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Team #.....TEAM NAME...............................RECORD.................. Points For..................Pts Against

10............ Mean Machine v2.0.....................1 — 0................ 161................ 95

8.............. Sunday Money...........................1 — 0................ 124................ 93

6.............. Desperate Derelicts....................1 — 0................ 124................ 118

7..............Feline Felons..............................1 — 0................ 111................ 81

4.............. Kilted Killers..............................1 — 0................ 107................ 75

9.............. Skyline Chilis.............................1 — 0................ 97................ 92

5.............. Billy's Badboys..........................0 — 1................ 118................ 124

11.............Danimal's Animals..................... 0 — 1................ 95................ 161

2.............. Cobra Kai..................................0 — 1................ 93................ 124

12............ Goodfellas.................................0 — 1................ 92................ 97

1.............. Southpaws................................ 0 — 1................ 81................ 111

3.............. TigerSharks...............................0 — 1................ 75................ 107


Week 1 Question & Comment(s)

Does anybody know how to insert an excel spreadsheet, or at least maintain 'spatial integrity'? Typing "...." for spacing is against my religion ( :whip: )

Comments -

1) I know it's early, but some folks left some big-time points out there on bench => Randy Moss, Romo, Kitna, Randle El, Curry, Eli Manning, etc.

2) For some reason, the middle of the (draft) pack is winning - the top 3 and bottom 2 drafters all lost. Weird, huh!?!

3) Congrats mean machine, who beat the COMBINED score of Tigersharks and SouthPaws (sorry, Ox)

Awards -

Best Bench - Goodfellas - left 75 points on his bench (Kitna, Curry Randle El)

Best Start - wes Welker over Lee Evans (won by 6, difference of 9) :D


Yeah, Randy Moss was my fault...

I love how the Patriots never really reveal anything until it is too late for me to change. Plus, I thought I saw someone from the Patriots staff taking pictures of my line up. Is that legal? :huh:


Geez week one and my team is already 1 RB down. Not a good sign.

Yeah, Randy Moss was my fault...

I love how the Patriots never really reveal anything until it is too late for me to change. Plus, I thought I saw someone from the Patriots staff taking pictures of my line up. Is that legal? :huh:

This league, yes. The NFL, no. :rolleyes: BTW good game Desperate. I didn't expect to lose scoring that many points. Put Adrian Peterson on your Christmas card list because he won it for you!



Team #.....TEAM NAME...............RECORD.......... Points For........Pts Against

10........ Mean Machine v2.0..........2 — 0..............288................212

6.......... Desperate Derelicts.........2 — 0..............277................228

7...........Feline Felons...................2 — 0..............229................192

11.........Danimal's Animals...........1 — 1..............249................288

8.......... Sunday Money................1 — 1..............230................229

12........ Goodfellas......................1 — 1..............228................201

5.......... Billy's Badboys................1 — 1.............228................233

9.......... Skyline Chilis..................1 — 1.............228................246

4.......... Kilted Killers...................1 — 1..............217................228

2.......... Morman’s Prophets..........0 — 2.............204................242

1.......... Southpaws......................0 — 2.............190................221

3.......... TigerSharks....................0 — 2.............192................234

Average score jumped from 106 to 123 - see you next week


If Ox hadn't have played the Bengals defense (-2 points) I wouldn't have won 110 to 109! If that doesn't double the pain from Sunday, I don't know what would! My condolances to the Southpaw family. ;)

If Ox hadn't have played the Bengals defense (-2 points) I wouldn't have won 110 to 109! If that doesn't double the pain from Sunday, I don't know what would! My condolances to the Southpaw family. ;)

I know. What the f*ck.


Yeah Chuck is a bit more than WTF here lately. More like, "Why the F*ck is he still here?"

If Ox hadn't have played the Bengals defense (-2 points) I wouldn't have won 110 to 109! If that doesn't double the pain from Sunday, I don't know what would! My condolances to the Southpaw family. ;)


If wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets (or start Seahawks)


Wow - the Mean Machine ABSOLUTELY rolled the Derelicts - 178,000 points. I feel violated!

