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This morning I was riding a train into the Philadelphia area, and we made stop near Pittsburgh. I was sitting in the front row, and was wearing my Bengals hat (as always). I guy came on board with a Steelers hat on, and saw the open seat next to me. He started to put his luggage down in front of the seat, and get ready to sit next to me, and in the process looked at me, and saw the Bengals hat. He paused... picked his luggage up, and moved to the back of the train. I just thought it was funny...


I think it was quite considerate of him. He may have realized that, as a Cincinnatian, you weren't accustomed to the stench of a Pittsburgher, and didn't want to offend you with his foul odor.

In DC, I swear, there are probably more Squealer fans than Ravens fans, despite Baltimore being *much* closer. Could be they're coming out of the walls after the Super Bowl, but I think it's more that the entire population of Pissburgh is trying to flee to cities that don't suck to live in.

This morning I was riding a train into the Philadelphia area, and we made stop near Pittsburgh. I was sitting in the front row, and was wearing my Bengals hat (as always). I guy came on board with a Steelers hat on, and saw the open seat next to me. He started to put his luggage down in front of the seat, and get ready to sit next to me, and in the process looked at me, and saw the Bengals hat. He paused... picked his luggage up, and moved to the back of the train. I just thought it was funny...

That was nice of him. Saved you from having to move.


Typical Pittsburgh these days. Seriously, they are the most idiotic fans I've met. I will talk to anyone, supporting any team, and not think twice because I love to talk about football, but those jerks think they are above simple conversation if it doesn't involve their Sh*t-City team.



Next year's butt-whuppin for them cant happen soon enough. If the Super Bowl game had been officiated correctly, they wouldnt be running their mouths so much.




Damn......a lot of Steeler hate on this post!! I work with 2 Steelers fans...one is my boss(but doesn't affect my subjective posts!) and I know a few more here in Frederick,MD. And they are all great guys...and a few galls. So lets give 'em there moment o'glory and move on........

Damn......a lot of Steeler hate on this post!! I work with 2 Steelers fans...one is my boss(but doesn't affect my subjective posts!) and I know a few more here in Frederick,MD. And they are all great guys...and a few galls. So lets give 'em there moment o'glory and move on........

I ain't giving them a goddam thing except THIS: bush_finger_01.jpg

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...thanks Billy...I needed that laugh. I guess I know a few of the somewhat normal Steelers fans.....I know they are hard to come by...............

I know two. One male, one female, and that's STILL my standard hand gesture that they get from me! Don't worry. They're used to it by now. :rolleyes:


We have a judge here at work that's a Steelers fan. He asked my boss when he was getting a new computer to which my boss replied, "when the Bengals win the Super Bowl". Judge looked at boss and replied, "well, that's going to be a long time". Boss said, "well better get used to the typewriter.".

It got a little tense so I went out for a cigarette and chummed up with a nice hot girl wearing a nice tight dress -- all was well at that point.


Four football fans were standing on the edge of a cliff arguing who was the better football fan. There was a Raven's fan, Brown's fan, Steeler's fan, and lastly a Bengal's fan. The Brown's fan looked at the other fans and said, "I'm such a huge Brown's fan watch this!" He then jumped off the cliff yelling "Go Browns!" The Raven's fan then stepped up and said, "I'm an even bigger fan than that! Watch this!" He then jumped off the cliff did a flip and yelled, Go RAVENS!" The Bengal's fan then looked at the Steeler's fan and said, "I am the biggest fan of all. I'll prove it." At that time he pushed the Steeler's fan off the cliff and yelled, "WHO-DEY!"


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