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I don't believe it... Henry yelling over $5??? It cost less than $10 to park valee at Newport on the levee. If there were an argument, it was because of something else, not a few dollars. Therefore the story has a lot of "questions"... Can't wait for Sunday.

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Well, my girlfriend's, sister's, baby-mama said that Chris Henry told her to go **ck herself at the Piggly Wiggly in Sumpter South Carolina just last month.

Is this stuff for real? Do you guys all actually think that professional athletes are genuinely nice guys to parking valets, cashiers, caddys, etc. I'm willing to bet that there's not a damn guy on the roster that doesn't treat Joe 6-pack like crap regularly. And when I say the "roster", I pretty much mean every NFL, NBA, and MLB roster.

Get real. These guys are rich as hell and are completely used to getting away with dumping on people because they can. They've been getting away with it since high school. You don't think Bret Farverevrre cusses the hell out of the maid in his hotel? Seriously? Is Henry more of an a-hole than most -- probably. Is he different in any meaningful way. No.

The point is, its news because this guy has a history of doing this. And, "Don't you know who I am" is just precious. It shows you that he has not learned ANYTHING from his suspension and will do the same thing again. Get this guy off your team bengal fans. The bengals will never be a contender until him and all his buddies are gone. Until they are gone, cincinnati is the laughingstock of the league.

No- the point is the league has a hard on for the Bengals so every little stupid story like this will continue to get some play somewhere. I'm guessing the phrase "don't you know who I am" passes the lips of every celebrity or faux-celebrity just about daily. Maybe it's because I spent a dozen years living in LA, but this is really not an interesting story. If some additional "punishment" were to be levied for something like this -- I would expect that Goodell would just skip the excuse next time and ban him for being alive. Let's get the ridiculous farce over.

Well, my girlfriend's, sister's, baby-mama said that Chris Henry told her to go **ck herself at the Piggly Wiggly in Sumpter South Carolina just last month.

And for whatever it might be worth, there's a fan on GoBengals who claims Henry tried to start a fight with a high school football player at a local WalMart.

Regardless of whether there's any truth to any of the stories it seems more and more certain that Henry is operating on borrowed time. Goodell is just waiting for any excuse to bounce him for good, and local authorities have proven that they're not above trying to frame him....which they won't need to do if he's spending his days threatening to fight every low-paid employee or bargain shopper who happens to cross his path.

Well, my girlfriend's, sister's, baby-mama said that Chris Henry told her to go **ck herself at the Piggly Wiggly in Sumpter South Carolina just last month.

Is this stuff for real? Do you guys all actually think that professional athletes are genuinely nice guys to parking valets, cashiers, caddys, etc. I'm willing to bet that there's not a damn guy on the roster that doesn't treat Joe 6-pack like crap regularly. And when I say the "roster", I pretty much mean every NFL, NBA, and MLB roster.

Get real. These guys are rich as hell and are completely used to getting away with dumping on people because they can. They've been getting away with it since high school. You don't think Bret Farverevrre cusses the hell out of the maid in his hotel? Seriously? Is Henry more of an a-hole than most -- probably. Is he different in any meaningful way. No.

The point is, its news because this guy has a history of doing this. And, "Don't you know who I am" is just precious. It shows you that he has not learned ANYTHING from his suspension and will do the same thing again. Get this guy off your team bengal fans. The bengals will never be a contender until him and all his buddies are gone. Until they are gone, cincinnati is the laughingstock of the league.

No- the point is the league has a hard on for the Bengals so every little stupid story like this will continue to get some play somewhere. I'm guessing the phrase "don't you know who I am" passes the lips of every celebrity or faux-celebrity just about daily. Maybe it's because I spent a dozen years living in LA, but this is really not an interesting story. If some additional "punishment" were to be levied for something like this -- I would expect that Goodell would just skip the excuse next time and ban him for being alive. Let's get the ridiculous farce over.

You can't possibly be defending this guy????? Well, theres your problem right there, because your head coach defends him, as well as all the other thugs.

You can't possibly be defending this guy????? Well, theres your problem right there, because your head coach defends him, as well as all the other thugs.

Did he break the law? Did he violate any NFL rule? No and no. So, what you're accusing me of is defending him from exercising his Constitutional right to be a douchebag. Of that, yes, I am guilty. Perhaps not yourself, but if not then likely somebody very close to you is also guilty of occasionally being a douchebag. They don't deserve to be suspended from their job (simply for that) either.

