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Eagle's game?

Humanzee 5000

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If we were to play the Eagles right now, in Philadelphia, then I'd still be worried about T.O. buring us for a big play or two. That worry will always exist, preseason or not.

I know that play can be credited to Kim Herring and a miscue by O'Neal, but it would still be worth consideration if we were playing the Eagles.

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That is so funny, I was just thinking about that last night. I remember certain individuals bowling over people jumping off the bandwagon. Anyone reading this should try to find the post and go read it. Some people were saying we'd be lucky to win 3 or 4 games!! Yesterday on The Homer they were discussing letting fair weather fans back, now that the Bengals are HOT. Same thing here, those people that were so negative should write a 500-word essay on how hard it was to remove their head from the A$$.


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If we were to play the Eagles right now, in Philadelphia, then I'd still be worried about T.O. buring us for a big play or two. That worry will always exist, preseason or not.

I know that play can be credited to Kim Herring and a miscue by O'Neal, but it would still be worth consideration if we were playing the Eagles.

Yeah, the Bengals haven't played a team yet that has a very good QB *and* receiver. The closest was Cleveland, and in that game the great Frisman Jackson did indeed drop some damage on us. SS is still one of the weakest positions on the team, though KK has stepped it up a lot and Ohalaferwrw has looked good so far.

I'm starting to think that Herring getting hurt wasn't the worst thing that could have happened. I think both he and Mitchell are retarded.

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That game was a carbon copy of the ass whoopin we applied to the Vikings. When am I going to learn that the preseason means absolutely nothing? Every year I say I am not going to be fooled. Every year I am fooled. I am not going to lie. I have a problem. Does Bettie Ford have some sort of a 12-step program for this?

Hi, my name's Jet and I'm a preseasonnincompoopaholic. Yes, due to his preseason struggles, I passed on Carson Palmer in the 4th round of my fantasy draft and took Vick. I'M AN IDIOT! Don't look at me, I'm hideous!

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That game was a carbon copy of the ass whoopin we applied to the Vikings. When am I going to learn that the preseason means absolutely nothing? Every year I say I am not going to be fooled. Every year I am fooled. I am not going to lie. I have a problem. Does Bettie Ford have some sort of a 12-step program for this?

Hi, my name's Jet and I'm a preseasonnincompoopaholic. Yes, due to his preseason struggles, I passed on Carson Palmer in the 4th round of my fantasy draft and took Vick. I'M AN IDIOT! Don't look at me, I'm hideous!

Nicely done, Jet...I, too, not so smart...Picked up Jamal Lewis and Brett Favre and was tempted by Peter Warrick who now has 1 catch. Every Sunday watching my fantasy team reminds my of my stint in prison with a nice Jewish tank of a man named Growl...he was fuzzy. :eek:


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That game was a carbon copy of the ass whoopin we applied to the Vikings. When am I going to learn that the preseason means absolutely nothing? Every year I say I am not going to be fooled. Every year I am fooled. I am not going to lie. I have a problem. Does Bettie Ford have some sort of a 12-step program for this?

Hi, my name's Jet and I'm a preseasonnincompoopaholic. Yes, due to his preseason struggles, I passed on Carson Palmer in the 4th round of my fantasy draft and took Vick. I'M AN IDIOT! Don't look at me, I'm hideous!

Nicely done, Jet...I, too, not so smart...Picked up Jamal Lewis and Brett Favre and was tempted by Peter Warrick who now has 1 catch. Every Sunday watching my fantasy team reminds my of my stint in prison with a nice Jewish tank of a man named Growl...he was fuzzy. :eek:


LMAO...Growl huh? Did he keep calling you Ben Dover? That reminds me, I want to give a shout out to all my cell block H Homeys in lockdown!

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The bandwagon is officially full, homies. When does that show come on the homer? Is it a noon sports talker or earlier? Just wondering since I have to listen from work.

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