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Freeney says they will be undefeated


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edge thats what they told freeney on best damn. also Peter King on


9. Cincinnati (7-2). So the Bengals haven't beaten a really good team on their way to 7-2 and Chad Johnson says to me the other day: "I am thinking very seriously of guaranteeing a win against the Colts.'' And what, pray tell, will be the determining factor in that? "I have to talk to Marvin [Lewis] first.'' And I say I can't imagine the coach of the Bengals would want such an incendiary (but, we all know, meaningless) boast on the Colts' bulletin board. "You're probably right," he said. But he'll be checking, and the next big voice you hear out of Cincinnati just might be The Mouth That Roared.

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edge thats what they told freeney on best damn. also Peter King on


9. Cincinnati (7-2). So the Bengals haven't beaten a really good team on their way to 7-2 and Chad Johnson says to me the other day: "I am thinking very seriously of guaranteeing a win against the Colts.'' And what, pray tell, will be the determining factor in that? "I have to talk to Marvin [Lewis] first.'' And I say I can't imagine the coach of the Bengals would want such an incendiary (but, we all know, meaningless) boast on the Colts' bulletin board. "You're probably right," he said. But he'll be checking, and the next big voice you hear out of Cincinnati just might be The Mouth That Roared.

Babe, where does it say Freeney said they would go undefeated? That is the title of this thread? I have read that.. and it is all about Chad saying that he is considering "guaranteeing a win" against the Colts... No where does it say anything about Freeney saying anything about going undefeated?

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scroll down to see the link and watc hteh video, requires windows media player 9.0

Anyways it;s the host wearing the Warrick jersey, and loud mouth tom arnold wearing the Dillon jersey, and the other guy, is wearing a new palmer jersey.

Freeney is wearing a harrison jersey, so i assume they just found whatever jerseys they had lying around and put them on.

No big deal.

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