Would I like Henry if I met him on the street? Probably not. But that's not the standard by which I judge athletes because, if I did, I would be limited to watching the Special Olympics. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but face facts -- if you like the NFL, you are watching (and rooting for) people you would undoubtedly not like if you knew them. That same fact holds true for the actors you watch in movies and on tv, the politicians you vote for, and large numbers of people you work with and for. The fact that I'm apparently the only one that admits that NFL athletes are largely pampered, spoiled and selfish individuals that are somewhat less than the "swell guy" you see in a commercial doesn't change the fact that it's true. The fact that you want to accept the league's claim that only a few guys like Adam Jones and Chris Henry are sometimes mean to parking valets doesn't make that preposterous suggestion true.

The fact that I'm apparently the only one that admits that NFL athletes are largely pampered, spoiled and selfish individuals that are somewhat less than the "swell guy" you see in a commercial doesn't change the fact that it's true. The fact that you want to accept the league's claim that only a few guys like Adam Jones and Chris Henry are sometimes mean to parking valets doesn't make that preposterous suggestion true.

You're a liar. That's not what it says in those United Way commercials. These guys care about the community, dammit! ;P

You can't possibly be defending this guy????? Well, theres your problem right there, because your head coach defends him, as well as all the other thugs.

Did he break the law? Did he violate any NFL rule? No and no. So, what you're accusing me of is defending him from exercising his Constitutional right to be a douchebag. Of that, yes, I am guilty. Perhaps not yourself, but if not then likely somebody very close to you is also guilty of occasionally being a douchebag. They don't deserve to be suspended from their job (simply for that) either.

IF the reports are true, then I think this is a little more than a case of someone acting like a jerk. "Don't you know who I am?" is something a jerk says. "You better hope I don't see you again" is something much more serious. A lot of pro athletes/celebrities may be jerks, but the majority of them don't get themselves kicked out of their local shopping complexes, either.

[You can't possibly be defending this guy?????

I'll defend him. It won't even be difficult. When you say "this guy" you mean the same guy who:

1. Was accused of assaulting a 16 year-old kid back in June. The police quickly announced the accuser was "credible." Then they actually investigated. The whole thing was a lie, and the police said so. Henry cleared, accuser discredited.

2. Was accused of failing a drug test in May by none other than Kenton County Prosecuting Attorney Garry Edmondson. Two days later Edmondson said his office had experienced some internal miscommunication and Henry had failed no test. Henry cleared, accuser discredited.

3. Was accused of violating his probation in Orlando 8 different ways. In October of this year after a hearing the Judge found ZERO of the 8 accusations to be credible. And it wasn't even close. Probation not revoked. Henry cleared, accuser discredited.

You don't know what went on with that parking attendant, and neither do I. But is it possible that attendant was an overly-aggressive douche who had his bulls**t put back in his face in spades? Yep, it's possible. I can't see any law that was broken. Send Chris Henry to charm school if you think it will do any good.

"Don't you know who I am?" is something a jerk says.

Agreed. But I'm not falling into the trap of believing he said this based on the word of one person. There was a third set of ears in this conversation, let's wait and hear what he heard. Oh wait, the cops already talked to him but didn't bother to include his version of the events in the report. Why not? I see two possiblities.

One, the incident as reported by the complainant wasn't worth their time or effort. They felt no charges would be filed. Evidence supporting this is that they did not arrest or even question Henry when doing either would have been easy.

Two, racism. The police already had the version of events from the complainant, why bother talking to the black friend of the black defendant. Evidence supporting this: reality.

[You can't possibly be defending this guy?????

I'll defend him. It won't even be difficult. When you say "this guy" you mean the same guy who:

1. Was accused of assaulting a 16 year-old kid back in June. The police quickly announced the accuser was "credible." Then they actually investigated. The whole thing was a lie, and the police said so. Henry cleared, accuser discredited.

2. Was accused of failing a drug test in May by none other than Kenton County Prosecuting Attorney Garry Edmondson. Two days later Edmondson said his office had experienced some internal miscommunication and Henry had failed no test. Henry cleared, accuser discredited.

