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this is for no brains barbarian


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Well to let you know a thing or two, your so called brain of yours is saying that nate is 6-1 and 225, but what you probley dont know is ,that ray lewis is only 6-1 and 245 pounds and he kicks ass, so dont dog our guys if you dont know football, time will tell about, nate and the bengals, i think he will be the heart of the new defence, go bengals PLAYOFF BOUND

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"Well to let you know a thing or two, your so called brain of yours is saying that nate is 6-1 and 225, but what you probley dont know is ,that ray lewis is only 6-1 and 245 pounds and he kicks ass, so dont dog our guys if you dont know football, time will tell about, nate and the bengals, i think he will be the heart of the new defence, go bengals PLAYOFF BOUND"

Yeah, yeah, yeah--we don't really know jacks**t about Nate Whathisface. So how do we know that he alone can plug the run??? I think you'll see the same defense next year--the one that gave up 130+ yards on the ground. The Bungles haven't improved ANYTHING in Free Agency. They did their familiar signings of warmbodies or anybody that would sign on the dotted line. Fulcher, don't be surprised if the Bungles take a few steps back this next year.

"go bengals PLAYOFF BOUND"

Please excuse me if I'm not buying into the "turnaround"--one mediocre season of 8-8 doesn't work for me. You homers are killing me.


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you guessed it :rolleyes: BOOBS got my attention. SO BARBI, what's your deal? who is your team of preference? do you realize this is a great group of people that exchange thoughts and views? i'm not certain what your opinion of us is, but i'm beginning to believe it's becoming mutual. KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!! :angry: so, here's to you and here's to me. should we ever meet, it would be a treat. lighten up and live a little. life is too short to be an ....... . :lol:

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After all isn't he just a big boob? B)

Hey!! I like Boobs!! Don't dirty the word up on HIM!! :lol:

OKAY OKAY, I'll come up with something else. :rolleyes:

Do you like any of these?

manasslovinbarb, bunglebarb, thumbinmybumbarb, barbung, icannotchangebarb, ihateverythingbarb, barbuhlswallow, bungholebarb, .....

Trade and A for an E, rearrange the letters, and you have "Bare-brain".

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since we are trying to find a nick name that fits I'll throw 1 out hows


BARBFAIRYIAN -- you say you dont like the attention you getting for being a bengals basher....but i know your wrong you live for it and off of it :ph34r:

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"Well to let you know a thing or two, your so called brain of yours is saying that nate is 6-1 and 225, but what you probley dont know is ,that ray lewis is only 6-1 and 245 pounds and he kicks ass, so dont dog our guys if you dont know football, time will tell about, nate and the bengals, i think he will be the heart of the new defence, go bengals PLAYOFF BOUND"

Yeah, yeah, yeah--we don't really know jacks**t about Nate Whathisface. So how do we know that he alone can plug the run??? I think you'll see the same defense next year--the one that gave up 130+ yards on the ground. The Bungles haven't improved ANYTHING in Free Agency. They did their familiar signings of warmbodies or anybody that would sign on the dotted line. Fulcher, don't be surprised if the Bungles take a few steps back this next year.

"go bengals PLAYOFF BOUND"

Please excuse me if I'm not buying into the "turnaround"--one mediocre season of 8-8 doesn't work for me. You homers are killing me.


learn to use the quote feature. its not that difficult...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh yeah, Black-N-Blue:

I don't live in Cleveland--nor would I want to.  Nor am I in any way shape or form a Clowns Fan.  The Browns f**king suck worse than any team in the NFL.  I think San Diego may be in better shape.

I think that's why you asked, right???

I live in SouthWestern Ohio.

Yo B!

Where you been...we haven't gotten your draft analysis yet.

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My draft analysis is:

Major reaches on all fronts. Why do the Bungles select Chris Perry in the 1st round when they could have gotten him in the 2nd??? And so on....

There hasn't been a reach like this since Bush told us that "Iraq has been producing Weapons of Mass Destruction for years".

If this is a Marvin Lewis draft, then he shouldn't draft either. He sucks like Mikey does.

There's my analysis. I'm sure you won't like it--but it's the way I feel about it.

IMO, every pick was a reach. The Bungles had the most picks of the 1st 3 rounds, and they f**ked up on almost every pick.

Another thing--if Mel Kiper applauds your draft, then it must have sucked.


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Aw, c'mon guys and gals, give Barbarian a break.

He's a guy who's passionate about the Bengals and cares deeply about what is going on with them - just like the rest of us.

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Here, just for Burgundy Rage:

1 Chris Perry RB Mich 6' 224

2 Keiwan Ratliff CB Fla 5'10 192

2 Madieu Williams FS Md 6' 190

3 Caleb Miller LB Ark 6'3 225

3 Landon Johnson LB Pur 6'1 223

4 Matthias Askew DT MichSt 6'5 308

4 Robert Geathers DE Ga 6'2 273

4 Stacy Andrews OT Miss 6'5 346

5 Maurice Mann WR Nev 6'1 191

6 Greg Brooks CB SoMiss 5'10 179

7 Casey Bramlet QB Wyo 6'3 225

First off, why are the Bungles taking a RB with the first pick when they have DEFENSIVE NEEDS??? Second, if the Bungles are going to select a RB with the first pick, why aren't they selecting the best running back available??? That would be Stephen Jackson from Oregon State.

Many draft analysts were stating that Ratliff was a major reach too--many analysts didn't have Ratliff leaving their boards until the 3rd round. Same with Caleb Miller--he should have been a 4th rounder.

Furthermore about Ratliff--if you're going to take a player with multi-talents like Ratliff, then why not select Chris Gamble??? Now, you have to throw Ratliff into the fire immediately by making him the Nickelback. Nice going. This type of player needs learning time. He sounds like a project (like Gamble probably would have been too).

Landon Johnson is too smallish for a LB.

The only decent pick I found was Matthias Askew (bless you!). Decent size--could be a potential run stopper with a few added pounds. I just wonder how this guy's speed is--and how did someone of his size slip into round 4???

Stacy Andrews has nice size too--but why did this guy slip into round 5???

Anything under the 5th round, I could care less about--they are shots in the dark.

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are you blatantly ignoring reports of people trying to trade up and get ratliff, or do you just not believe them? also, how are you defining "project"? typically it refers to someone with little playing time at a position or bad technique that will have to be corrected...

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