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Hey guys lets get some predictions


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What ya say is it to early for some of you all???? If not be fun to see what ya think and see how close we guess at end of the year...Im just looking for who you think will win there DIV. and the wildcard team...so give it a shot and good luck.

Nat. east. Mets

central Cubs

west Dodgers

wild card Arizona

Am. east Yankees

central Tigers

west Angels

wildcard Indians

So theres mine, dont laugh to hard.....But I know im right... :sure:

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I haven't really been keeping up with the other teams that well to tell you the truth, but think the Reds may actually contend this year. I don't see them winning the division this season, but I don't think a wildcard is out of the question either. Pitching will again dictate how this team does...


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