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Bengals last 4 games


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What has changed? Mostly attitude? Just plain reaction to the SD embarrassment?

Only 4 TDs allowed in the last 4 games. 3 of those TDs occurred in the 4th quarter of 3 different games when the game was over in each case ... meaningless. The Bengals have never trailed in any of those 4 games. They have given up yards at times, but have come up with the turnovers, sacks, etc when necessary. The D has simply responded.

But now the test. Have they arrived? Could you ask for a bigger challenge to see if your D has what it takes for a playoff run? They came up with the turnovers in New Orleans. They have responded in every game since. The Colts are desperate. The Colts are at home where they always play well. If the Bengals come out of there with a victory, and the D holds that offense to 2 or even 3 TDs, then I think we will all agree that things are looking ... well .. su-weet.

It's THE defining game for this defense. If they want to show they are where they need to be ... if they want everyone to show they have "meant it" in terms of the changes in the last month ... well, this is the game.

Have they arrived? We will see. I can't wait.

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What has changed? Mostly attitude? Just plain reaction to the SD embarrassment?


Have they arrived?


Could you ask for a bigger challenge to see if your D has what it takes for a playoff run?


Players are doing their job and not trying to do all the jobs, and I mean staying in gaps, correct technique, etc. I think attitude is part of if, I also think that reps is a big part, with all the moving pieces over the early part of the season, guys have now started to trust and play together instead of as individuals. This was huge vs SD and I think that galvanized this D. They realized that they have to trust one another.

Arrived, not until we are IN the playoffs. BUT, what is HUGE is we are playing one game at a time and taking care of business. But we still cannot afford any slip-ups.

I think that the Saints were a bigger challenge, especially coming off the SD debacle. Saints are the #1 offense in the League. Colts are huge too, but Saints are the better rounded and complete team.

Just my thoughts.

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What has changed? Mostly attitude? Just plain reaction to the SD embarrassment?

Maybe. Getting your a$$ handed to you always tends to have a focusing effect on the mind, I've found. But really I think you can't understate the importance of stability on the o-line and in the LB corps. These last few games really the only blips we've had were Brian Simmons (who came back last week) and the brief appearance by Wilkerson two weeks ago. As Tasher said, guys are starting to get into a groove with each other, and you begin to get that "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" effect.

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Frankly, except for the average (but fast) LB corps, the defense here has a lot of talent - just as much if not more than any other team out there.

Two (3 really) solid safeties, 3 solid/experienced CB's (Tory is a stretch but you could do worse for a weakside corner), two decent/solid DE's, a big, talented rotation in the middle of the d-line, etc.., etc..,

I also have become a big Jeanty fan at OLB - guy makes a big difference, and has been well-coached.

There's just no excuse at this point, for the defense "not" to be good and play like this.

But let's not get too fooled by the bad offenses of Cleveland, Baltimore and Oakland either - the Bengals' will give up points Monday night.

As always, the key will be sustaining long offensive drives with Rudi and keeping Manning off the field.

In fact I would rather see Manning not have to resort to the 2-minute offense and start throwing it around downfield - Tory James will give up big plays as always if given the chance.

The defense needs to get it's share of stops on 3rd down like the last 3-4 weeks - and the offense needs at least 3 good, long drives they finish off with TD's.

Coming out and smacking Indy in the mouth with an early lead isn't going to be as effective as it might be with other teams (see the San Diego game) it's a matter of playing 4 quarters, sustaining drives, and holding Indy to 17-21 points.

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Coming out and smacking Indy in the mouth with an early lead isn't going to be as effective as it might be with other teams (see the San Diego game) it's a matter of playing 4 quarters, sustaining drives, and holding Indy to 17-21 points.

And that's the "2 maybe 3 TDs" that I think it will require us to hold them to for this one. You hit it just as I was thinking ... 17-21, maybe 24 points. Our D does that ... we win this one.

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THis is one game where i say put the no huddle on the shelf. Whichever way it works, I figure 2 out of the next 3 should get us in the playoffs.

For the Bengals, and given the remaining schedules of opponents, etc, 2 out of 3 is basically a guarantee. That said, I think one 9-7 team will make it and if we hold that record, assuming the 9th win is in Denver, we will be there. Not the way I want to make it, but I think that will do it. Still hoping for 11-5, and expecting 10-6.

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Frankly, except for the average (but fast) LB corps, the defense here has a lot of talent - just as much if not more than any other team out there.

Two (3 really) solid safeties, 3 solid/experienced CB's (Tory is a stretch but you could do worse for a weakside corner), two decent/solid DE's, a big, talented rotation in the middle of the d-line, etc.., etc..,

I also have become a big Jeanty fan at OLB - guy makes a big difference, and has been well-coached.

There's just no excuse at this point, for the defense "not" to be good and play like this.

But let's not get too fooled by the bad offenses of Cleveland, Baltimore and Oakland either - the Bengals' will give up points Monday night.

As always, the key will be sustaining long offensive drives with Rudi and keeping Manning off the field.

In fact I would rather see Manning not have to resort to the 2-minute offense and start throwing it around downfield - Tory James will give up big plays as always if given the chance.

The defense needs to get it's share of stops on 3rd down like the last 3-4 weeks - and the offense needs at least 3 good, long drives they finish off with TD's.

Coming out and smacking Indy in the mouth with an early lead isn't going to be as effective as it might be with other teams (see the San Diego game) it's a matter of playing 4 quarters, sustaining drives, and holding Indy to 17-21 points.

I'm not as afraid of Manning as I was before. The set they've been using with 3 safeties on the field has been good. JJ, Deltha, KK, DJ, and MW can take care of business reasonably well, I think. Don't get me wrong, Harrison and Wayne will get theirs. But if you get in Peyton's face and limit their catches over the top with the safeties, I think we can win the game with ball control (Rudi!) by giving Peyton a limited number of drives to get comfortable.

Shorten the game, control the clock, keep Peyton off the field, no big plays == Bengals win.

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