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Pick Your Playoff Winners

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Hey guys I heard on ESPNs radio show "THE HEARD"  that a NFL official went to FOXBORO and reported that the field was in good shape!! But that was yesterday and don't know if any bad weather was coming in?? B)

Well if that is true it would seem that their little ploy isn't going to work this time.

I believe that by NFL Rules, from Thursday on, the Playing Field Must be Covered if there is rain.

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The field at Gillette Stadium is left uncovered in the rain

The Pats may be the SB Champs and all of that...

But this is as BUSH-LEAGUE as you can get...

There is more at stake, with the condition of the playing field, than just the out come of the game.

To allow the field to degenerate just because you think that it gives you an advantage is NOT a Legitimate part of the Game.

It is a Low-Life-Move...

It demonstrates a serious lack of Character in the persons responsible for the condition of that playing field.

Considering the History that NE has had with this issue, the League needs to Watch the Pat's field maintenance Very Closely.

The NFL should do WHATEVER it Takes, to make Sure that there is a Honest Effort to ensure the safest possible field condition for Game Day.

They don't call it "homefield advantage" for nothing... <_<

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I'm closing the thread now so I can get to the sports bar to watch the Jets/Steelers on a screen almost as big as my house.

Good luck, and may the best mod win! Uh...I meant best "man" win. Really. I swear! :D

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New England

This esteemed Bengalszone member living a half a world away in Scotland is looking to be quite a smart chap! See what sitting on a frozen crapper and concentrating for hours does for you? (besides brittle 'roids?) :(:lol:

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