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Doesnt mean anything


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I think today was just a mess up...In my opinion pittsburgh is the better team but it still doesnt mean we shouldve lost to them (this badly). I think the problems today showed they are major but like all problems... they can be corrected. Im just going to show something, last year the first time we played the steelers it was quite a weird game too where it looked like we were in it till the end when we just got shutdown..(17-28)...But as i remember the second game we were in much greater contention (14-19). The fact is anything can happen game to game and week to week. One minute your an elite undefeated team, and the next your losing to the browns on your home turf.

P.S. maybe this will weed out some of the bandwagon jumpers

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i agree in not easily dismissing it...But thats the thing...we learn from the mistakes we made and we move on. I think this gives us a perfect oppurtunity to see what exactly needs to be done

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It's easy to beat a ball-control team like the Steelers. It's also easy to lose to one. To beat them, get a couple of scores up on them, then start burning clock, making them pass their way back into the game. To lose to them, let them get up on you, or even just stay close, so that they can pound your D to death with the run, then pass over them when they start to wear down.

I didn't get to see the game today, only the highlights. But it looked like the Bengals followed the "lose to them" recipe to the letter. Shoot me if I'm wrong.

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It's easy to beat a ball-control team like the Steelers. It's also easy to lose to one. To beat them, get a couple of scores up on them, then start burning clock, making them pass their way back into the game. To lose to them, let them get up on you, or even just stay close, so that they can pound your D to death with the run, then pass over them when they start to wear down.

I didn't get to see the game today, only the highlights. But it looked like the Bengals followed the "lose to them" recipe to the letter. Shoot me if I'm wrong.

You managed to be right and wrong at the same time. On the Bengals first two drives, they drove the field for more than 60 yards, and we in 1st and goal situations, and only came away with 3 points total. We were able to drive the feild with a fair amount of ease, but made stupid mistakes. If we would have gotten 14 points like a team as talented as ours should have, we follow the win recipe.

Instead, we squandered those opportunities, and after dominating the TOP in the first half, allowed the Steelers to get the lead, and in the 2nd half they were able to dominate the play clock even more... so we were following the lose the game recipe.

So no need for shooting. We could have won... and I agree with Housh. He said he thought we were a better team. I agree. We proved that we could do what we wanted to them in between the 90 yard lines. It's those last 10 yards that is the difference between a win and a loss. Today we lost.

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Im just so irritated with foolish penalties. We stopped them on a third down yet some rediculous error a defensive back (Ohalate?) was called for a needless hold...

Is it so hard to not cheat during the game? Unless yo uare holding to prevent your QB from getting killed, I find it hard to believe these guys are instinctively driven to cause a penalty...

So friggin frustrating...

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