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I remember how everything just came together back in '88, and it was almost magical. Since then it has been pretty tragic, and I think mostly because Mike Brown believed he could make good football decisions without the help of a GM, and he kept remembering back to how in happened in '88.

Enter Marvin Lewis... he is the head coach, but basically acts as the GM, and he has a plan, so it seems to be working rather well. Here is my concern though...

What happens when Marvin Lewis moves on? Even if he spends the rest of his football career here, it will come to an end someday. You can't trust most coaches to act as GM's (i.e. Shanahan, Holmgren), so Marvin appears to be special.

Because of a little success now, will this give Mike Brown the kind of hope he was looking for, believing that he can succeed without hiring a GM, and in effect put us through another decade (or more) of misery? Will the Marvin Lewis era be the next '88 in the Brown family's memory?

I know this seems pessimistic, but I'm a Bengals fan. It has been trained into me. I don't want to have to go through what I went through again... What do you guys think? Am I just worrying too much.... Just enjoy this season stupid!

I remember how everything just came together back in '88, and it was almost magical. Since then it has been pretty tragic, and I think mostly because Mike Brown believed he could make good football decisions without the help of a GM, and he kept remembering back to how in happened in '88.

Enter Marvin Lewis... he is the head coach, but basically acts as the GM, and he has a plan, so it seems to be working rather well. Here is my concern though...

What happens when Marvin Lewis moves on? Even if he spends the rest of his football career here, it will come to an end someday. You can't trust most coaches to act as GM's (i.e. Shanahan, Holmgren), so Marvin appears to be special.

Because of a little success now, will this give Mike Brown the kind of hope he was looking for, believing that he can succeed without hiring a GM, and in effect put us through another decade (or more) of misery? Will the Marvin Lewis era be the next '88 in the Brown family's memory?

I know this seems pessimistic, but I'm a Bengals fan. It has been trained into me. I don't want to have to go through what I went through again... What do you guys think? Am I just worrying too much.... Just enjoy this season stupid!

You are worrying too much. Enjoy the ride.


I'm not sure but I think Mike Brown is close to retiring. Maybe not in the near future but I do know his daughter and son in law are making some big decisions in the organization.

So what I'm thinking is If ML stays here the rest of his football career, MB will probably be retired. Hopefully the Blackburnes will not make the same mistakes that MB did.

I also know it is very difficult to find a good head coach.

In conclusion I think we shouldn't worry about the future of the Bengals right now instead just enjoy what the Bengals are doing now. :D


If memory serves, Katie Blackburn played a crucial role in convincing Mr. Brown to hire Marvin Lewis. At least that is how I read it back then. I get the impression that Katie sees this more from a business perspective, while Mike is more of the type that rewards loyalty, even if it might not be the best "business" decision.

I think that Mr. Brown now realizes that the organization can't be run the same way it was "back in the day". I don't see us "imploding" anytime soon.


Went to the bookstore and nearly peed myself (good thing I had myself rubberbanded). The 2005 Fantasy Football Magazine predicts the AFC North...

Bengals 11-5

Ravens 10-6

Steelers 8-8

Browns 3-13

If I get any more optimistic about this system, my wife is going to have to up my dosage.

Who cares what happens when Mike Brown retires...I'd give my left nut for a SB victory in Detroit this year.

If I were to take up a left nut collection, are there any other takers who are willing to make that sacrifice?

nobody said anything about getting rid of Marvin.

I didn't know Katie brought in Marvin, thats awesome. That tells me that Brown has a lot of trust in her. Maybe Brown will retire sooner than we think. :)

Mike Brown brought in Marvin Lewis. All the bulls**t talk about it being any elses deal is horsecrap. Katie DID say she liked him and thought he was the best candidate. MIKE BROWN hired him.

As for hiring a GM, even if we were losing with Marvin Lewis, it wouldn't happen.

If I get any more optimistic about this system, my wife is going to have to up my dosage.

Who cares what happens when Mike Brown retires...I'd give my left nut for a SB victory in Detroit this year. 

If I were to take up a left nut collection, are there any other takers who are willing to make that sacrifice?

How 'bout I sacrifice my right one, that way there's an even pair. On a side note, have the little woman kick the dosage up a notch anyway. Come football season you're going to need it!

nobody said anything about getting rid of Marvin.

I didn't know Katie brought in Marvin, thats awesome.  That tells me that Brown has a lot of trust in her.  Maybe Brown will retire sooner than we think. :)

Mike Brown brought in Marvin Lewis. All the bulls**t talk about it being any elses deal is horsecrap. Katie DID say she liked him and thought he was the best candidate. MIKE BROWN hired him.

As for hiring a GM, even if we were losing with Marvin Lewis, it wouldn't happen.

If it weren't for Blackburn and Johnnie Cochran, Marvin Lewis would not be here right now.

nobody said anything about getting rid of Marvin.

I didn't know Katie brought in Marvin, thats awesome.  That tells me that Brown has a lot of trust in her.  Maybe Brown will retire sooner than we think. :)

Mike Brown brought in Marvin Lewis. All the bulls**t talk about it being any elses deal is horsecrap. Katie DID say she liked him and thought he was the best candidate. MIKE BROWN hired him.

As for hiring a GM, even if we were losing with Marvin Lewis, it wouldn't happen.

Perhaps this will help refresh your memory.



So... if Mike Brown retires, does that mean that most of us believe that the Blackburn's are intelligent enough to hire a GM? As bengal4life said, it is difficult to find a good head coach, which is why it is even more difficult to find one with the ability to make smart personnel decisions acting as a GM. Do we think the Blackburn's will not be quite as stubborn as Brown was when it comes to hiring a good GM as well as a coach?


Kil and Kaz, great article about Katie.

I think I would be kinda excited to have her as Prez. She seems smart and in many ways more able to do what is needed than Mike or any other exec. It would also be cool to have a queen bee. GM or not, I think she'd take the Bnegals forward.

Hopefully she'll fair better than Schott...boy, was she a nightmare.


Katie Brown-Blackburn is to Marge Schott as tofu is to steak.

That is to say, they are/were women (the tofu/steak analogy...both food), but the similarities end there.

Katie is sharp as holy hell, and, yes, when Mike finally hangs it up and (please God) she takes over, yes, she will hire a football person to run the FO and make personnel decisions.

Which would be a good thing. I happen to trust and respect her judgment a ton. And, yes, I don't think this team has ML if she had not been pushing him with much urgency on her father.

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