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Dealing with the Hype.


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Okay, as you know... this game is already starting to get some hype. This is already being called the "Game of the Week" and one of the better match-ups of the season.

As a Colts fan... I am seeing a lot of this hype being geared more towards the Bengals the same way they had geared the hype towards the Colts before the Patriots game. Not all hype is good hype. I can already see the questions and comments circulating "Can the Bengals beat a good team" or "The Bengals have to beat the Colts to prove themselves as one of the elite."

The week leading up the the Patriots game (which we had our BYE the week before.. much like the Bengals had their's last week before this game) I was thinking about how our younger players would deal with all the hype. I think it boils down to not only the leadership of the coaches but that of the veteran players. The Colts have a lot of veteran players that have been through the hype of "so called" big games and showed true leadership in keeping the younger players from doubting themselves or becoming over confident. There are two emotions that can destroy a team in a game... over confidence or doubt. A lot of uncharacteristic mistakes can be made when a player(s) possesses either of those emotions on the field. I have seen it many times in previous years from my Colts.

The media can be vultures... I know that some of you will say that the media has not bearing on how well a team plays or doesn't play but, I disagree. I think that it is undeniably hard for these players to have to deal with the media and the things that will be said this week. Not only do the Bengals have a lot of young players but the Bengals as a team have never had to deal with the hype that comes with being a winning team. So none of the players really have any experience with handling this kind of hype.

There are going to be some who say there is no way the Bengals beat the Colts which could create doubt. Then some will say that the Bengals will give the Colts their first loss which could create over-confidence. What players have to do is find a balance.

So, what players do you think will step up to help their fellow players create that balance? What do you think Marvin is doing to make sure that these players do not become too frazzled with all the hype?

I posed this question to the Colts media the week before the Patriots game... I am not sure if they answered because I forgot to listen... but, I suggested locking all of our younger players in hotel rooms with no TV, Newspapers or internet connection.

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Good thoughts... I've been having some of the same thoughts myself. Mainly... that we will know we are a big team when other teams look forward to playing us, like we are looking forward to playing the Colts.

Most Colts fans are underwhelmed by the Bengals, and just think it's another game. For the Bengals though... it is one of our only chances to prove ourselves, so we certainly have more to lose than the Colts.

Regardless of what the media says, this is true. It is a bigger game for the Bengals than the Colts, not only because of the Steelers, but from a position of self-confidence, showing we can beat one of the best teams. I hope we don't come out tight because it's a bigger game, because as you said... the Colts are getting used to it.

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One thing I have never really bought into is the notion that younger players struggle coming into big games like this. It is those players (such as Odell Thurman, David Pollack, and Chris Henry) that will be fired up for a big time NFL game. Yes, they can be prone to youthful mistakes, but I don't think that correllates much with the importance of the game being played. I wouldn't say that the young players are overconfident, they are simply excited.

The players I think we as Bengals fans need to worry about are the ones that are taking this game lightly. Marvin has done a great job to ensure that this is not a problem, but players like Chad Johnson still come to mind. He will want to prove to all that the Bengals are for real. While that is certainly a noble cause, it could cause him to press to much come game time. We'll see how that situation develops.

Marvin has done all he can to instill his "just another one game schedule this week" in all his players, but I think there is a definite limit to how successful that philosophy can be. The players certainly are well aware of what winning or losing this game could mean, and that will have an affect on their preparation and their performance in the game. The fans at the game will all be going nuts, this game will have an atmosphere similar to a playoff game. The success starved fans will demand a win on Sunday, and the stadium will reflect that feeling.

Hype can be a good thing for a young team, in that it gives the players more of a sense of purpose. They see all of this crap on television or hear it on the radio, and I believe it motivates them to be successful more that it pressures them not to fail.

We'll see what happens.

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Good thoughts... I've been having some of the same thoughts myself. Mainly... that we will know we are a big team when other teams look forward to playing us, like we are looking forward to playing the Colts.

Most Colts fans are underwhelmed by the Bengals, and just think it's another game. For the Bengals though... it is one of our only chances to prove ourselves, so we certainly have more to lose than the Colts.

Regardless of what the media says, this is true. It is a bigger game for the Bengals than the Colts, not only because of the Steelers, but from a position of self-confidence, showing we can beat one of the best teams. I hope we don't come out tight because it's a bigger game, because as you said... the Colts are getting used to it.

I agree... The Bengals are pretty much in the same situation as the Colts were in the week of the Patriots game. What I think the Bengals need to do is forget about having to prove to the media that they are legit. They are legit no matter what anyone in the media says. Allowing that kind of pressure to be held over their heads can spell disaster. I have seen it happen to the Colts in previous years.