3. Was accused of violating his probation in Orlando 8 different ways. In October of this year after a hearing the Judge found ZERO of the 8 accusations to be credible. And it wasn't even close. Probation not revoked. Henry cleared, accuser discredited.

You don't know what went on with that parking attendant, and neither do I. But is it possible that attendant was an overly-aggressive douche who had his bulls**t put back in his face in spades? Yep, it's possible. I can't see any law that was broken. Send Chris Henry to charm school if you think it will do any good.

I really don't care, cause I'm not a bengals fan. But lets look at all the things you are glossing over. First, he was caught with marijuana. Oh, then he was charged with waving a gun in front of some people. Oh, by the way, the gun was stolen. Lets see, then there was the DUI charge. I'm sure theres more I don't even know about.

Sure its possible that the parking lot attendant is to blame. But if you are Chris Henry, just coming off suspension, wouldn't you go out of your way to prevent something like this from happening?

Then theres fans like you who want to defend him. Well, go ahead, if you want to, but you get what you deserve, and sooner or later, the bengals will agree with me and he'll be gone. I'm glad he's not on my team.

Well, whatever.


I'll tell you what though... If I were to get into trouble for every Soldier I told to go "F*ck themselves", I'd be out of job as well. No, I'm not trying to compare his situation to the Army, just saying. I agree with not knowing what really happened, but you know where else that logic applies ?? All the b*tching about what is going on with the Bengals organization as a whole !!! Just throwing that out there and not defending Henry stupidity whatsoever !!!


sooner or later, the bengals will agree with me and he'll be gone.
Thanks for the penetrating glimpse into the obvious.

Welcome to the board by the way. No offense. I just get riled reading posts that say, "Henry's a thug!" Unfortunately, we're all too aware of his thugitude. His ridiculous talent just makes it all the more painful to watch him circle the bowl. You are correct, of course, regarding his various offenses. He's lucky he's not in a Florida prison as a result of that Orlando incident. I naively like to fantasize that his list of recent near-misses supersedes his list of not-as-recent direct hits. I'm a Bengal fan, I like to do this so that I can be emotionally destroyed when he finally goes down in flames.

Until then, I will call bulls**t whenever someone does the "Chris Henry just spit on the sidewalk and looked crosseyed at an old lady! Someone call the police, the Enquirer, PFT, ESPN, and The Boone County Klavern!" thing.

"Don't you know who I am?" is something a jerk says.

Agreed. But I'm not falling into the trap of believing he said this based on the word of one person. There was a third set of ears in this conversation, let's wait and hear what he heard. Oh wait, the cops already talked to him but didn't bother to include his version of the events in the report. Why not? I see two possiblities.

One, the incident as reported by the complainant wasn't worth their time or effort. They felt no charges would be filed. Evidence supporting this is that they did not arrest or even question Henry when doing either would have been easy.

Two, racism. The police already had the version of events from the complainant, why bother talking to the black friend of the black defendant. Evidence supporting this: reality.

I'm voting for #1 <_<

Well, my girlfriend's, sister's, baby-mama said that Chris Henry told her to go **ck herself at the Piggly Wiggly in Sumpter South Carolina just last month.

And for whatever it might be worth, there's a fan on GoBengals who claims Henry tried to start a fight with a high school football player at a local WalMart.

Regardless of whether there's any truth to any of the stories it seems more and more certain that Henry is operating on borrowed time. Goodell is just waiting for any excuse to bounce him for good, and local authorities have proven that they're not above trying to frame him....which they won't need to do if he's spending his days threatening to fight every low-paid employee or bargain shopper who happens to cross his path.

That's a bunch of BS too! Here's mine (and this is not something I made up either): A bar attendent at my buddies wedding this past Saturday told me that he was cool with Henry and that he's about to get suspended 4 more games for smoking... I took this with a grain of salt... The point is that all the bad publicy he's recieved for his wrong doing and from false reports have really hurt his image. I can't wait until he grabs a TD this weekend, our fans will go nuts, all will be forgotten. This will blow over.

btw, someone get this guys ph. #, I'd like to give him a call: No charges have been filed. Police told 35-year-old Jason Baker of Bellevue, Ky., that he could file a complaint with prosecutors if he wanted to pursue the matter. Baker didn't return a phone message on Wednesday.

