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Everything posted by jonf45uk

  1. I had a feeling they would start taking shots at our players, especially if the refs do fuck all again
  2. I hate backup Qbs.....
  3. Well at least we got a drive and points :)
  4. Offence looks totally out of sync now, need a drive and points of some sort here
  5. Merry Christmas everyone from the UK :)
  6. I'd love to see us play a complete game , but I'll take wins no matter how they come!!!
  7. Fuck me that was a hard watch
  8. All on you d
  9. 48 seconds, not good
  10. Just one first down please
  11. Massive stop
  12. Does anyone see anyone in our D able to make a play?
  13. We will get murdered by the bills at this rate
  14. Can't tackle now, goody
  15. Every call against us now.
  16. 22-0 up and cruising, now praying for a mistake from pats
  17. Total self destruction
  18. Embarrassing
  19. Need something huge now
  20. That would never happen for us. Our CBs are fucking useless
  21. Yep. Perfect end to this game
  22. Bellichick wins out with the officials again
  23. Surely that's a Fumble????
  24. Momentum is huge in this game. We left so many points on the field in this game
  25. We can't do anything suddenly
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