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Hardy Released

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Kevin Hardy keeps a boat docked in Jacksonville, Fla. He figures sometime in the next couple of weeks he's going to take it out for a run in the Atlantic Ocean. He isn't ready to make the trip a long one even though he now has extra time on his hands.

Wastin' away again in Freeagentville

(yes I am yes I am, I'm)

Searchin' for my lost linebacker slot.

Marvin will say that there's a rookie to blame.

But I know

(bomp bomp bomp bom bom)

It's my own damn fault...

Happy sailin', Kev. I don't think you accomplioshed much here...but thanks for trying, anyhow.

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braham needs to be signed his ability to call the protections on the o-line is very good and he could help get the two new guys ready to play

hardy well everything comes to and end some times and it was his time. the writing is also on the wall for simmons better play his but off or he could be gone to at the end of the season

3-4 defense the bengals will play a 4-3 base and 3-4 in certain situations and then if the are more effective in the 3-4 than they are in the 4-3 then thats what they will play if not the will stick to the 4-3

i like justin not as good as people though he was going to be but i still like him

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who cares where Hardy goes.. he performed adequately here for awhile now he's history... He hurt the team last year and made a few milliion.. good riddence..

Braham has an option.. sign or hit the road.. Marvin isnt going to waste alot of time on a 35 year old injury risk... Yeah he's expericenced thats great.. If not Moore can teach the rooks...

4-3 defesne for now.. NO NT and too young at LB.. get real with it!!!

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