and is willing to do the little things players have to do to win. He'll block when asked, and take the big hit when needed. And best, he seems to understand that football teams don't need clowns.

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