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If we had a GM


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I don't normally paste full blown articles into our discussions, but this was too good to pass up. Boy, would it be a breath of fresh air!

Chad? He's traded to the Eagles for Lito Sheppard

By Chick Ludwig

Staff Writer, Dayton Daily News

Monday, March 24, 2008

If I were Cincinnati Bengals president Mike Brown for a day, here's what I'd do.

From my corner office atop Paul Brown Stadium, I'd push away from my desk, give a tug on my seersucker britches, slam one of my wingtip shoes on the carpet and tell my secretary, Jan Sutton, to take a memo — straight from Michael Corleone in "The Godfather."

"Chad Johnson? Traded to the Eagles for Lito Decorian Sheppard and a second-round draft pick.

"T.J. Houshmandzadeh? He will play out the final year of his contract in 2008 and walk in free agency.

"Stacy Andrews? We have patiently nursed him along as a project and made him our franchise player this season because we didn't want to lose him. We have tried for two years to get him signed out into the future, yet he refuses. He will play for $7.455 million in 2008, then leave us.

"David Pollack? We told David after he injured his neck (Sept. 17, 2006) not to worry about football, but to work at getting himself right. We want him to lead a long, healthy and happy life.

"Knowing David's love for football, he has worked extremely hard in an attempt to make a comeback and play again. We do not feel it is our duty or obligation to deny him that opportunity. But it won't happen with us. It shall happen with another team.

"Therefore, I am making the decision to terminate David's contract, releasing him to free agency."

Then I take the elevator to the ground floor and breathe in the fresh air flowing through the locker room.

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this is why chuck works for a newspaper. he fails to mention the almost 11 million dollars it would take to cut and trade pollack and chad. 2 you think the eagles would want chad after the whole t.o saga? nope. then why would you let tj walk? because everyone's trying to group him in with chad. tj has done nothing wrong and will be here when its time. as for stacy yea i agree with that, i would not have franchised him. i would have let him walk and spent the money on trying to get the defense fixed.

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If we had a GM

If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the mornin' ....

If I had a bell, I'd ring it in the mornin' ...

If I had a song, I'd sing it in the mornin' ...

If I was busier at work, I wouldn't waste my time on these silly posts.

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"Chad Johnson? Traded to the Eagles for Lito Decorian Sheppard and a second-round draft pick.

Not a deal I'd be scrambling to say yes to.

"T.J. Houshmandzadeh? He will play out the final year of his contract in 2008 and walk in free agency.

Sadly, all too possible.

"Stacy Andrews? We have patiently nursed him along as a project and made him our franchise player this season because we didn't want to lose him. We have tried for two years to get him signed out into the future, yet he refuses. He will play for $7.455 million in 2008, then leave us.

Also, all too possible.

"David Pollack? We told David after he injured his neck (Sept. 17, 2006) not to worry about football, but to work at getting himself right. We want him to lead a long, healthy and happy life.

"Knowing David's love for football, he has worked extremely hard in an attempt to make a comeback and play again. We do not feel it is our duty or obligation to deny him that opportunity. But it won't happen with us. It shall happen with another team.

"Therefore, I am making the decision to terminate David's contract, releasing him to free agency."

Not sure why you would do this. I would think Odell is a more likely candidate for a hearty handshake and one-way ticket out of town.

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Trading Chad for Lito Sheppard and a 2nd round pick....? = " What You Talking 'Bout Chuck ?"

- If that was the case, we should've made the trade for DeAngelo Hall !! He's a much better cornerback and has punt return skills too!

* As for Stacey Andrews...... Is there anyone in the NFL that doesn't know that he just wants to play next to his brother ??

Any Trades to Philadelphia should involve Andrews, and not Chad! :sure:

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Regarding Stacy, Hobs added this to today's workout story...

Offensive lineman Stacy Andrews, wearing one of the biggest Cincinnati Reds cap in history, has the same locker but different paycheck as the team's franchise player. Try a one-year $7.5 million check stub. He says he thinks a long-term deal will get worked out (they have until July 15) but there was no question he would sign the tender almost immediately so he could be here with his teammates Monday.


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Ok OK, I just couldn't hold this in anymores !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OH Happy Day.... ( Oh Happy DAYYYYY )


When He WASHeD .....( When Jesus Washed )

When He Washed .....( When Jesus Washed )

:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: - I just couldn't contain the Spririt anymore, at just the thought of us having a REAL General Manager !!


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"Who is this Jeebus fellow you keep singing about?" --- Homer Simpson

"Stealing? How could you?! Haven't you learned anything from that guy who gives those sermons at church? Captain what's-his-name? We live in a society of laws. Why do you think I took you to all those Police Academy movies? For fun? Well, I didn't hear anybody laughin', did you?" --- Homer Simpson.

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Regarding Stacy, Hobs added this to today's workout story...

Offensive lineman Stacy Andrews, wearing one of the biggest Cincinnati Reds cap in history, has the same locker but different paycheck as the team's franchise player. Try a one-year $7.5 million check stub. He says he thinks a long-term deal will get worked out (they have until July 15) but there was no question he would sign the tender almost immediately so he could be here with his teammates Monday.


I thought this whole 'franchise Stacy' deal was a one-year stopgap. Is the claim now that he's our elite lineman of the future?

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"Who is this Jeebus fellow you keep singing about?" --- Homer Simpson

"Stealing? How could you?! Haven't you learned anything from that guy who gives those sermons at church? Captain what's-his-name? We live in a society of laws. Why do you think I took you to all those Police Academy movies? For fun? Well, I didn't hear anybody laughin', did you?" --- Homer Simpson.

On behalf of Police Academy--where's the love?

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