I really don't care, cause I'm not a bengals fan. But lets look at all the things you are glossing over. First, he was caught with marijuana. Oh, then he was charged with waving a gun in front of some people. Oh, by the way, the gun was stolen. Lets see, then there was the DUI charge. I'm sure theres more I don't even know about.

Sure its possible that the parking lot attendant is to blame. But if you are Chris Henry, just coming off suspension, wouldn't you go out of your way to prevent something like this from happening?

Then theres fans like you who want to defend him. Well, go ahead, if you want to, but you get what you deserve, and sooner or later, the bengals will agree with me and he'll be gone. I'm glad he's not on my team.

Well, whatever.

Well, glad we got that out of the way. I'm sure plenty of Steelers fans would be happy if Chris Henry never played again as well. Everything you are talking about happened before he was suspended and for which he has served the penalty set out, not only by the justice system, but by the NFL as well. So, we're talking about an argument with a parking attendant. My quite valid point was that I believe that kind of thing happens all the time with individuals not named Chris Henry. Your point is that -- he did those bad things before so he shouldn't get into arguments with parking attendants. That's a boring thing to say because it's obvious. Of course he shows bad judgment. Duh!! But there's bad judgment to the point of being criminal and there's bad judgment to the point of being a jerk. The second doesn't deserve the level of righteous indignance being accorded to this incident. The fact that your attitude about Chris Henry's life is "whatever" suggests that you only came here to see what Bengals fans were saying and to trot out how superior your moral values are. Congratulations -- we're all impressed. Make sure that you don't ever tell a parking attendant to f**k off and you're guaranteed that place in heaven. I'm a little too busy here on planet Earth to worry about your viewpoint, however.

Well, my girlfriend's, sister's, baby-mama said that Chris Henry told her to go **ck herself at the Piggly Wiggly in Sumpter South Carolina just last month.

And for whatever it might be worth, there's a fan on GoBengals who claims Henry tried to start a fight with a high school football player at a local WalMart.

Regardless of whether there's any truth to any of the stories it seems more and more certain that Henry is operating on borrowed time. Goodell is just waiting for any excuse to bounce him for good, and local authorities have proven that they're not above trying to frame him....which they won't need to do if he's spending his days threatening to fight every low-paid employee or bargain shopper who happens to cross his path.

That's a bunch of BS too! Here's mine (and this is not something I made up either): A bar attendent at my buddies wedding this past Saturday told me that he was cool with Henry and that he's about to get suspended 4 more games for smoking... I took this with a grain of salt... The point is that all the bad publicy he's recieved for his wrong doing and from false reports have really hurt his image. I can't wait until he grabs a TD this weekend, our fans will go nuts, all will be forgotten. This will blow over.

btw, someone get this guys ph. #, I'd like to give him a call: No charges have been filed. Police told 35-year-old Jason Baker of Bellevue, Ky., that he could file a complaint with prosecutors if he wanted to pursue the matter. Baker didn't return a phone message on Wednesday.

AGreen -- seriously, don't tell me you thought I was being serious about that statement...seriously!

That's a bunch of BS too! Here's mine (and this is not something I made up either): ....

I'm not sure it matters if any of these rumors are BS. For more than a year we've seen repeated examples of people in authority abusing whatever powers they may have in a blatant attempt to run a fairly stupid young person out of the NFL by any means. And I have no doubt that they're still trying.

Well, my girlfriend's, sister's, baby-mama said that Chris Henry told her to go **ck herself at the Piggly Wiggly in Sumpter South Carolina just last month.

And for whatever it might be worth, there's a fan on GoBengals who claims Henry tried to start a fight with a high school football player at a local WalMart.

Regardless of whether there's any truth to any of the stories it seems more and more certain that Henry is operating on borrowed time. Goodell is just waiting for any excuse to bounce him for good, and local authorities have proven that they're not above trying to frame him....which they won't need to do if he's spending his days threatening to fight every low-paid employee or bargain shopper who happens to cross his path.

