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T.J. wants 8 million signing bonus - NOT!


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T.J. wants an 8 million dollar signing bonus!! Havent heard how much he actually wants contract wise.....He's otta here... he must be mental to think the Browns will pay him 8 mil in bonusus.. He's 28 and a 4 year contract would make him 32.

Let him go and draft Freddy Gibson a 6'4" wideout... He had a good senior bowl workout and his stock is up allot.. He'll be on the board when the Bengals pick.

Mark Clayton is a fine WR also..a bit short at 5'10" but can do it all .....

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If this is true then say bye bye to TJ. It's funny how a guy can have a career season and suddenly act as if he's been doing it his entire career. TJ will never, i repeat, never put up the same yardage numbers again.

Vincent Jackson: 6-5 223lbs. WR with speed and athletic ability AKA big ass target for carson AND can be used as a TE if needed AND could probably be picked up in the 2nd round.

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Here's the blip for everyone else.

Word out of Cincinnati is that wide receiver T.J. Houshmandzadeh  is asking for a contract with a signing bonus of $8 million. While Houshmandzadeh came on late and became a key factor down the stretch for the Bengals, it's doubtful the team will give him that kind of money, which would mean he would become an unrestricted free agent. The one knock on Houzmandzadeh is that he doesn't run that well, and that never helps drive up the price on the free-agent market.
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Chad Johnson got what 5mil as a bonus?? there going to give T.J. 3mil more than Chad?? Yeah now that's gonna make Chad a real happy camper next year.. I say Fred Gibson or Mark Clayton are starting to look very very good in stripes next season.. Clayton is going to be someting special imo....

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It's starting to seem like you guys want Mike Brown to treat his money like it was yours. Seriously, aren't we going to pay anyone for producing like we want them to? :huh:

That said, I say stop talking to TJ. Shut it down, and pack it up. But get serious with Rudi. Get that one done even if you think you're overpaying. In fact, overpay with a smile. Next, call Kelley Washington and tell him that Carson Palmer is going to give him an opportunity to become a very rich man in a couple of years.

Bring on the squirrel.

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Bengals should get a D-lineman first round and Vincent Jackson in the second.

Kelly Washington is s**t. I've never liked him and his stupid ass celebrations acting like he's TO or something. The guy makes two catches a game and acts like he just caught the winning TD in the super bowl on every one of them. But hell he did only have one less TD than TJ this season :rolleyes:

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lol all of the sudden Tj wants $8mill no everyone hates him and they think Kelley Washington is a stud.... coulda swarn a couple days ago people were saying TJ is better then Warrick.....

wtf are people thinking?

Kelley at #2? lol Warrick will be the #2....he's gonna be the very rich man in 1 year, if he's not franchised.

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Kelley at #2? lol Warrick will be the #2....he's gonna be the very rich man in 1 year, if he's not franchised.

Yup. Like I said before in another thread, the Bengals have three choices: pay TJ a bundle now, pay Warrick an even bigger bundle next year...or accept that both of them are going and begin drafting replacements.

Anyone now wonder why bengals.com is headlining stories gushing over the WR class in this year's draft? Ho ho.

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Guys, keep in mind, the $8 million isn't yearly. If he signs 5 years for an $8 million signing bonus, then that's pretty tame. In comparison, Chad makes $2.08 million per year based off his signing bonus -- at least against the cap. Just because it's 8 mil, doesn't mean it's huge; we must first see what the signing bonus is in conjunction with the length of the contract.

Again, like Rudi saying he'd rather sit than be tagged, we don't know the specifics of the entire scenario. If it's a 4-5 year deal, then 8 mil isn't a bad signing bonus.

Yup. Like I said before in another thread, the Bengals have three choices: pay TJ a bundle now, pay Warrick an even bigger bundle next year...or accept that both of them are going and begin drafting replacements.

Anyone now wonder why bengals.com is headlining stories gushing over the WR class in this year's draft? Ho ho.

Looks like we'll save more money if they give Willie a "retirement" extension signing the rest of his career like he's asking, and the team is positively accepting

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Let's also not forget that, at this point, the $8 million is just unattributed rumor, and even if it is true likely represents only TJ's initial starting point for negotiations.

Looks like we'll save more money if they give Willie a "retirement" extension signing the rest of his career like he's asking, and the team is positively accepting

I've been among the many urging them to do so, and the team seems to be interested. However, if Hobson is to be believed it's a "back burner" issue, which IMHO is completely wrong-headed. Now is the time to get these kind of clear-some-cap-space extensions done, before FA breaks out.

