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Spain has built his reputation as a moron over the years with comments like this, as well as his classic "Let's trade Palmer for the rights to draft Eli Manning" take.

The bad spelling, inability to differentiate between the words "or" "are" and "our", along with his terrible takes are the reasons why I was sad to see him find this board to pollute along with every other Bengals board on the 'net.

Jesus Christ guy's! He's not from "around here", or can you not see that? Just because he has his opinions which may differ with yours, and some obvious problems with the English language (which I might add isn't the easiest to learn to write with!) doesn't make him, or anyone else a "moron." The guy is a Bengal FAN! Same as anyone else here.

He personally insults nobody, yet has to endure the wrath of a few just because his views are different (okay sometimes VERY different) and he's not a great speller. He's trying. I'll see if I can help him find the "Spell Check" button, the same button I wear the f**k out on about every post of mine, and english is my first (and only) language!

Just have a little tolerance people. If you don't want to read his posts, fine. You don't have to. It's not like he's a Browns fan or something! <_<

The Big Orange...founder, president, and only member of the SPAIN fan club. Welcome my little spaniard friend.

Correction Mr. President. You're no longer the only member. Is it okay if I'm the "Sargeant at Arms" so to speak? :D

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Train 'em well Sergeant. I like the way you use the blunt end of that rifle.

We've got some sharp tongues in this outfit..save it for the Browns, Ravens, and Steelers fans when they come aboard

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I'm the worst kind of fan there is...I'm from Cincy...ignored the Bengals for a decade while they were lousy and then jumped on the bandwagon when they showed signs of hope in 2003.  Since then I've been obsessed and eveyday I try to fool people into believing I know what the snot I'm talking about. 

Don't sweat it Big Orange. 99% of the fans, for any team, become fans after some type of success. The important thing is to now stick with them. I actually grew up a Cardinals fan (insert joke here) and fell in love with the Bengals at the beginning of 1987, due to Boomer and James Brooks. Well, shortly after that they went into the tank, but I am still here. I guess I went from being a bandwagon fan to people telling me I'm crazy for still caring. Marvin is building this team the right way and barring any major set backs (injuries) we should be in for some good times. Geeeeez I hope!

Win or Lose I've always been a bengals fan though I don't hold anything agaist those who frown @ losing seasons more so when it was 15years strait....then again it's easier for me because I live in newport oregon :P

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i was a saints fan growin up, since i lived in missssipppi til i was 11. when we moved to cincy, pro sports were good with the reds and the bengals. i was obsessed with boomer from jump, and have been hollerin "who-dey" since we docked our boat in the 'nati in 1990....

like every bengals fan, i've endured a lot of akili/ki-jana/klingler/wilson/charles fisher/sean brewer/artrell jokes over the years...crap, i laughed with 'em a lot of times, b/c yeah, our franchise was a joke for a looong time. i knew that one day, perhaps in the very distant future, we would start to come around and it would make our victories THAT much sweeter....

people still laugh today, and i don't blame 'em. we haven't really justified ourselves to the football world yet, and that's fine with me...

i'll be a bengals fan til the day i die, because being a fan is about bein true...and while bein true ain't always easy, bein a bengals fan is... :player:

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The Big Orange...founder, president, and only member of the SPAIN fan club. Welcome my little spaniard friend.

Correction Mr. President. You're no longer the only member. Is it okay if I'm the "Sargeant at Arms" so to speak? :D

You can count me in the club. Any fan of the Bengals is a fan of mine. :)

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Train 'em well Sergeant.  I like the way you use the blunt end of that rifle.

Rifle? I don't need no stinking rifle!! They look like they're already pretty well trained in "trash talking."

We've got some sharp tongues in this outfit..save it for the Browns, Ravens, and Steelers fans when they come aboard

Believe it or not, the most annoying smack we've seen here (at least in the 2 years that I've been around) really wasn't from fans of other AFC North teams, although some Cleveland fans tried their best! Of course many Steeler and Ravens fans did show up, and a few just to post "Bungles S**K!" in the Smack forum, but the majority were fairly knowlegable, and were able to communicate beyond the usual sheer idiocy of "smack."

The outright worst (IMO) had to be Buffalo Bills fans, followed closely by the Denver Bronco's in 2nd place. Washington and Tampon Bay probably tied for 3rd.

The outright, hands down, no question about it BEST fans we had visiting here was the New York Jets backers that showed up just before last seasons opener. Yeah New York! Classy, realistic, knew their s**t about football, and could toss out some trash talkin' if the occassion presented itself, but unlike the other team from the western part of the state of New York, (i.e. Buffalo <_< ) they're focus was more intelligent conversation than it was drawing comparisons between the Bengals fans and Hoover vacuums. :lol:

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I've heard that Jets fan are very knowledgable, being a fan is a way of life for those guys...and their J-E-T-S chant kicks tail. I'm glad we've got the WHO-DEY thing. I love hearing inebriated fans howling this through the hallowed halls of the Paul Brown Stadium on the way out after a win.

I tell you what I would love to see...last year Chad was asking what he could do for an end zone celebration, my thought was have him throw the ball all the way back to Carson...I think that would be great fun. I would like to see Rudi hand the ball off to one of his linemen. Or maybe Chad could hurl it into the crowd, high and far...I know it costs him $100 or so, but tak about getting the crowd into it :P

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Or maybe Chad could hurl it into the crowd, high and far...I know it costs him $100 or so, but tak about getting the crowd into it :P

Talk about the fans getting into it alright....

if 'into it' means altercations and fights in the stands.

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Or maybe Chad could hurl it into the crowd, high and far...I know it costs him $100 or so, but tak about getting the crowd into it :P

Talk about the fans getting into it alright....

if 'into it' means altercations and fights in the stands.

"gets ready to brawl for that ball ^_^

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When I was 13 and 14, ('93 and '94) I had relatives in Kansas City, and decided to pull for a team that could win every once in a while with the Chiefs. This might not seem so bad, except the cursed Joe Montana was their QB at the time.

That aint as bad as a friend of mine who was a titans fan for a couple of years he then went on a football holiday with some raider fans to see about 4 games and all of a sudden became a raiders fan poor chap i really feel sorry for him NOT!! :)

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The bad spelling is not that big of an issue compare to the bad takes. :player:

Bad takes happen but I find Seve's spelling to be annoying to the point where I don't even read his posts unless they are 2 sentences or shorter. The only thing worse is an endless post that has no paragraph breaks.

Just scroll right on by :D

But I'm trying to remember there Lloyd. What gives with the avatar? :unsure:

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First of all thanks guys obviously the trolls from bengals insider are here to make my life hell. If they dont like what I post why dont they just not post. As far as TJ goes I think we overpaid himIMHO and if Warrik wins his spot back I dont want his contract .I would rather have Warrik back. However maybe he has value in a trade. Another thing you can ignore all drunking post plaese and Ill hit spell check.

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