That's a bunch of BS too! Here's mine (and this is not something I made up either): A bar attendent at my buddies wedding this past Saturday told me that he was cool with Henry and that he's about to get suspended 4 more games for smoking... I took this with a grain of salt... The point is that all the bad publicy he's recieved for his wrong doing and from false reports have really hurt his image. I can't wait until he grabs a TD this weekend, our fans will go nuts, all will be forgotten. This will blow over.

btw, someone get this guys ph. #, I'd like to give him a call: No charges have been filed. Police told 35-year-old Jason Baker of Bellevue, Ky., that he could file a complaint with prosecutors if he wanted to pursue the matter. Baker didn't return a phone message on Wednesday.

Go to the 700WLW website. A PDF copy of the official Newport PD report is there, and the dummies didn't cross out the phone number enough. You can get the accuser's phone number, name and address. You can also make out Chris Henry's social security number there and address. Here's hoping that some computer geek steals his identity. I'm always going to be a Bengals fan, but pieces of trash like Henry need to just die off so they can't create the next generation of thug idots. I am looking forward to him catching a few touchdowns and being out of the NFL by the end of the year. And by the way, there is just way, way too many stories out there of him being a bad citizen for all of them to be false. I don't buy the conspiracy theory, or the racism theory, that everyone is out to get Henry. Maybe an isolated situation here or there could be explained with those theories, but all of the stuff we've heard over the last two or three years, plus the stuff in college. It's too much. He's an uneducated thug that doesn't know how the world works. He doesn't seem to be able to grasp it quick enough to save his golden career. He'll either die young, or figure it out eventually, but I can't think it will be before he flushed his career away.


Let's not have anyone turn into Pittsburgh fans and start calling the guy making death threats or something to that affect. This is rediculous... I hope the accuser or Henry finds out their personal information has been made pucblic and sues someone. There is NO REASON for any website to post something like that. I understand that it is up for public dissemination, but the SSN (at least) should be blacked out completely. Identity theft anyone ??

Henry's a thug, Henry will be gone, Henry is an idiot, blah blah blah... Same song and dance and the result will be what ?? I will say this...

Minus Henry getting into further (REAL) trouble, I would be MORE THAN WILLING TO MAKE A JERSEY WAGER that he will remain with this team beyond this season. The Bengals didn't see him through all of this to simply cut him at seasons end. If they were going to do that, you wouldn't see him take the field at all in the 2nd half of the season. What would be the reason for that when realistically 8-8 would be the best to hope for at thos point ??

Once again, Henry is an idiot who will wearing stripes for the foreseeable future...


I really don't care, cause I'm not a bengals fan. But lets look at all the things you are glossing over. First, he was caught with marijuana. Oh, then he was charged with waving a gun in front of some people. Oh, by the way, the gun was stolen. Lets see, then there was the DUI charge. I'm sure theres more I don't even know about.

Sure its possible that the parking lot attendant is to blame. But if you are Chris Henry, just coming off suspension, wouldn't you go out of your way to prevent something like this from happening?

Then theres fans like you who want to defend him. Well, go ahead, if you want to, but you get what you deserve, and sooner or later, the bengals will agree with me and he'll be gone. I'm glad he's not on my team.

Well, whatever.

Well, glad we got that out of the way. I'm sure plenty of Steelers fans would be happy if Chris Henry never played again as well. Everything you are talking about happened before he was suspended and for which he has served the penalty set out, not only by the justice system, but by the NFL as well. So, we're talking about an argument with a parking attendant. My quite valid point was that I believe that kind of thing happens all the time with individuals not named Chris Henry. Your point is that -- he did those bad things before so he shouldn't get into arguments with parking attendants. That's a boring thing to say because it's obvious. Of course he shows bad judgment. Duh!! But there's bad judgment to the point of being criminal and there's bad judgment to the point of being a jerk. The second doesn't deserve the level of righteous indignance being accorded to this incident. The fact that your attitude about Chris Henry's life is "whatever" suggests that you only came here to see what Bengals fans were saying and to trot out how superior your moral values are. Congratulations -- we're all impressed. Make sure that you don't ever tell a parking attendant to f**k off and you're guaranteed that place in heaven. I'm a little too busy here on planet Earth to worry about your viewpoint, however.

Hey, if you want this thug on your team, by all means. You got him. Good luck to you. By the way, my morality doesn't have to be very high to be superior to his...you might find that a few TD receptions aren't worth it. Enjoy!


If I was the parking attendant and Henry said, “Don’t you know who I am?”

I think I'd say, "I believe one Ft. Thomas judge called you a cancer."

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