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Can someone explain the Kitna phenom?


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I keep reading things that indicate that he can start on other teams. My question is what team would be dumb enough to let a 34 year old qb, with baby hands and a career rating of 75.5 start? I hope he does leave, but I just have a hard time believing that teams are lining up to give him a team. I think it's a joke. I hope that he does go to the Ravens, so I can watch his uncanny fumbling ability 1st hand. I really hope that the Bengals sign an actual QB who not only has started, but has had playoff success. I think we'll have to go the 1st 6 games without Palmer.

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Gus Ferrotte was a starting QB this year. So was Kyle Boller, Tim Rattay, Jamie Martin, Mike McMahan, Joey Harrington, Jeff Garcia, Kelly Holcomb, Trent Dilfer, and i could go on.

Jon Kitna could definitely start for another team, and that team could excel if it's the right situation.

Familiarity with an offense is crucial in a QB's decision making process. That's why with Carson's knee, that I think it's so important to get him back.

And how many QB's with playoff experience wouls love to come to Cincy to be a backup?

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Oh yeah. His outstanding 8-8 breakout season! With an 85.5 rating?!?!? That is as perfect as Kitna could possibly play, and he lost the last 2 games that were must wins. You could see in the playoff game that he doesn't have a fastball. That is what this offense needs. Someone who can stretch the field.

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yeah I agree on the notion that this team would be better off with a QB who has a real arm and can get the ball to the WR's - that's all he needs to do, not be a mastermind - there's enough offensive talent here now that they shouldn't be so reliant on Kitna.

The bengals' offense is predicated on big passing plays and the running game. A QB who can't get the ball downfield regularly is not someone who's going to win games for this team as much as he should.

I am one who thinks there has got to be a better option than Kitna out there at this point, for now and into the future.

Familiarity with the offense should by no means be the predominant reason to keep him here - there's no reason that another qb can't come in here and learn it over the summer and in training camp and be more productive than Kitna...who honestly is so inconsistent and up and down and streaky, that I can't stand watching him any longer. He's not that good.

Hell even Krenzel moved the ball with this offense - just think what a Brad Johnson type could do here - win games.

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Oh yeah. His outstanding 8-8 breakout season! With an 85.5 rating?!?!? That is as perfect as Kitna could possibly play, and he lost the last 2 games that were must wins. You could see in the playoff game that he doesn't have a fastball. That is what this offense needs. Someone who can stretch the field.

I don't disagree with needing someone who can stretch the field. However, you also must consider his cerebral talents. The man did help Carson become who he is.

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Oh yeah. His outstanding 8-8 breakout season! With an 85.5 rating?!?!?

Last I checked, there were a lot of QBs out there performing at a much lower level. No, another team wouldn't name Kitna a starter in hopes that he would be their new franchise quarterback, but there are some teams out there that could use Kitna as a temporary upgrade at starter until they can groom a more permanent solution.

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Familiarity with the offense should by no means be the predominant reason to keep him here - there's no reason that another qb can't come in here and learn it over the summer and in training camp and be more productive than Kitna...who honestly is so inconsistent and up and down and streaky, that I can't stand watching him any longer. He's not that good.

I totally agree. Kitna's familiarity with the offense is offset by his inability to make the throws required by it. His lack of arm strength severely limits what you can do with this offense. Once the Steelers figured that out, the playoff game was effectively over.

Interesting thought about Kitna needing a big-play TE. He could be a serviceable QB in that situation.

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I am squarely on the fence with Jon. Strong arm or not, nobody can run the entire offense as efficiently as Jon, when Carson is out. I can't help but compare him to Tommy Maddox. Both qbs are former comeback players of the year, but Maddox has flopped since then. Jon will be three years removed from a good year, that many said was a fluke to begin with. I can't see him starting out from square one for another team. If the Bengals want him, I think he will be back. It seems as if Jon appears to be a little bitter over the Bengals lack of a serious offer. You may see him as somebody else's backup.

Although I doubt that we (fans) will be given anything but good progress reports regarding Carson's rehab, I think his actual progression will be the most important factor. If he is going to be out 4 games or less, I say Kitna is the man. Anything more than that, I say a stronger armed qb may be our best bet. I still like Jon, and would like him to remain with the Organization.

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The fact remains here that Kitna is NOT a good backup. He might be a passable starter, but it takes him 6-8 games to get anywhere near decent. We need someone who can come in and keep a team moving. Hopefully Big K moves on and Payton Manning decides to be our backup.


Kitna started three games in 2004 as a backup QB forced to start. He went 2-1. Kitna came in and took the Bengals into half-time with the lead until and, as is being speculated, the lockerroom feel to pieces.

In fact, games that Kitna has started since 2003 the Bengals are 10-9. That's a winning record.

