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L. Coles-S. Moss

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Redskins pull trigger on Coles-Moss trade

Joseph White / Associated Press

ASHBURN, Va. (AP) - The Washington Redskins finally traded disgruntled receiver Laveranues Coles back to the New York Jets on Saturday and got the speedy Santana Moss in return.

Moss' agent, Drew Rosenhaus, said in a phone interview the deal was contingent on both players passing physicals. Moss had his physical scheduled for Monday at Redskins Park. A source within the league, speaking to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity, also said Coles got the new deal he wanted, which held up the trade for the last week.

Terms of the deal weren't available. A message left for Coles' agent, Roosevelt Barnes, was not immediately returned.

Coles met with coach Joe Gibbs twice after the season to state his desire to leave the Redskins, following an unsatisfying year in the team's conservative offense.

He had 90 catches for 950 yards for a career-low 10.6 yards a catch and only one touchdown in the Redskins' 6-10 season. The year before, under pass-oriented coach Steve Spurrier, Coles had 82 receptions for 1,204 yards and six touchdowns.

Coles emerged as a favorite of Chad Pennington in 2002, but left the Jets as a restricted free agent after the season, when the team declined to match the Redskins' seven-year, $35 million offer - including a $13 million bonus. He was critical of the Jets and coach Herman Edwards after he left, though it appears the organization is willing to look past that.

As for Moss, the game-breaking receiver had a breakout year in 2003, with 1,105 yards and 10 touchdowns. But his productivity slipped in 2004, when he had 45 catches for 838 yards and five touchdowns while battling through a sore hamstring. He also was critical of his role in the Jets' conservative offense, wondering why he didn't get the ball more.

Moss is entering the final year of his contract, and Rosenhaus expects to have the receiver signed to a new deal shortly after the trade is completed.

"He's very pleased," Rosenhaus said. "It's not because he wanted to leave New York, but Washington offers him some great opportunities. He's going to be a focal point of their offense. I anticipate that we'll be able to work out a very lucrative extension for him."

Moss will pair up with another big-play receiver in David Patten, who signed a five-year, $13 million contract with a $3.5 million signing bonus earlier this week as a free agent from New England.

One area of concern for the Jets could be a chronic toe injury that has plagued Coles the last two seasons. The Redskins wanted him to have surgery, but Coles was reluctant to undergo any procedure. If he is healthy, Coles provides the Jets with a solid receiver under new coordinator Mike Heimerdinger to go with Justin McCareins.

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Maybe Joisey can clue us in, but I'll bet the media is really giving it to them up there because of all the guys they are losing.

The media doesn't need to do much more than turn on a tape recorder. After the Jet's (former) OT Kareem McKenzie signed with the Giants yesterday, he was asked if he was surprised that the Jets didn't make a bigger push to keep him. His reply:

"Not at all, because in looking at the history of the Jets and seeing how they have trouble keeping key players to maintain consistency, you never know what to expect around the corner. So you just prepare yourself for the worst."

So, basically the Jets are cheap and not committed to winning, eh, Kareem? And LesterLyles says they aren't the new Bungles! :P

As for the Coles/Moss thing...I dunno, just a goofy situation. They lost Coles to the Skins in the first place because the screwed up, and now they give away Moss to get him back? OK, whatever.

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But on to more important things...

The Jets' OC's last name is Heimerdinger??? :blink:

Sounds like a cartoon character to me. Is Foghorn Leghorn going to be the new DC?

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The Jets' OC's last name is Heimerdinger??? :blink:

Sounds like a cartoon character to me. Is Foghorn Leghorn going to be the new DC?

:lol: Boy! I say, Boy! Pay attention when I'm talkin' to you. Rookies! Got ears fulla hay ya gotta muck out with a pitchfork. Now here's what ya do so, ya see this here, this is called a football. Look at me, I say look at me when I'm talkin'...

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The Jets' OC's last name is Heimerdinger??? :blink:

Sounds like a cartoon character to me.  Is Foghorn Leghorn going to be the new DC?

:lol: Boy! I say, Boy! Pay attention when I'm talkin' to you. Rookies! Got ears fulla hay ya gotta muck out with a pitchfork. Now here's what ya do so, ya see this here, this is called a football. Look at me, I say look at me when I'm talkin'...

That boy is so dumb, he thinks a pigpen is something you write with..... :lol:

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The Jets' OC's last name is Heimerdinger??? :blink:

Sounds like a cartoon character to me.  Is Foghorn Leghorn going to be the new DC?

:lol: Boy! I say, Boy! Pay attention when I'm talkin' to you. Rookies! Got ears fulla hay ya gotta muck out with a pitchfork. Now here's what ya do so, ya see this here, this is called a football. Look at me, I say look at me when I'm talkin'...


Good one Joisey.

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KMac is bitter b/c we never wanted him. JEts fans are dissappointed about Lamont (great potential) and Fergie (Life long Jet who was sad to leave). No tears are being shed for Kareem, an above average RT who had a dissappointing '04. Sure enough, he had words on the way out b/c we didn't want him.

