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Yep, the guys a genious! Out of the 3-listed he has the worst record last week. Plus he's a real Bengal hater for some reason, remember the pre-season game at Washington, the only comment he had about the Bengals was to cut down their uniforms. Thanks Joe "fuc--ng Blackwell' Theisman.


I wasn't talking about his picsk iwas wondering who is announcing the Sunday night game. :wacko:

O well i hope he picks the other team to win all year I've never liked the guy, I met him in real life and have an autograph card and football of his.


If you guys could name one media announcer or writer that you don't hate or don't think is an "idiot" I'd like to hear his/her name. :)

Theisman is just another announcer, if everything they say or do gets on your nerves, you'll never like anyone. They don't all love the Bengals, but they'll jump on the wagon soon enough if they continue to win games.

Theisman is one of the most flamboyant NFL players ever - fur coats to panty hose - and he's dissin' the Bengals' uni's?

Also one of the most overrated QB's ever. His opinion is no better or worse than anyone else I know...and when he picks the freakin' Redskins to win it all, I guess it really does say something about how silly he is, a silly, silly man.

If you guys could name one media announcer or writer that you don't hate or don't think is an "idiot" I'd like to hear his/her name. :)

I like Joe Nuxhall, Dave Lapham, Al Michaels and Brent Nesseslsdfgnrunjlnburger (spelling). I think Joe would be my favorite because of his down home attitude and his lack of caring for when he screws up.


I would have to say Solomon Wilcotts. He is not only a old bengal but he is a good announcer. And lets not forget BOOMER and Cris Collinsowrth


Joe Morgan - Knowledgeable and succinct.

Bob Costas - Class, poise, humor

Marty Brennaman - I am in awe, sometimes, at how smooth he is. Flawless delivery with no effort whatsoever.

Can't stand:

Theisman - He can't wait to talk about any subject because everything relates to him and when he played the game.

Tim McCarver - Talks down to the fan. He must think we are all stupid or in kindergarten. I hated listening to him in the '90 World Series but loved it when he all but rooted for the A's to win - but, of course - the Reds swept. I remember in the 3rd game of the series as it moved to Oakland, I believe the A's scored (or threatened to score) first and McCarver crowed "We're going to see a different series now"....yeah right!

Dan Dierdorff - Overstates the obvious and takes too long to do it.

John Madden - I'm sick of the Madden-Cruiser and the "mutant" Thanksgiving Turkey with 22 legs. He also overstates the obvious and misses obvious plays or calls - even when it is clear as day on the replay. I just want to reach through the TV screen and strangle him. Sometimes I wonder if he is really watching the game at all.


I know we're way off topic, but I heard the best line ever by an announcer a few weeks ago.

Fox baseball was on, and Joe Buck was talking about the Yankees and how they were losing to the Royals and he said, "Losing to the Royals at home is like drowning in 6 inches of water." I could not stop laughing. :lol:


Hoge needs a comb. Looks like he just woke up. Steve young must share the same hairdresser. DPM, you still are a stylist?

I think Madden is hit or miss. Sometimes he has some good color work. Calls a play and explains why it did or did not work. Other times he rambles about dumb-azz stuff, "pressing a shirt has to be the least rewarding..." or some obscure historicalrefernce, "When Johnny Berstensten was in camp with us, he'd sweat so much, it was like a hose was duct taped to his head...." Annoying.

Wilcotts is OK. Michaels is classy but no edge. Buck has the voice but nees to focus on one sport, as he does well in baseball but weak in NFL games. You can hear the cobwebs in Aikman's voice. The most underrated is Mike Patrick. He calls a good game but is dragged down by his co-hosts. When I'min the car, Boomer and Albert do a very nice job calling the MNF game. Esiason has an edge, knows his game but recognizes important plays then expands on the thought.

Of the range of other teams that cover games, it is hit or miss. Some good, some bad. Who cares. Either way, Theisman sucks pig balls.

When I'min the car, Boomer and Albert do a very nice job calling the MNF game. Esiason has an edge, knows his game but recognizes important plays then expands on the thought.

I like Boomer and Marv too. Another thing with them is how that Marv plays the perfect straight-man to Boomer's comedian. Of course, the analysis needs to be there, but some announcing duos can be so dry... no rapport or interaction. There's definitely a lot of guys out there that Boomer couldn't work with... or at least the announcing would sound fractured and disjoint. But he and Marv make a very good duo. Both of them bring different abilities and seem to compliment each other well.


I would love to see Ron Jaworski broadcasting games for ESPN on MNF. Watched some of him in the preseason and he is outstanding at breaking down plays, and he has some humor in the booth as well. With Jaws you know you are getting it straight.

I would love to see Ron Jaworski broadcasting games for ESPN on MNF. Watched some of him in the preseason and he is outstanding at breaking down plays, and he has some humor in the booth as well. With Jaws you know you are getting it straight.

Hey that's a good idea. Jaws would be great for the job...But rather than replace Theismann, they need to boot Paul the Punter McGwire....I hate him far more than Theismann.


You guys bash Theisman as being stupid, but I think I found another former Redskin even dumber. I am in the D.C. area and Sonny Jurgenson (who works on one of the local channels as a football analyst) was making his picks for this weekends games. He was smart enough to pick the Bengals to win. But he called Chad Johnson "Charles Johnson". This guy is supposed to know football and the names of the players on each team. He blew it! He can't even get Chad right. How hard is it to pronounce? It's just one syllable. I think he needs to retire and someone with some brains to do the job. And this is just one example of his ignorance. But I admit, I can't remember any of the others as they have clouded my mind. :wacko:


I'm not sure if it's true, but I heard Theisman's mama changed her name to Thickdick because she was so ashamed and didn't want anyone to make the connection with Joe.

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