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Peter King on Jon Kitna


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From King's MMQB column:


"I think I had a terrific time speaking at Frank Reich's Call to Courage Breakfast Saturday in downtown Buffalo, and I really appreciated the invitation from Reich and his Athletes in Action crew. Reich gave an award to Cincinnati quarterback Jon Kitna for his class, citizenship and spirituality, and I have to second this award. Kitna's a very big man in my book for having the class to accept a demotion to second string in Cincinnati last year after having the best year of his career in 2003. He never sulked. He helped Carson Palmer be the best player he could be. When we talked about it before the breakfast, Kitna told me, basically, that every aspect of his life in Cincinnati was great, except for not being the starting quarterback. He and his wife have five kids, and his point was, why uproot them and take them to a different city and strain their lives when life is so good where he is? It'd be one thing, as he said, if some team traded for him to be a starter. But lacking that, he'll stay in Cincinnati (unless the Bengals trade him, which is unlikely unless someone gives Marvin Lewis a second-round pick) and be a happy man. Some people would look at Kitna and see a man who is giving up on his career. I look at Kitna and see a man who has his priorities in order."

Nice take from King, his ripping on the Bengals has been much lessened since ML got to town.

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