And, you are correct... the pressure is more on the Bengals than the Colts in this game. No one thinks the Colts will go undefeated so they do not have to live up to any hype in that area. Whether they win or lose this week.. it would have been expected either way. But, your players need to find a balance in order to not become overwhelmed with emotions on the field. Like if the Colts lead early... they need to be able to remain focused and not think about what will be said in the media if they lose... because if they do that... they will make uncharacteristic mistakes. If the Bengals take an early lead... they do not need to be thinking about what kind of "respect" they will get in the media... they will become overconfident and make those same mistakes.

I hate to say this... and it is not a stab at Chad Johnson... but, if there is any player that I can see letting the media hype get the better of them.. it is him. He was very emotional after the Jaguars game... as could be expected but his comments "This is why we will never get any national games" not a direct quote but it was something like that....showed that he cares what the media says and he cares that they get that national recognition. He is a fantastic player and I have read nothing but good things that he does for his community.... I just think he needs to get it out of his head that the media can control what defines that team because it could spell trouble... especially if the Colts take an early lead.

So, that is what I mean when all hype is not good hype. It can have its effects on a team.. especially one who is not used to it or a team that allows the media to control how that team is portrayed.

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we were hyped vsd the chiefs also, who gives a s**t.

Thanks for the intelligent contribution to the subject.

I have heard a lot of talk about how the Bengals beat the undefeated Kansas City Chiefs.. but, I did not see that game. So, any Bengal fans that can explain, using more than one sentence, to me how that game went?

But, it does bring something to the discussion... let's take Kansas City that year... here was a team that is 9-0 going into play a game where the opponent had a losing record. The media most likely was saying that there was no way KC would lose (any Bengal fans that can tell me if that was the case would be great)... which doesn't fit well with this game simply because both of these teams have winning records... but, a case could be made that KC allowed themselves to become over-confident based on what the media was saying?

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I'm not buying the car being sold. Hype is just that. It's media fluff that drives the conversation around the water cooler, but means nothing when the whistle blows.

If there's a major factor that is in the Colt's favor in this game it has less to do with how they deal with hype and more to do with where they really are emotionally when compared with a Bengal team that may be more interested in gaining respect than actually preparing for a championship run. Forget what's been written about the Colts over the last few years OR what will be written about them this week. More important is the fact that they've won a buttload of games that turned out to be meaningless. Don't get me wrong, everyone respects what they've accomplished the last couple of seasons, but the only thing that still matters is that they know what playoff disappointment really tastes like.

When I look at the current Bengal team I see the Colts of several years ago, and I'm almost positive I'm not the only one thinking that way. Most of the pieces are in place and the talent level screams legit playoff contender. But the Bengals haven't been bloodied like the Colts have. Sure, in the still recent past they've been pummeled, pounded, and pasted, but you don't learn much from those types of experiences. They don't know what it means to be this close >< to their ultimate goal only to have it all blow up in their faces. The Colts know this feeling all too well, and seem to have learned from it. The Bengals have only heard the lessons. They haven't lived it.

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Actually looking forward to the game! One thing about these bengals edge, they play well while in the led. If the Bengals jump out on you its over, if you can make them play from behind the D wont hold! We have an explosive offense. Better than the coltsIMHO. We just dont have the D front seven to hold up , if we have to come back on a team. If the colts get a chance to pound us and kill the clock we are dead. If we can keep the colts in a regular game plan expect a bengals victory Palmer is the next Elway. Peyton is great but honestly i would rather have Palmer. While your team is way better rounded than ours your in our house and that will make the difference in this game! I repeat my two cents!

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I have heard a lot of talk about how the Bengals beat the undefeated Kansas City Chiefs.. but, I did not see that game. So, any Bengal fans that can explain, using more than one sentence, to me how that game went?

It's simple. The Bengal/Chief game represented a rare perfect storm of emotion from everyone involved. The Bengal team was so hungry for respect that they played an inspired game. Not perfect mind you, but inspired. The fans of Cincy had felt a real Bengal football coming at last and in response to it's arrival gave the game an electricity that almost all NFL games lack. And last, but certainly not least, the Chiefs played their role perfectly. You could almost see that teams frustration building play by play and they simply couldn't match the emotion being shown by a Bengal team and a crazed home crowd. And why should they be expected to? They came in to that game 9-0 and could afford an off day.

The Chiefs stepped into a buzz saw.

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The veteran players for the bengals (Simmons, Anderson, James, Kitna, ect..) are already saying that this game is completely different from the KC game already. I know Simmons has already said that year they were just trying to play spoiler. In this game he said that is not the case. I think all the vets know that even though the Colts and the Chiefs come in with the same record it's going to be a complete different game.

