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Crowder Just Say No

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To all the Crowder parrots out there-Just Say NO.Not only is he not good enough to take#1,I wouldn't take him at all.Crowder was arrested for vandalizing 8 cars which would have been a felony but charges were dropped.Pled guilty to misdemeanor battery.Has had 2 knee injuries 1 knee surgery1 foot injury.In'03 he had 106 tackles 5 tackles for loss 2 sacks.In 8Games in'04 he had70-8-2.Not too impressive.There are guys into the 7th round faster without the with injury and character concerns.

The Bengals have needed a pass rush for over 10 years.I Think the last time a Bengal had more than 10 sacks in a year was Jim Skow on a late 80's team that went to the Super Bowl.A sack and QB pressure can disrupt a game plan, cause turnovers and shake a QB's confidence.If the Bengals dont draft one by the end of the 2nd round the players with an :player: ability to become a sack artist will likely be gone.

The Players with the best chance to become a great DE are:David Pollack,Erasmus James,Matt Roth,JustinTuck with Bill Swancutt and Adell Duckett being the longshots.David Pollack looks like the best all-around DE.Pollack has been all-american 3 times.In '02 he had 102tkls-23tfl-14sacks.In'03 92-13-7.'04 52-17-12

Most impressive he had 117 career QB pressures and he can play LB.

To the people wanting Shazor and Pool-Look at O.J. Atogwe-5-11 219 4.55 in '03 he had 90-8-2 with 6 forced fumbles.In '04 had 76-7-4-team captain-Fulcher type hitter-Outstanding character-knack for turnovers-is rated to go in rd 4to5

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What does character concerns have to do with what he does on the field. have you even seen him play. He is a freaking Pshyco, next James Farrior or Ray Lewis is what he is being compared too. Speaking of one of his injuries, he got suregory on his knee, came back the same week, led the gators in tackles. How many players can do that. Rick Hunley has even said, that his knees our fine.

From Denver Broncos.com

Channing Crowder's performance for the Florida Gators wasn't enough to carry them to their team-centered goals of winning a national championship. But as an individual, there was little that Crowder didn't accomplish in three years at Florida.

But more impressive than his statistics (179 tackles in spite of making just 17 starts) was how rapidly Crowder blossomed into the leader of UF's defense -- so much a leader that he didn't even have to stay until his senior season in order to become a team captain -- or his junior year, for that matter.

Crowder didn't stump for the leadership role; he merely accepted it when it was bestowed.

"Usually the seniors step up and you know who the captains and team leaders are," Crowder said. "I kind of just got thrown into thrown into the mix.

"It was a team vote for the captains, and then the coaches pick the guy that's going to call the plays ... I took that role and just kept going with it."

click here:


Some good Draft videos. Good Review of Channing Crowder.

P.S. Stop using that charater concerns, almost every player has some kind of character issue they are not all good ole momma boys like you and TJ are. Stop slamming me over someone I really want. I mean I don't slam you guys for wanting Chris Spencer, or Thomas Davis, or Even Luis Castillo in the first. C'mon guys.

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Marvin class and character teams: 16-16 no playoffs

Ok talk about Character issues then we better get rid of Chad.  He has a lot of Character issues.  But one thing he has character issues but is a very good player, similar to crowder.

WOW. You're comparing a guy that should have had a felony to Chad Johnson? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

You're mixing the definition of character. What everyone means is a potential cancer, virus, and no-do-good convict, as DA pointed out in his original post.. Chad is someone that talks crap but stops immediately when Marvin puts the hammer down.

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Tell me how Crowder will be a "cancer" to this team?

Re-read my post. I said "potential cancer".

Here I goggled his name and come up with at least 2 instances of disorderly conduct. Why would you want that on your team?



Here's a few BIOS:

From OTC:

Injury concerns and character issues could also be a cause for concern—He has had two major knee injuries and he tore some ligaments in his foot, causing him to miss a good portion of the 2004 season. He has had multiple arrests and was suspended for one game after one of the incidents.


Crowder has just two seasons of collegiate experience, and enters the league with durability and character concerns.

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He must be so unclassy if he was on the National Honor Society maintaing a 3.5 GPA through his collegiate carreer. I mean wow, what a stupid man. He is so bad, such a mean guy, he is going to be a virus in the NFL.

You tell me why analysts are saying he has could have character problems... I'm not making this up. :lol::lol:

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What does character matter ? are you joking? Ask me that when he is a cancer on the team like Carl Pickens.When he is undermining the coaches.When he cant come to games because he is in jail.When he pulls a T.O and wants to re-negociate his contract every year.When he pulls a Randy Moss and makes a fool out of his teamates on national tv or tries to run over a meter maid.When pulls a dillion and makes a fool out of himself and calls an all-pro with real character a girl.