Team #.....TEAM NAME...............RECORD....... Points For........Pts Against

10........ Mean Machine v2.0.........3 — 0..............460...............329

6.......... Desperate Derelicts........2 — 1..............394...............400

11.........Danimal's Animals..........2 — 1..............375................374

5.......... Billy's Badboys...............2 — 1..............371...............329

12........ Goodfellas......................2 — 1..............339...............290

9.......... Skyline Chilis.................2 — 1..............333................340

7...........Feline Felons..................2 — 1..............318...............303

2.......... Morman’s Prophets.........1 — 2..............370...............364

8.......... Sunday Money...............1 — 2..............314...............355

4.......... Kilted Killers..................1 — 2..............313...............371

1.......... Southpaws.................... 0 — 2..............312..............387

3.......... TigerSharks...................0 — 2..............286..............343

NOTE OF THE WEEK: Top 4 picks are in bottom 5 of standings! Weird!



T.G.F.F.F. (Thank God For Fantasy Football). Week 4 Standings . . .

Team #.....TEAM NAME...............RECORD...... Points For.....Pts Against

10........ Mean Machine v2.0.........3 — 1............569..............447

6.......... Desperate Derelicts.........3 — 1...........493..............470

5.......... Billy's Badboys...............3 — 1............489.............438

7...........Feline Felons.................3 — 1.............418.............368

2.......... Morman’s Prophets.........2 — 2.............522............427

11.........Danimal's Animals..........2 — 2.............440............474

8.......... Sunday Money...............2 — 2.............439............406

9.......... Skyline Chilis.................2 — 2.............403............439

12........ Goodfellas.....................2 — 2.............402............442

1.......... Southpaws................... 1 — 3.............413............471

4.......... Kilted Killers..................1 — 3.............397............472

3.......... TigerSharks...................0 — 4.............337........... 468

No undefeateds, everybody is in it (C'mon Tiger, your only a coule of games out for a wild card spot)

Blitz alert - Not-so-Goodfellas were crushed by the Latter Day Saints 152 - 63

Blitz alert - Not-so-Goodfellas were crushed by the Latter Day Saints 152 - 63

Wow...talk about a good week! Hopefully I can keep it up for another 12 weeks!

Blitz alert - Not-so-Goodfellas were crushed by the Latter Day Saints 152 - 63

Wow...talk about a good week! Hopefully I can keep it up for another 12 weeks!

Good luck on that in this whacked out season!

Blitz alert - Not-so-Goodfellas were crushed by the Latter Day Saints 152 - 63

Wow...talk about a good week! Hopefully I can keep it up for another 12 weeks!

Good luck on that in this whacked out season!

Hey, it is possible. Just as long as TO and Moss don't have an ADD moment and start throwing temper tantrums. They are the only reason I am getting those scores!


Damn => I hate ties. WEEK 5 STANDINGS

Team #.....TEAM NAME...............RECORD...... Points For.....Pts Against

10........ Mean Machine v2.0.........4 — 1 - 0............695..............535

6.......... Desperate Derelicts.........4 — 1 - 0...........594..............557

5.......... Billy's Badboys...............3 — 2 - 0............556.............529

7...........Feline Felons.................3 — 1 - 0.............505.............457

9.......... Skyline Chilis.................3 — 2 - 0.............494............506

2.......... Morman’s Prophets.........2 — 2 - 1.............622............527

11.........Danimal's Animals..........2 — 2 - 1.............540............574

8.......... Sunday Money...............2 — 3 - 0.............526............507

1.......... Southpaws................... 2 — 3 - 0.............507............532

12........ Goodfellas.....................2 — 3 - 0.............463............536

4.......... Kilted Killers..................1 — 4 - 0.............485............598

3.......... TigerSharks...................1 — 4 - 0.............426........... 555

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