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Everything posted by jonf45uk

  1. Of course they give them the 1st
  2. If they tie it up, anyone thing we'll be able to score again today?
  3. Dax Hill has 3 penalties and fuck all else
  4. Really wish Dax Hill had stayed home today
  5. Awful on offence again, can't believe we have to rely in the defence if we want to win this
  6. Great work defence Must get some 1st downs
  7. Defence is gonna be knackered, been out there almost the whole half
  8. And the predictable 3rd down sack
  9. This is where the lack of a run game really hurts
  10. Long scoring drive now please
  11. I nearly ran to cincinnati to kick trent Taylor in the nuts ffs
  12. Jesus, how is that a Fumble???
  13. Right up there with pratts int last year, but that feels huge, just got to build on that
  14. Why do we look so unprepared for this?
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