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Skyline, explain 1997 then. That team went 8-8 and it was FULLY CONTROLLED by Mike Brown.

I haven't let go of the idea that Mike Brown still has control. This offseason is evidence of it--especially when all the big name free agents were available and the Bungles let them slip by.

The WARREN SAPP Thing should say it all.

can't vouch for '97. i was a youngin' so i didn't follow too closely back then. that wasn't boomer's big year was it?

ultimately, you're right. brown gets the final say so. still, lewis' fingerprints are all over this team.

i'm also not sad to see sapp pass by in the least. way too much cap space, and not the move i want to see when we're trying to make this team young. i don't care who made the final call on that. i see it as a good one.


I say we ban the nasty B word from the site. Forget the free speech crap, all that liberal thinking gets us is gay marriages and no ten commandments. Say what you want Barbara, but these ain't your B****ls of the '90's. New decade, new coach. Maybe same owner, but bottom line is he's nowhere to be seen. Marvin takes responsibility for everything now.

In Marvin we trust. Look for my sign on MNF!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skyline, explain 1997 then.  That team went 8-8 and it was FULLY CONTROLLED by Mike Brown.

I haven't let go of the idea that Mike Brown still has control.  This offseason is evidence of it--especially when all the big name free agents were available and the Bungles let them slip by.

The WARREN SAPP Thing should say it all.

can't vouch for '97. i was a youngin' so i didn't follow too closely back then. that wasn't boomer's big year was it?

ultimately, you're right. brown gets the final say so. still, lewis' fingerprints are all over this team.

i'm also not sad to see sapp pass by in the least. way too much cap space, and not the move i want to see when we're trying to make this team young. i don't care who made the final call on that. i see it as a good one.

The Bengals were 8-8 in 1996 and were 1-6 under Shula and 7-2 under Brucie. In 1997 they started off 1-7 but ended up 7-9 after Boomer took over later in the year.

One trend I see is that they sucked at the beginning of each season (Sept/Oct). ML took care of that by having them in game shape and getting some new trainers and making sure guys seriously participated in off season workouts. That was a significant change to me.

Skyline, explain 1997 then.  That team went 8-8 and it was FULLY CONTROLLED by Mike Brown.

I haven't let go of the idea that Mike Brown still has control.  This offseason is evidence of it--especially when all the big name free agents were available and the Bungles let them slip by.

The WARREN SAPP Thing should say it all.

can't vouch for '97. i was a youngin' so i didn't follow too closely back then. that wasn't boomer's big year was it?

ultimately, you're right. brown gets the final say so. still, lewis' fingerprints are all over this team.

i'm also not sad to see sapp pass by in the least. way too much cap space, and not the move i want to see when we're trying to make this team young. i don't care who made the final call on that. i see it as a good one.

The Bengals were 8-8 in 1996 and were 1-6 under Shula and 7-2 under Brucie. In 1997 they started off 1-7 but ended up 7-9 after Boomer took over later in the year.

One trend I see is that they sucked at the beginning of each season (Sept/Oct). ML took care of that by having them in game shape and getting some new trainers and making sure guys seriously participated in off season workouts. That was a significant change to me.

yeah, it was a big change, but they still sucked at the beginning of the year, haha. 0-3, and an opening day trashing. :o


"Listen Barbara,

We wouldn't have gone 8-8 last season if your statement was true. This is Marvins team on Mikies payroll."

Yep, go ahead and believe what you wanna believe. I'll believe that Mikey wanted an 8-8 season so guys like you will come back to the stadium in droves. I'll stay right where I'm at with the banning Mikey further. That way, when they don't improve this year (meaning 8-8 or less again), I won't be let down by the BUNGLES.

One more thing for the masses: What's this "Barbara" crap??? It's not funny. It's not even "cracking a smile" semi-funny. In fact, it's gay and dumb. I would prefer that if you were to call me a name--call me something that has a little more edge to it--like dickhead or a**h***.

Now, neandrathal--that was semi-funny.

Barbara = not funny, not semi-funny, not any kind of funny.


One trend I see is that they sucked at the beginning of each season (Sept/Oct). ML took care of that by having them in game shape and getting some new trainers and making sure guys seriously participated in off season workouts. That was a significant change to me.

Indeed it was. The Mike Brown era was primarily defined not by some lack of desire on Mikey's part to win, or even his legendary frugality, but by his insistence that he, his family, a few cronies and hangers-on, and a severely understaffed (and undertalented!) coaching and support organization, could compete as effectively as a professionally staffed and run team. That has begun to change -- and one example of it was the radical upgrading and complete restaffing of the strength and conditioning program, going from Kim "I lock the weight room when I'm not there" Wood to an actual NFL-level program.