At the chiefs game, I don't think that either team was over-confident. The Bengals were feeding off the crowd which just pushed them that much harder. The same will be true in this game. Also the crowd will definitely make it hard for Manning to call plays at the line and will probably cause some confussion for the rest of the offense. That's if you guys don't go up early in the game.

I know that a lot of people are saying that the bengals haven't beat a really good team this year but what team does beat the really good teams every time. The Baltimore game was one of the biggest games of the year for us so far. Usually, they don't have great success in Baltimore but they are a different team this year. Offense can play with anyone and our defense isn't the best but they bend, not break.

I'm not saying that we are going to win or lose this game. I just know that this game is going to be one of the best games of the year.

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Actually looking forward to the game! One thing about these bengals edge, they play well while in the led. If the Bengals jump out on you its over, if you can make them play from behind the D wont hold! We have an explosive offense. Better than the coltsIMHO. We just dont have the D front seven to hold up , if we have to come back on a team. If the colts get a chance to pound us and kill the clock we are dead. If we can keep the colts in a regular game plan expect a bengals victory Palmer is the next Elway. Peyton is great but honestly i would rather have Palmer. While your team is way better rounded than ours your in our house and that will make the difference in this game! I repeat my two cents!

I also believe it will be a good game. And, I fully respect your admiration for your team and the players. I feel the same way about my Colts and the Colt players. Carson reminds me a lot of Peyton. A lot! I thought what Carson and Chad did last season, coming to Indy to watch how Peyton and Marvin work together, showed that he possesses two qualities that I think are key to making a great Quarterback.

1) the willingness to constantly learn and improve every aspect of his game.

2) Leadership

Not many Quarterbacks would go as far as seeking out, first hand, how another Quarterback works with his team. I thought it showed great respect for this game and wanting to become a great leader for his own team. It shows this year.

My personal opinion on the game is... The Bengals are going to score their points. The Colts are going to score their points. I think it will all come down to mistakes. Which team makes more mistakes.

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The Colts are going to score their points. I think it will all come down to mistakes. Which team makes more mistakes.

I think all other analyzation can be thrown out the window, because in all big games in the NFL, this seems to be the dominant factor in deciding the winner. If both teams are good teams, then the one that screws up more often will get the L. :)

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The veteran players for the bengals (Simmons, Anderson, James, Kitna, ect..) are already saying that this game is completely different from the KC game already. I know Simmons has already said that year they were just trying to play spoiler. In this game he said that is not the case. I think all the vets know that even though the Colts and the Chiefs come in with the same record it's going to be a complete different game.

At the chiefs game, I don't think that either team was over-confident. The Bengals were feeding off the crowd which just pushed them that much harder. The same will be true in this game. Also the crowd will definitely make it hard for Manning to call plays at the line and will probably cause some confussion for the rest of the offense. That's if you guys don't go up early in the game.

I know that a lot of people are saying that the bengals haven't beat a really good team this year but what team does beat the really good teams every time. The Baltimore game was one of the biggest games of the year for us so far. Usually, they don't have great success in Baltimore but they are a different team this year. Offense can play with anyone and our defense isn't the best but they bend, not break.

I'm not saying that we are going to win or lose this game. I just know that this game is going to be one of the best games of the year.

Noise could be a factor for the Colts... but, if it is... they will huddle up. But, Peyton usually calls the play before he even gets to the line. Which is when the crowds get loud. A lot of his motion and signaling is when he is picking up on a blitz, has to change the play or is just trying to throw the defense off. When he does have to change a play... he tells his linemen what he has picked up on.... then signals with his hands to the WR's... notice how all the WR's keep their eyes on Peyton until the snap... and he can either step back and tells Edge or signals that the play has been changed. Note... in the Rams game... he used a thumbs up to Marvin... Marvin already knows what the thumbs up means... and the rest of the WR's and Edge knows what that means... and he has already told his O-Line. It changes every game. But, like I said... if the crowd is too loud... they will huddle up.

And, do not worry about what other people say about the Bengals not beating a good team so far. It comes with the territory. Before the St. Louis game... everyone was saying "This is the Colts first test." They win... it turns into "The Colts still havent played anyone." Then it turns to "The Patriots will be the Colts first real test." They win and it turns into "The Colts really have not been tested yet." Now it is "The Bengals are the Colts first real test." If they win (I said IF) they will say "The Colts beat a team who hasnt won a game against a team with a winning record. They haven't been tested yet." Then it turns into "The Steelers are the first real test the Colts will face." If they win... they will say "The Colts beat the Steelers with Ben back his first game in 3 weeks." They will again say "The Colts have not been tested." Then it will be "The Colts are due for a loss.. the Titans will pull an upset." If they win... "The Colts SHOULD win against the Titans... they still have not been tested." And, it will continue on and on. It NEVER ends!!