I am not saying that he will do any of these things.He may straighten up and be an all pro.But history has shown that most of these guys with charcter problems only get worse once they get filthy rich.The fact that he did not learn from his first arrest

says alot to me.The things he has been in trouble for says he doesn't have empathy for others.

I dont Know why you are so impressed with 176 tackles in 2 years thats 88 per year .Thats weak for a middle LB .I know what you are saying you like the way he plays (hard).Billicheck (SP?) built a team of no names on character and I think Forrest Greg hammered a character into his players.--Crowder Just Say No!

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Ok he got arrested. Does that mean he will be arrested while he is in the NFL? Maybe maybe not. There are a lot of players who get arrested in college and in the NFL.

See Marvin can work with him, he is good at this. He did it with practically the whole Baltimore and Washington D. Esp. Ray Lewis, who was drafted really low because of his character and off the field issues. Lewis made him into a star. Thats why I think we should draft him. Marvin could make this guy into a huge stud. We need that STUD linebacker, since we lost Takeo. This guy has so much potential it is not even funny.

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That's the thing Whur Chad At. Is hoping he'll turn around, or do you think Marvin want to have a project like that enough to use your first round pick?!! More so, do you think Mike Brown -- who still has final say -- will want a guy like that?

Oh well, I've said all I've wanted. I'm off to feed the birds, save the whales, and protest deforestation!

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Yes don't compare him to TO or Randy Moss because we don't know yet. It is funny that all of the Bad boys get talked down so much, but they are the most pursued players in the NFL, and Feared.

Thats funny you bring up Beleichick----He is so Giddy about Crowder, he is willing to trade up to get him. He described his private workout as "unbelieveable"

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He is not nescesarly a Project because he can come in and Start right away and learn. We know this because he started his Froshman year of college and practically dominated. He is a very quick learner

179* tackles in two years in 17 starts is a lot.

Voted Captian Sophmore year

Crowder said, ""It was a team vote for the captains, and then the coaches pick the guy that's going to call the plays ... I took that role and just kept going with it."

He is a very good leader, and lockeroom prescense

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ILB Channing Crowder (Florida)

Vital statistics: 6 foot 2¼, 245 pounds, 4.67 in the 40.

The dish: Teams are looking hard at his character and examining some of the off-field incidents in which he was involved, but seem almost as concerned with his knees. Might still sneak into the bottom of the first round, depending on individual teams, but could just as easily slip into the third round.


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Come on Is this really Channing Crowder's Mother ??? Funny you use Ray Lewis as a role model ?? Ray did some poor character type of things and got away with them for a while .Then he ended up facing Murder Charges before he toned it down.His team could have been stuck with his contract while he is in prison.The Panthers have Ray Caruth doing life right now.I watched Ray Lewis's trial on TV and I not so sure he is innocent.----Dont you rember Akili Smith??? Dont you rember David Klingler??Ki-Janna Carter????When you take the wrong guy in the first you have to pay for it a long time.(USUALLY ABOUT 6 YEARS)The "What difference does it matter if he has injurries ??Question see Ki-Janna Carter.The Character see Akili Smith while not a criminal type he did not have the character to even learn the playbook.Ask the Ravens about Jamal Lewis's character.DRUG CHARGES -FELONY- PRISON

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Nose for the pigskin

Those in the know go hog-wild over Crowder

By Jeff Darlington | Sentinel Staff Writer

Posted August 27, 2004

GAINESVILLE -- The ink digs deep into Florida linebacker Channing Crowder's skin. The messages dig deeper.

They run along each biceps, across each collarbone and down his back. The tattoos, all 16 of them, whisper the sentiments of his family, his philosophy and his passions.

But most don't see what the tattoos say. They simply see ink sprayed across his body, the same way they see criminal charges sprayed across his record.

"They see a thug, but that's the last way I would describe Channing," said Zak Huff, the artist who has inked 10 tattoos into Crowder's skin since January. "As long as I've known him, he's always been a fun, happy guy. Very cool, very casual. He doesn't swear. He doesn't smoke. He doesn't do drugs."

That's the words of a tattoo artist. Not a coach. Not a teammate.

"I already told him if he wants me to go to court with him, I will," Huff said.

Crowder, a true sophomore from Atlanta who enters this season as one of the nation's top linebackers, has had some legal problems since arriving at Florida. He was arrested twice outside the same nightclub for incidents related to fighting, once in 2003 and once earlier this year.