As for not signing existing guys, we were able to retain Ellis, Abe and pennington> Over the last few years we have retained Fabini and Mawae, Martin, andseveral other lower end players so again, I don't really see that comment as being accutrate. For some reason, when the Jets do well (02 and 04) their free agents are VASTLY overpaid...see Coles, Randy Thomas, John Hall and Chad Morton in 02 and now KMac, Fergie and Jordan (although he is paid on hispotential). Why would the Jets overspend to keep them. Its not the PFT crap. Instead, they are trying to follow the Eagles/Pats/Steelers model of not overpaying.

As for Coles, desparation is the wrong word. Coles is clearly a better player tyhan Moss and they saw an opportunity to acquire him for relatively cheap. As a WR, there is no comparison b/w Moss and Coles. Salry wise, thy got a bargain b/c the Skins were forced to pay a chunk of that bonus. Make no mistake, this was a steal.

Whether it translates to getting over the hump, who knows. There are so many variables. But the Jets improved their Wrs...no doubt about it.

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As for Coles, desparation is the wrong word. Coles is clearly a better player tyhan Moss and they saw an opportunity to acquire him for relatively cheap. As a WR, there is no comparison b/w Moss and Coles. Salry wise, thy got a bargain b/c the Skins were forced to pay a chunk of that bonus. Make no mistake, this was a steal.

Coles is better, but not commandingly so. It's a modest upgrade, assuming Coles' toe doesn't cost him playing time.

As for it being a "steal," well, I'm not sure that having to fork over one WR to get back another WR that you lost solely because of front office incompetence could ever qualify as a "steal." That's like the thief who stole your stuff offering to sell it back to you at a bargain price -- and then you call it a deal!

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As for Coles, desparation is the wrong word.  Coles is clearly a better player tyhan Moss and they saw an opportunity to acquire him for relatively cheap.  As a WR, there is no comparison b/w Moss and Coles.  Salry wise, thy got a bargain b/c the Skins were forced to pay a  chunk of that bonus.  Make no mistake, this was a steal.

Coles is better, but not commandingly so. It's a modest upgrade, assuming Coles' toe doesn't cost him playing time.

As for it being a "steal," well, I'm not sure that having to fork over one WR to get back another WR that you lost solely because of front office incompetence could ever qualify as a "steal." That's like the thief who stole your stuff offering to sell it back to you at a bargain price -- and then you call it a deal!

I don't know Joisy, I think us Jets fans were a little sour on Moss. He misses 4 games a year b/c of his hammy, has been ok as a WR and this year, Pitt game aside, he ran out of bounds on punt returns.

Coles was definitely overpaid/overhyped in '02. He was paid like a top 5 WR and he is not one. But he is a top 15 WR. He was Jets fans favorite player back then and he has been a favorite of Skins fans, as well. He has that style of being tough and leaving it on the filed. Fans love that. Moss never had that. At 27 years old, to get a guy who caught 90 balls last year for that contract (again, Skins got most of bonus), I think its a steal.

Its funny, eveyone overrated Coles in '02 like the Jets were losing Jerry Rice. Now that he's back, everyone is like, who cares. Its pretty funny.

As for the NY media, they haven't been going too crazy at our losses b/c they were expected, especially Lamont and KMac. Fergie would have been nice but w/ all the $$ allocated to our line already, it would have been impossible. The press has to take it easy ojn the Jets...they traditionally get a lot more criticsm then their landlords but it is the G-Men who have been 1-15 in the last two November/December periods and it is the Jets who have been pretty solid in the Bradway/Herm era. The media is catching on...slowly.

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I wasn't exactly sure. I know the reason the trade took so long is because how far apart Coles and the Jets were on some kind of extension and I read an article that didn't give details but basically said that Coles got what he wanted.

yeah, CDOles definitelt got what he wanted but from the souns of it, it still seems favorable to NY i.e. not taht much $$. Coles is the big winer b/c the Skins still paid out his roster bonus of $5 mm plus he extracted additional mony from NY. The Skins, no doubt, are the loser in all of this.

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Coles is better, but not commandingly so. It's a modest upgrade, assuming Coles' toe doesn't cost him playing time.

As for it being a "steal," well, I'm not sure that having to fork over one WR to get back another WR that you lost solely because of front office incompetence could ever qualify as a "steal." That's like the thief who stole your stuff offering to sell it back to you at a bargain price -- and then you call it a deal!

But on the bright side, for me at least, when factoring in the cap ramifications the Redskins got shafted on this trade :D .

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Why in the world would you enjoy the 'Skins getting shafted, ckj? :D

I can't imagine why that would make you happy...

*sarcasm off*

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Even if Coles winds up out with his toe, the Jets still got Jerricho Cotchery. They need to use Cotchery more instead of wasting him for 4 years like they did Lamont Jordan.

No doubt Schweinert. I fully expect Cotch to be the #3 this year. Bradway has done some good drafting but many times, Herm brings on the players too slowly.

as for Coles toe, could be a concearn but he hasn't missed a game yet...Moss misses 4 games a year b/c of his hammy.

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I'm confused now Joisey, did I say that, cause in my opinion the Skins got the better, depending on that toe of Coles

Nah, that was lester. Some glitch in the quote thingie, or I didn't delete something.

I think the Skins are probably better off with Coles gone, since he didn't want to be there, and Santana Moss is a dangerous player, I've seen enough of him to know that.

But still, at least all we got is a guy in a cat suit... :lol:

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