You think you all have it bad?? Try dealing with that week after week after week!

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Okay, as you know... this game is already starting to get some hype. This is already being called the "Game of the Week" and one of the better match-ups of the season.

As a Colts fan... I am seeing a lot of this hype being geared more towards the Bengals the same way they had geared the hype towards the Colts before the Patriots game. Not all hype is good hype. I can already see the questions and comments circulating "Can the Bengals beat a good team" or "The Bengals have to beat the Colts to prove themselves as one of the elite."

The week leading up the the Patriots game (which we had our BYE the week before.. much like the Bengals had their's last week before this game) I was thinking about how our younger players would deal with all the hype. I think it boils down to not only the leadership of the coaches but that of the veteran players. The Colts have a lot of veteran players that have been through the hype of "so called" big games and showed true leadership in keeping the younger players from doubting themselves or becoming over confident. There are two emotions that can destroy a team in a game... over confidence or doubt. A lot of uncharacteristic mistakes can be made when a player(s) possesses either of those emotions on the field. I have seen it many times in previous years from my Colts.

The media can be vultures... I know that some of you will say that the media has not bearing on how well a team plays or doesn't play but, I disagree. I think that it is undeniably hard for these players to have to deal with the media and the things that will be said this week. Not only do the Bengals have a lot of young players but the Bengals as a team have never had to deal with the hype that comes with being a winning team. So none of the players really have any experience with handling this kind of hype.

There are going to be some who say there is no way the Bengals beat the Colts which could create doubt. Then some will say that the Bengals will give the Colts their first loss which could create over-confidence. What players have to do is find a balance.

So, what players do you think will step up to help their fellow players create that balance? What do you think Marvin is doing to make sure that these players do not become too frazzled with all the hype?

I posed this question to the Colts media the week before the Patriots game... I am not sure if they answered because I forgot to listen... but, I suggested locking all of our younger players in hotel rooms with no TV, Newspapers or internet connection.

You forgot about the emotion called "I'm too young to really understand any of this" or the one called "we've been waiting over a decade for a game like this"........the media can say what they want. I actually feel like the bengals are a media-friendly team.....they handle stuff well.....even Chad! Not to mention...Marvin will have them on Earth come sunday. It won't take much from him....I'm sure they haven't forgot what happened at home a few weeks ago....

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I'm looking forward to watching how the Bengals vets who have been at the bottom of barrell for so long and have been crawling to get out the past 3 years respond for this game.

B-Sim especially. I think this dude is peaking at the right time, not just for this year but for his whole career. You wanna talk hype. To me that's the gist of it. B-Sim has a Pro Bowl second half because he knows this is it for him as a Bengals in all likelihood unless he restructures cap friendly and he'll hit the open market next year. He's already off to that caliber of 2nd half of a season after winning the Fed Ex defensive player of the week.

The paths have converged for B-Sim and I'll say he'll be more geared up than anyone on the field.

So the quiet one erupts this week :bengal:

I say he gets to Manning more than once and coldcocks him when he does.

I say he drills James relentessly until the Colts run away from him.

I say he blankets Clark when he's got to cover him and gets a pick.

It's all hype, but B-Sims looks poised to have the best game of his career.

10 tackles, 3 sacks, and 1 Int.

He's gonna make Odell look slow this week. :lol:

Meanwhile, there's Richie Braham and Big Willie. You think Simon and Mathis are going anywhere on them for this one?

F*ck no.

Those 2 will be driving whoever they get backwards on their a$$es all game. They aren't gonna be just hyped. They're gonna be psyched out of their skin and out of their skulls.

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I dont care who the Colts or Bengals have defeated this year be it an easy schedule or not.. I KNOW by watching these two teams play that they are both very good teams...

I have allot of respect for the Colts team and their coaching staff...

I think it comes down to the Bengals scoring effeiciency in the Redzone against the colts cover2 defense... Its designed to give up small chunks of yards but gets real congested in the redzone... Palmer has to throw pinpoint passes and the recevers have to run very crisp routes down there..

Rudi Johnson has to eat time off the clock... effeicently...3 or 4 yards a clip..

Finally Levi and Willie have to push the Colt DE's away from Palmer who steps up into the pocket to pass.. Braham must make sure Simon doesnt collapse the pocket..

Easier said than done but thats what it will take..

Noone said beating the Colts is easy but it can be done....

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