I realize some of it is simple fan impatience on my part, but the Bengals always seem to drift through January and February each year, exhibiting little to no sense of urgency. Rudi? Oh, we're chatting. Far apart. But we'll talk again next week...or so. TJ? Good conversations. Nothing to report. Willie? Well, we'll certainly take that under consideration? Hum de dum dum dum, well, doesn't look like the fish are biting today. Pass me the latest PFW and a fresh beer...

They did this last year and the result was a FA period that saw them engage in a pathetic chase for Troy Vincent, who clearly wanted to be anywhere-but-Cincinnati (and preferably in Carolina) from the first, followed by getting snookered by the Raiders over Sapp and finally being hung out to dry by Daryl Gardener's back. So maybe they might want to ratchet the action up just a notch or two this time around? :blink:

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I realize some of it is simple fan impatience on my part, but the Bengals always seem to drift through January and February each year, exhibiting little to no sense of urgency. Rudi? Oh, we're chatting. Far apart. But we'll talk again next week...or so. TJ? Good conversations. Nothing to report. Willie? Well, we'll certainly take that under consideration? Hum de dum dum dum, well, doesn't look like the fish are biting today. Pass me the latest PFW and a fresh beer...

Dude, the Super Bowl isn't even over. :lol::lol::lol:

We have till March 3rd (or 2nd, whatever) for the first day of free agency, so I'll at least give the Bengals till mid-Feburary before I start getting critical on the Bengals slow efforts.

But I'm with you about the Bengals routine procrastination each year. Hopefully, this one is different.

Hopefully. That's a funny word. I think Cincinnati has used that word most about "next season". In fact, isn't that the number one used word? Hopefully. That's a funny word.

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I don't like this either.I wouldn't even dare signing Tj to a five year deal. He's had some injuries, is 28, and is not that fast anyway, so I think in three years he's lost a step and is worthless anyway. I say let him go and draft a WR in the second with the other pick Marvin gets trading down. Then, you let Warrick go in FA next year. I know 28 is not that old but TJ and especially Warrick are no spring chickens anymore.Plus, in my book one good year after never doing anything does not constitute millions and millions in my book. I always liked Kevin Walter. I'd rather see him than Kelley. Kelly runs the laziest routes in football, they even make him lazy in Madden. Bring on K-walt

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I don't like this either.I wouldn't even dare signing Tj to a five year deal.  He's had some injuries, is 28, and is not that fast anyway, so I think in three years he's lost a step and is worthless anyway.  I say let him go and draft a WR in the second with the other pick Marvin gets trading down.  Then, you let Warrick go in FA next year.  I know 28 is not that old but TJ and especially Warrick are no spring chickens anymore.Plus, in my book one good year after never doing anything does not constitute millions and millions in my book.  I always liked Kevin Walter.  I'd rather see him than Kelley.  Kelly runs the laziest routes in football, they even make him lazy in Madden.  Bring on K-walt

The problem though BB, is that signing TJ turns our WR roster from desperation, to adequate. I say that because we still don't know if PW will play another down, and Washington, IMHO, has turned shown absolutely nothing! If you draft a WR, you're looking to possibly replace PW and not TJ. That’s the problem. If we rely on Chad with average at best receivers around him, he'll be triple team all game and the passing game (with no deep threat anyway) will crash.

What should we do at that point? Draft a WR, sign a rogue WR FA, and hope Walter turns into a good slot guy? We do have options, but I think we should sign TJ, because we know what we’ll get with him IF he remains healthy.

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Dude, the Super Bowl isn't even over. :lol::lol::lol:

We have till March 3rd (or 2nd, whatever) for the first day of free agency, so I'll at least give the Bengals till mid-Feburary before I start getting critical on the Bengals slow efforts.

Oh, I know. I would be surprised if anything happened on the TJ front before mid- to late-February. They'll want to take a hard look at PW around then, and if there's any doubt about him coming back I think they move to lock up TJ. If Warrick is bouncing back, we can wave bye-bye to Housh. :(

And that in turn will influence Rudi's fate heavily. If they have to spend big on Housh, Rudi probably goes free. Maybe he's transitioned just in case all he draws are lowball offers. OTOH if TJ goes I think Rudi will be franchised, if he even gets to FA.

So nothing is really likely to happen for a while on those fronts...but they could get Willie done, just like they could have gotten Kitna done far sooner last year. Instead we seem to be heading toward the same place where they complain they have no space yet ignore opportunities to free some up. I'd be disappointed if that happened again.

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