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Palmer moves up in ESPN's QB rankings


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To be ranked behind just Peyton Manning and Tom Brady ain't too shabby of company IMHO. I'm just confused why they have Phillip Rivers listed as a Bengal too! :lol: I hope Carsons game continues to improve this Thursday and gets some serious payback for the loss in Baltimore!


Oh, one more thing...the Steelers Ben Roethlisberger? At #17, and still free falling! ^_^

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When you play the Ravens and Steelers' defenses 4 times a year (except for this year, at this point with the Squealers) and are still putting up top 3 #'s, that's impressive. Typically you're facing 2 top 10, if not two top 5, defenses, every season, by default.

Tied for 1st in passing TD's - NFL

3rd in QB rating - NFL (close to 2nd and Romo will fall back down)

4th in passing yards - NFL (and not far from 3rd and gaining)

I'm not sure Brady should be ahead of him in any kind of power rating or over-all comparison at this point either. Career wise, of course, but right now, nah.

Manning, Palmer and Brady are basically the Marino, Montana and Elway of the late 80's and early 90's. McNabb was really pushing the envelope this year, before getting hurt yet again.

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Manning, Brady, Palmer in that exact order. Now if were broken down into categories, Palmer would be #1 in quite a few.

I'm so grateful that we have a QB on our team that can be mentioned in the same breathe as these guys. Give it another year or Two and Palmer could possibly be the best there is in the NFL.

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Considering how fast he rehabbed to get back into action and how off he was at times in the 1st half of the season, Palmer has had a remarkable year. Now he's just got to seal the deal and get the Bengals into the playoffs. I'd like to see him make up for the Tampa loss by carving the Ratbirds into little pieces tomorrow.

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Considering how fast he rehabbed to get back into action and how off he was at times in the 1st half of the season, Palmer has had a remarkable year. Now he's just got to seal the deal and get the Bengals into the playoffs. I'd like to see him make up for the Tampa loss by carving the Ratbirds into little pieces tomorrow.

Great point. It's a testament to his talent and drive to improve that his "career ending" knee injury (as some people called it) is hardly even a blip in anyones minds anymore. By all accounts, he should just be getting back into playing shape about now. Yet he's tied for the league lead in TDs!!! That really says something about him and this offense. If he stays healthy, and the line protects him, I can see him passing last year's numbers- which is an incredible feat given everything he's endured in the last 10 monts. :sure:

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I'm a homer... but I think he'll be considered the best of any of the current QB's.

He doesn't crumble in the big games like Manning. He doesn't get happy feet when there's a heavy pass rush like Manning. He runs the offense and puts up cartoonish stats more than Brady.

So.. the current debate is who's better... Manning or Brady? Well, Manning has the stats, Brady has the winning swagger. It is my opinion that when it is said and done, Palmer will have both.

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I'm a homer... but I think he'll be considered the best of any of the current QB's.

He doesn't crumble in the big games like Manning. He doesn't get happy feet when there's a heavy pass rush like Manning. He runs the offense and puts up cartoonish stats more than Brady.

So.. the current debate is who's better... Manning or Brady? Well, Manning has the stats, Brady has the winning swagger. It is my opinion that when it is said and done, Palmer will have both.

I agree with you 'shank, but I think the infatuation with Brady is the W's and Ls (which Carson cannot yet match) and the SB rings (which are pretty and all (and I'm sure we want one or more too) but do not REALLY count for anything, all in all), and the fact that he was the last player drafted (or something like that). But the bottom line is all he does is win, course if the Bengals were in the East, then maybe we are talking about Carson in this role. :D Doing it in the East, just doesn't mean all that much in my opinion.

But who am I? I think Ken Anderson should have been in the Hall of Fame five years ago, so what do I know? :P

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I'm a homer... but I think he'll be considered the best of any of the current QB's.

He doesn't crumble in the big games like Manning. He doesn't get happy feet when there's a heavy pass rush like Manning. He runs the offense and puts up cartoonish stats more than Brady.

So.. the current debate is who's better... Manning or Brady? Well, Manning has the stats, Brady has the winning swagger. It is my opinion that when it is said and done, Palmer will have both.

I agree with you 'shank, but I think the infatuation with Brady is the W's and Ls (which Carson cannot yet match) and the SB rings (which are pretty and all (and I'm sure we want one or more too) but do not REALLY count for anything, all in all), and the fact that he was the last player drafted (or something like that). But the bottom line is all he does is win, course if the Bengals were in the East, then maybe we are talking about Carson in this role. :D Doing it in the East, just doesn't mean all that much in my opinion.

But who am I? I think Ken Anderson should have been in the Hall of Fame five years ago, so what do I know? :P

I disagree.

Marino has been all but forgotten already. Why? because he didn't win the Super Bowl. He had by far the best stats of any QB in his generation, but wasn't a winner. Who are the guys that people talk about? Montana and Elway. Their stats aren't as good... but they were winners. Brady will be remembered historically if he doesn't play in another playoff game in his life. He won 3 out of 4 Super Bowls... and the team was not that good before he got there. He deserves his credit... I just think Palmer will be able to match it... and have Manning/Marino type stats to go with it.

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I disagree.

Marino has been all but forgotten already. Why? because he didn't win the Super Bowl. He had by far the best stats of any QB in his generation, but wasn't a winner. Who are the guys that people talk about? Montana and Elway. Their stats aren't as good... but they were winners. Brady will be remembered historically if he doesn't play in another playoff game in his life. He won 3 out of 4 Super Bowls... and the team was not that good before he got there. He deserves his credit... I just think Palmer will be able to match it... and have Manning/Marino type stats to go with it.

I think that was my exact point... :P

...or are you disagreeing that Ken should NOT be in the Hall of Fame?

I believe that Marino is firmly enshrined in Canton, last time I checked...

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I disagree.

Marino has been all but forgotten already. Why? because he didn't win the Super Bowl. He had by far the best stats of any QB in his generation, but wasn't a winner. Who are the guys that people talk about? Montana and Elway. Their stats aren't as good... but they were winners. Brady will be remembered historically if he doesn't play in another playoff game in his life. He won 3 out of 4 Super Bowls... and the team was not that good before he got there. He deserves his credit... I just think Palmer will be able to match it... and have Manning/Marino type stats to go with it.

I think that was my exact point... :P

...or are you disagreeing that Ken should NOT be in the Hall of Fame?

I believe that Marino is firmly enshrined in Canton, last time I checked...

The point I was making is that Montana and Elway are still talked about as legends. Marino... not so much.

The point I was disagreeing with (and maybe I read it wrong) was that you were downplaying Brady's winning. Maybe that's not what you meant... but I thought you were saying that he gets more credit than he deserves. But he's been a proven winner since he became a starter, on a team that couldn't make the playoffs before he got there. The only thing he lacks are cartoonish stats. Elway and Montana's stats didn't match up with Marino's... but they are the legends of that period.

My point is, in the eyes of history, Brady will be viewed as the legend, not Manning (unless Manning gets a couple late Super Bowls). And Palmer will also need a Super Bowl or two (which I believe he'll get) to get into that immortal status.

Maybe we're agreeing. I can't tell anymore. I'm going to go get another cup of coffee.

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