He recently pleaded no contest to a charge of disorderly conduct and has been suspended for the season opener Sept. 4 against Middle Tennessee State. He also was suspended for last season's opener.

So while there's no denying Crowder's sensational talent on the field, some have started to question his attitude off it.

"That's bull," Florida linebackers coach Bill Miller said. "He made a mistake. He's been punished for it. He's a great person, a great kid. Let's move on."

Some won't move on that easily. Maybe that's where the tattoos can do the talking. After all, Crowder is the one who came up with the art that forever will stain his skin.

There's the one tattoo on his right shoulder that reads, "Laugh now, cry later." Another one on his biceps looks like a barcode with the words, "Momma's Boy" inked below it.

There's also a cross that sprawls across his back outlined by the phrase, "Forever Blessed." He has his sister's initials on one collarbone and his mother's initials on the other.

Another tattoo is in the shape of a football. Another reads, "No Fear." And another says, "DSGB," which stands for "Down South Georgia Boy."

But Crowder realizes most won't have the chance to read the tattoos. Most won't get the opportunity to talk to him, allowing them to make their own judgments. He says there's nothing he can do about that. So instead, he'll simply play football and hope that says enough.

"Channing is a leader whether he wants to be or not," Coach Ron Zook said.

Said Crowder: "I want to be that leader. I've shown I can be a solid, consistent player. But more important, I need to lead my team. You can be the greatest player in the world. Ray Lewis [of the Baltimore Ravens] is the best linebacker to ever play the game, but he didn't win a ring last year because he couldn't get the players together. If you can lead the team and be a good player, that's the best situation possible."

One way Crowder and some teammates build camaraderie is to hunt hogs. They don't use guns. Instead, they chase the animals down and tackle them -- for fun.

Crowder loves it but does admit, "It's a crazy man's sport."

Crowder was introduced to the "sport" by teammate Brian Crum about two years ago and is among about 10 Gators who have done some hog hunting.

Crowder signed with Florida in February 2002, but an injury delayed his enrollment until January 2003. Observers found out what kind of talent he had when he made a big splash in spring practice last year.

Despite missing two games last season, Crowder -- whose dad, Randy, was an All-America defensive tackle at Penn State in the 1970s before playing in the NFL -- still managed to finish as Florida's second-leading tackler. He was an All-Southeastern Conference first-team pick as a true freshman, and he clearly has proved he can be a solid player.

And to his teammates and coaches, he also has proved perfectly capable of being the outspoken leader of this year's defense. That's enough for him.

"I know exactly how he feels," said Huff, who has two piercings in his lip, two gaping holes in his ears and two arms covered entirely by tattoos while still serving as an owner and operator of his Gainesville business. "But just remember -- what you see isn't always what you get."

Jeff Darlington can be reached at jdarlington@orlandosentinel.com.


good article on crowder

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At first I thought it Crowder's mother then someone else chimmed in and I thought

this must Crowders sister,but now I think you must have been scouts for the Bengals from the time period of after Wyche and before Marvin.My guess is you have been working for the browns the last couple of years.Are you guys the ones that helped them get Gerald Warren and Tim Couch??.--Are you telling me that Ron Zook says that Crowder is a good player?? First of all is the the Zook that took the Florida team that played for national championships to glad to be in the top 20?The Zook Florida fans have been trying to get fired? What is Zook going to say? He sucks and I am a stupid idiot to recruit him and then let him play. I still cant get over the fact you are sooo impressed with 88 tackles per year . I have seen players with over 200 tackles in a year.Hank Boullah's(SP?) son comes to mind. The point you guys keep missing is maybe take this in the 4th round but not in the 1st and have to deal with his character or injuries for 6 years because then you cant cut him because it messes up the cap too much. Look at this guy -Michael Boley 6-2 236 4.66 '02 142 tackles 16 tackles for loss 8 sacks.'03 151-22-11 '04

125-20-9 With 5 FORCED FUMBLES .You say Crowder plays hard has he caused 5 forced fumbles in a year? In his career?? Boley will go the 4th round or later.The draft is about value.Every team has 3 or 4 LB that start .But a DE that can get to the QB is hard to find.they wont be in the 3rd or 4th round.Not very often.

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Yeah but even with Jamal Lewis knee injuries and drugs he is one of the best players in the league. Crowder had 109 tackles his freshman year not 88. Get your facts right

Jamal Lewis almost went to prison for 20 years!!!! If not for some very expensive lawyers and plea bargin (stabbing his friend in the back like Ray Ray Lewis )he'd be makin big rocks into little rocks .If you can figure a way for the Bengals to get Crowder out on weekend passes when he starts doing time and get that Steve Austin guy to get him new legs I might sign off on it.

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