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volcom69 last won the day on March 6

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About volcom69

  • Birthday 05/04/1981

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  1. Some teams try to get better, and make good moves, and the Bengals continue to be the Bengals. It’s really sad at this point, just sign the three players that need signed and hopefully a few decent guys and I’ll be happy.
  2. Bengals screwed again! Should have done something about these guys sooner, now they will really pay the price. If they don’t pay the price then they will just upset the only thing keeping this franchise alive.
  3. Trey was the only good piece to this defense, and truthfully seemed like a good teammate also. They are going to give up 17 sacks for who exactly, guys they refused to play, because of Trey? So unless they have some great plan to replace him with 2 guys who each can get 10 sacks, then this one is hard to swallow.
  4. It’s funny though i wanted Lou gone, but really makes me wonder, what is he supposed to do with crap guys? They let there best defense players walk, try to replace them with aging vets, and cheaper options that turned out bad, is that his fault? I don’t know, he did well for awhile and I’m sure he will get a job elsewhere.
  5. So the bengals played a 4th place schedule, had a QB MVP, WR triple Crown winner, the NFL sack leader, and can’t even make the playoffs, hmmm something seems a little off here! So at this point the season is over, and can’t say it was a fun one! I’m fact I’m not sure I’m even looking forward to next season. I’m pretty sure nothing will change, hopefully they pay some guys to stay, but other then that I don’t see any changes! At some point they need to learn you can’t start playing your best football in December, I have no idea why Burrow sucks in September, but they need to figure something out!
  6. Yea I’m not seeing Denver losing to the Chiefs backups. Bengals have nobody to blame but themselves, freaking lose to the Pats what the heck is wrong them!!!
  7. They NEED Tee back without him this offense is just terrible. When he left last night this offense was garbage! Crazy how he makes this offense go apparently, but he does!
  8. Were you sippin your tea walking around the garden lol
  9. What a game for Trey great job
  10. This defense needs rebuilt so bad
  11. Lol Bengals are going to win lol
  12. Trey huge game for him
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