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Marvin Lewis' Tenure with the Bengals.


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Been wondering about this myself today Chris. Can't help but notice the 1-year-at-a-time extensions and I'm speculating that ML (rather than MB) is behind it. I would love to lock him up for 5 years, but I figure he's trying to keep his options open.

This is a weird complaint.

The Mike Brown that everyone seems to fear would not be giving one year extensions and a raise with each one. The Mike Brown that everyone seems to fear would say "ML is under a contract and we expect him to honor that contract and we will evaluate his contract when it is up"...

I think it is phenomenally good news that Brown is kicking over the raises (Geoff Hobson thinks ML is making $2 million a year now...think about that a minute) when he doesn't have to and good news that ML is happy to take the extensions.

Let's not always assume the boogeyman is behind every move the Bengals make...

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I just don't see ML leaving anytime in the near future, and I don't see him leaving in the far future, either. Cincinnati gave him a chance when others had passed him by numerous times, and with the job that he's done, the loyalty that he's sewn, and his commitment to this team being as strong as it is, I see him staying for a very, very long time. Other jobs with higher-profile teams might open up between now and 2008, but by then we will be a consistent playoff contender and a force to be reckoned with, and ML won't want to go.

ML 4 Life :player: :player: :player: :player:


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2 bad years and u will think otherwise. if he stays on the pace he is and starts making the playoffs he can be here a long while. if not, he'll be just like the rest. now lets see wtf he is capable of gdi.

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