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Kitna Extended


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"Smart" is an understatement here !!! We have a backup that not only knows the playbook and the system, he has a wealth of football knowledge, has an outstanding relationship with our new starter, and is a professional in every sense of the word !!! Doubt his athletic abilities all you want, I do, but what his leadership provides and the way he carries himself is something all football players could stand to emulate... I for one am glad he's back, F**K Shane Matthews...


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I guess we can afford to do this now with Corey out of the picture. This will be a genius move should Carson go down, if he doesnt, I dont like it.

That's like being mad you didn't total your car just because you paid your insurance premiums!! :blink:

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I guess we can afford to do this now with Corey out of the picture.  This will be a genius move should Carson go down, if he doesnt, I dont like it.

That's like being mad you didn't total your car just because you paid your insurance premiums!! :blink:

Heh, maybe so, trust me I dont mind Jon coming back, I actually like him quite a bit. But with his value at an all time high I hoped we could deal him for someone and resign Matthews as the insurance policy. Lets just all hope Carson succeeds!

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Can't believe no-one has said it yet, so I'll guess I'll do it..

It had to be done now that we've freed up Corey's contract, and now that Kitnas' contract is done--

Time to sign Rudi !! - 4 years 12 million. - 4 million signing bonus

yr.1 - 1,000,000

yr.2 - 1,500,000

yr.3 - 1,750,000

yr.4 - 2,500,00

Maybe another 1.250 in incentives,bonuses etc.. - Not an accountant here... :lol:

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Have to disagree with the majority here. Never been a Kitna fan (on the field). Way too many bone-headed throws. Yeah he's got the stats but not the guy I want in the super bowl. Makes too much money as a backup and almost sends the message, Palmer we are not quite sure about you. I would rather have a cheaper Mathews as the "insurance policy"

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Can't believe no-one has said it yet, so I'll guess I'll do it..

It had to be done now that we've freed up Corey's contract, and now that Kitnas' contract is done--

Time to sign Rudi !! - 4 years 12 million. - 4 million signing bonus

yr.1 - 1,000,000

yr.2 - 1,500,000

yr.3 - 1,750,000

yr.4 - 2,500,00

Maybe another 1.250 in incentives,bonuses etc.. - Not an accountant here... :lol:

As much as I like Rudi, he has to do it again to earn a large contract. I would load him up with incentives first before I give him a big contract.

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Wow--another thing the Bungles got right!!! Now, if Carson crashes Akillme-style, then the Bungles have plan #2.

Kitna was one of the big reasons for the "turnaround" last year.

Kitna is a good backup alternative.

Good job, Bungles.


Sorry Brabarian - are you saying this is a Mike Brown move that you approve of ??

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"Somebody slap me, I must be dreaming. Did Barb just give a compliment. ( even though he used the B word again) ????????"

I give compliments when people DESERVE compliments. You want more??? Here's a couple:

1. Marvin Lewis--One hell of a job coaching last year under serious pressure to perform. For being put in a bad situation, he's done very well. So far, I'm very impressed.

2. Chad Johnson (other than his TD Dances, thus making an ass out of himself) was no short of GREAT last year. I hope he keeps up the great work.

3. Peter Warrick had a breakout year last year. Let's hope he keeps it up.

4. Kelley Washington (he had limited playing time) looked decent--but we need to see more of him before we can give a judgement on him--18 receptions isn't enough.

5. Steinbach is a monster. That was a good draft pick.

6. Jon Kitna played great at times last year. He was the reason for wins like Baltimore (we can avoid talking about the loss at Arizona here).

7. Tory James played better than average in the middle of the season. He would be a good #2 corner.

8. Mike Brown getting rid of Corey Dillon for a 2nd rounder was good (even though I thought he was being boneheaded with Al)

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So what is Shane Matthews' status?

At 34 I'd imagine he's on his way out of town.

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"Sorry Brabarian - are you saying this is a Mike Brown move that you approve of ??"

Yes, it MOST CERTAINLY IS. Kitna should be REWARDED for his play last year.

However, someone was right in saying that "This move should have been done in January"--I ABSOLUTELY AGREE!!! Kitna must be a real nice guy to have not said anything about this. MOST NFL PLAYERS WOULD HAVE BY NOW.


Mike Brown and Bud Bidwell are the only 2 owners in the NFL asleep at the wheel.


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"Sorry Brabarian - are you saying this is a Mike Brown move that you approve of ??"

Yes, it MOST CERTAINLY IS. Kitna should be REWARDED for his play last year.

However, someone was right in saying that "This move should have been done in January"--I ABSOLUTELY AGREE!!! Kitna must be a real nice guy to have not said anything about this. MOST NFL PLAYERS WOULD HAVE BY NOW.


Mike Brown and Bud Bidwell are the only 2 owners in the NFL asleep at the wheel.


Actually Brown is in the passenger seat now and Marvin is driving

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However, someone was right in saying that "This move should have been done in January"--I ABSOLUTELY AGREE!!! Kitna must be a real nice guy to have not said anything about this. MOST NFL PLAYERS WOULD HAVE BY NOW.


Mike Brown and Bud Bidwell are the only 2 owners in the NFL asleep at the wheel.


Gimme a break Barabara the Brownie

No way do you bother to extend the deal when you dangle him for a trade when the other team would want to sign him to a contract on their terms and you can't do another contract for a year after reworking one. Notice this deal wasn't done until it was officially announced that Kurt Warner was going to be cut on June 1 and the 49ers (the team most linked to a trade for Kitna) have expressed interest in signing him. So out comes the extension. It's smart business. The teams don't owe the players anything beyond current contracts, and Brown and team showed Kitna plenty of love last year by giving him a bonus that he didn't technically earn(he deserved it, but not according to the contract, and that was class move on Marvins part(you know Marvin, he's the one that runs the team despite your wish to rag on Brown))

Asleep? Brown can nap all he wants cause Marvin has the final say so on this team, and it shows, cause he's building this team long term through the draft and just a little flavor through Free agency.

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No way do you bother to extend the deal when you dangle him for a trade when the other team would want to sign him to a contract on their terms and you can't do another contract for a year after reworking one.

Actually, a one-year extension would have made Kitna more trade-able, IMHO, not less. As was often pointed out in these parts, no one wants to trade for a guy in the last year of his contract, and having to do a trade and rework a deal at the same time only complicates matters. The real issue with signing Kitna and then trading him has to do with eating any signing bonus/guaranteed money given in the new deal. But that would have been at worst equal to his current hit (tho it would have been real money for Mikey, and I can appreciate his reluctance to do that).

I don't think the Warner thing had anything to do with the timing, tho I agree it reduced the trade-Kitna scenarios to about zilch. However, those scenarios were never very likely to begin with, so if the Bengals were of a mind to keep Kit, they ought to have done so early and gotten the cap hit lessened. Just MHO.

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