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This morning on Sportscenter they asked Chris Mortenson six questions regarding the NFL and one of them was which team would break out in 2005 a la the SD Chargers. Mortenson said the Bengals and I quote "without hesitation". He went on to say how good a Coach Marvin is and stuff. Things like this just make me feel good. ^_^

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No one outside of Boomer, and bandwagon Collinsworth have supported us as consistantly as Mort. When we made the switch he said it was good. When we were 1 - 4, he said it was the right move, and he was all over him on good days, especially the cross the body pass to TJ at the end of the Baltimore game, IMO the most important play of the season, and a building block-like anchor play for next season. He was all over that play. I love Mort.

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Boomer may support us, and Collinsworth may do it when he's in the right mood, but as for credibility and being a guy that I would take what he said very seriously when it comes to the NFL and how things are or will be, Chris Mortensen is the guy. It is nice to know that he is that supportive of the team and the coaching staff, especially when you think about who he is.

It needs to be August now...I'm sick of waiting for the season to start, and it's still 6 months away :angry:

We're kicking ass this year, baby! RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE!!!! :player: :player: :player: :player:


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Tom Jackson has been a big supperter too. I remember Marvin's first season where on ESPN's pregame he kept bringing out this notebook that said "The Cincy Bengals Super Bowl blueprint" That was great

Hey Bengalnation, she looks good, but someone needs to take her to an all you can eat buffet, and make her go through the like a couple of times, she's too skinny!!

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Dammit, Boomer, just enjoy the half-naked lady pics! Why must you always critique? :P

She may be skinny, but she's still hot!


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