IMHO, the team still lacks in the support and, especially, scouting departments compared to other clubs, but as the saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day.


"Its about as funny as the BUNGLES "

See--your mistake. "Bungles" I never meant to be funny.


Especially, when you have the worst team of an entire decade (1990s)--and the other team that is competing with your franchise as the worst team of the decade, wins a SB in 1999 (The Rams). The Bungles' losing ways still continued into the next millenium.

See guys, you get called the Bungles when their record is 60-something for 1,000,000 for the last 13 years.

Barbara's annoying??? Since when??? I said it was "dumb and gay". Call me Barbara all you want (and I won't be annoyed, I'll just think it's gay) but I know the word "BUNGLES" gets to several of you.

Catch my drift? Yeah, probably not.


Caught your drift a long time ago Barbarian......it's flame bait

(See guys, you get called the Bungles when their record is 60-something for 1,000,000 for the last 13 years.)

Don't you mean they get called the Bungles, I personally never touched the field :blink:

geez people, enough already! this is beyond old.

go to the smack forum if you just cant let it die...

Sorry man, I just have a problem with disrespectful ignorance being displayed to my team that doesn't deserve it after going 8-8 last year. Maybe after previous years, but not now! If the BENGALS ever go 2-14 again...well so be it.

And by definition this isn't smack. Smack is more of trash talking banter between two teams fans. This is a flame kinda thing.

geez people, enough already!  this is beyond old. 

go to the smack forum if you just cant let it die...

Sorry man, I just have a problem with disrespectful ignorance being displayed to my team that doesn't deserve it after going 8-8 last year. Maybe after previous years, but not now! If the BENGALS ever go 2-14 again...well so be it.

And by definition this isn't smack. Smack is more of trash talking banter between two teams fans. This is a flame kinda thing.

flaming, which is against the rules in most forums, and should be ended.

Guys, until they make the playoffs or until they prove me otherwise--they're the BUNGLES.

You guys should be pissed--like me--for the last 13 years.

I've been a fan since 1972--I've never wavered. I don't see why I can call them the BUNGLES and not be a fan.

Someone please explain this to me.

Fact is, they've been the Bungles since 1990. Someone's pulled "the wool" over y'alls eyes.

That word is a disparaging sobriquet when used in reference to our team. It is used by fans of other teams and sophmoric sports writers to degrade the team and its fans when pandering to a national audience that's ready to lap up every drop of bile they spew.

You can't use it and be a fan because the two are not compatible. When you use that term you're identifying with and casting your lot with the groups that I've mentioned above ..... and they are not fans.

Even MikeBrownSucks.com has given it up and announced on the cover page " Mission Accomplished". That's probably the real reason your still pissed. I'm sure you felt a lot more at home there, and now they're gone.

I've spent years defending the team and the fans ( I guess that includes you ) from mouth breathing syphlitic idiots that thought that it was the height of humor to use that term, and I don't like hearing it from someone who claims to be one of our own.

Talk football ..... be critical of the team and the comments made by me and the other guys here ............ but if you want to wallow in the past and use that word then go back to MBS. As you can see, you're not going to get a lot of positive feedback here. If I were you, I'd drop that crap and stay here. You are not going to find a better bunch of guys to talk with than the ones here .... sports or otherwise.

flaming, which is against the rules in most forums, and should be ended.

skyline, I just checked with the site administrator...no such rule here. I realize you're not comfortable with it, and I will try to limit it. But as long as he continues to be a negative Bengals fan, I WILL continue to ride him like a worn out pony at an amusement park.

I'm not taking his stuff personally, and I doubt he does mine, but I refuse to stand by and do nothing. I'm a former Marine Corps Sergeant, and I don't take s**t off of NO ONE! Others here feel the same way. I would hardly pay it attention if he was a fan of any other team...it would be expected even! But to claim to be a Bengals fan...and continue to call them the Bungles is just plain wrong. After improving to 8-8 last season, and the moves made in this off season so far!?! I'm sorry but that's just negativity that I cannot abide with.

As soon as HE stops using the word Bungles, I'm putting out the flame.


Great post redefan2!!

A true Bengals fan would not call them the Bungles whether they went 8-8, 3-13, or 0-16

True fans support they're team in good and bad times.

And any so-called fan that calls them the Bungles is no one I want to associate with.

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