I don't mind the Kitna bashing, but I would like to know the substance behind it. Every one states they don't like him, but no one gives us a reason to dislike him. Fact is, since Marvin Lewis joined the team, a Kitna starting Bengals team has a winning record.

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I'll tell you why I don't like him.

1. Fumbles. He is always fumbling out of nowhere. He will just drop the ball.

2. Poor decisions. He'll throw horrible passes.

3. Weak arm. I really don't feel he can throw more than 45 yards. Which will limit the offense.

Overall, he will lose games for you.

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As others have mentioned the factor that might convince the Bengals that Kitna remains the best backup QB option is his familiarity, both with the offense and with the other players & coaches. In addition, his play improves when given plenty of time to prepare and the bulk of practice snaps. In my opinion that latter point is probably the most important as Palmer's injury makes it almost a certainty that Kitna would be the starting QB throughout camp and the preseason, and if that increased workload produces the best version of Kitna possible a breakeven start is a very reasonable expectation. And staying in the playoff hunt until Palmer returns, whenever that might be, is probably the best case scenario the Bengals can hope for.

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I still remember being at the Cleveland game two years ago.With a chance of making the playoffs,our cerebral QB took a sack with no timeouts and in FG range to end the half.

and the final score ofthat game was 21-14 bengals.... :wacko:

I grant that Kitna has made mistakes, but Palmer has thrown interceptions that lost us games too. Michael Vick can throw a ball a mile, but he's perhaps the worst passer in the league. Boller throws 50 yards from his knees. So what if you have a strong arm. However I can't defend his dropping the football for no reason. That's just wacky.

Back to that game, let's remember Lee Suggs ran for 117 yards on 9 carries in the first half. Or the offensive predictablility by Brat stopping the running game while Rudi and Dillon combined for 102 yards on 22 carries; a 4.6 yard per carry average but rush few times when the game was in the balance. Kitna was hardly the one to blame, although he didn't help matter much either I will concede.

OK, so we not re-sign Kitna. Please, tell me, who should we sign to take over the starting gig if Palmer can't start? Doug Johnson, Craig Krentzel? Who, without playing armchair fantasy QB, could take over and run this offense?

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Gus Ferrotte was a starting QB this year. So was Kyle Boller, Tim Rattay, Jamie Martin, Mike McMahan, Joey Harrington, Jeff Garcia, Kelly Holcomb, Trent Dilfer, and i could go on.

I think that pretty much answers the question asked in the initial post. Interest in Kit isn't being driven by any particular excellence on his part, but by a lack of quality QBs throughout the league (and that isn't a new problem). That said, I do think the supposed amount of interest in Kit is being overstated, and I'd peg the odds of him returning at, at least, 50-50.

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I guess I am basing my opinion of Kitna on what I saw in late 2004 and 2005, not 2003. He has not looked good in 2004-5 with extended PT. In fact, he has been absolutely terrible over the course of the last two seasons when asked to play.

I simply am sick and tired of watching Kitna play, he's not very good, is getting worse, is overpaid, and has served his purpose here. I can't stand watching the guy - he is not entertaining and those two INT's in the playoff game sealed his fate in my mind. Tired of watching that crap folks, sorry Kitna lovers.

Time to move on.

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OK, so we not re-sign Kitna. Please, tell me, who should we sign to take over the starting gig if Palmer can't start? Doug Johnson, Craig Krentzel? Who, without playing armchair fantasy QB, could take over and run this offense?

Aaron Brooks....

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Kitna may be 10-9 as a starter with Lewis as coach, but that record includes one win against the JV Eagles in '04. Also, it doesn't reflect games that he didn't start, but played a vital part in. For example, against New England in '04, he came in after Palmer's injury, and couldn't pull out the win. Against KC this year, he laid a big egg. Against Pittsburgh in the playoffs, he did well for about 20 minutes, after which the offense did nothing.

Kitna's poor performance during the stretch run in '03 has already been touched upon. His inability to come in off the bench has also been mentioned (which, of course, is exactly what you don't want from a back-up QB).

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So if Kitna is not re-signed, then who starts next season if Carson can't go? You cannot expect Doug Johnson to start just because he has started more games then Craig Krenzel. You cannot expect Aaron Brooks to start because he has no experience in the offense. And the same with Josh. And you can't expect Craig to start because he has not taken a snap in this offense. And we all know how much practice 3rd string QB's get with the starting offense. While Jon Kitna may have small hands, and can be erratic at times, he knows the offense better then anyone. Depth and stability at the QB position is a must if a team wants to successful. There are no guarantees that Carson will be ready for the start of the next season, so to ensure success, the Bengals must re-sign Jon Kitna.

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