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Coughlin Demotes Starting CB


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In a happy note for us Bengals fans, Mistah Discipline has demoted Giants' starting CB Will peterson for Sunday's game. He may play some in the nickle and dime packages but Frank Miller will apparently start.

It's part of an ongoing feud between TC and Peterson. Coughlin fined Peterson a few weeks back for wearing the wrong socks in practice, or something stupid like that, and then he pulled him for a couple play last week after he commited a holding penalty. So Peterson protested by skipping a meeting this week.

I welcome any dissention in the Giants' ranks. We can use all the help we can get.

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At least the Giants got a couple of back-ups in the secondary, not that Peterson is likely to sit out more than a set of downs.

Overall, this is proly the most beat up team the Bengals have faced this year. Their LT Pettigout popped up on the injury report and their old Clowns center O'Hara is questionable, which based on their depth chart could leave them w/o an O-line back-up.

As seriously depleted as the Giants are, it would be hard to believe that the Bengals don't score at will and terrorize Eli.

Then again after the Bills game, it's just as hard to believe that the Bengals won't find some innovative way to lose :wacko:

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Overall, this is proly the most beat up team the Bengals have faced this year. Their LT Pettigout popped up on the injury report and their old Clowns center O'Hara is questionable, which based on their depth chart could leave them w/o an O-line back-up.

Yup. Luke would be a huge loss. My bet is that he'll play, tho. Still, as the NY Post notes here: http://www.nypost.com/sports/giants/37097.htm they make us look positively deep on the o-line. :blink:

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I've been looking forward to this game, and I still am even tho at this point it's totally without meaning.

Have to admit that Coughlin was my choice to be the new head coach of the Bengals ( Ducks head and runs under the table to avoid flying objects ) ...... Now if you're still reading, it was because he was / is an established head coach. I liked Lewis as well, but fact is he was a rookie and I thought we needed a veteran. Bengals were also known as undisciplined, fat, lazy, and all around underachievers. And you just KNEW that Coughlin was going to come in here and clean house. I knew my hopes of seeing him in Cincinnati were never going to materialize when he showed up in Mikes office with a breakdown of the players and the coaches we had and the ones he wanted to replace them with. He had names years in the league or experience as coaches, and how much money it was going to take to replace them and turn the organization around. You knew MIke was not going to give anybody that much upfront power and control, so Coughlin was out.

Having said that, I am happy that we got Lewis. I think he's done a great job with what he had to work with and in the amount of time he's had. He cleaned house as well ..... and he's a lot more of a disciplinarian than I thought he'd be.

I'm still disturbed by the amount of penalties the team is getting, and I got chills of deja vu all over again last week when he said that they had done a lot of things right, but not enough to win the game. Where have we heard that before ... for the last umpteen years. That's second only to LaBlows " We won but we lost ".

Anyway .... now we get to see them ( Lewis and Coughlin ) go head to head. Everybody has some key injuries, and the teams are pretty comparable as well, so coaching .... play calling ... team preparation .... etc should be a big factor in the game ... as well as a good indicator of where we are under Lewis as compared to where we would have been under Coughlin.

Can't really say the same thing about the game last week as Mularkey had the comparative luxury of taking over a team that was in a lot better shape than the shapeless mass that Lewis inherited. Bills were basically a really good team that was underachieving due to a total lack of coaching. Coach Lewis on the other hand virtually put together a new football team. With the team that was already in place there, I'm glad they ( Bills ) passed on Lewis. They'd have been going to the Super Bowl this year instead of hoping to sneak in as a wild card.

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In a happy note for us Bengals fans, Mistah Discipline has demoted Giants' starting CB Will peterson for Sunday's game. He may play some in the nickle and dime packages but Frank Miller will apparently start.

It's part of an ongoing feud between TC and Peterson. Coughlin fined Peterson a few weeks back for wearing the wrong socks in practice, or something stupid like that, and then he pulled him for a couple play last week after he commited a holding penalty. So Peterson protested by skipping a meeting this week.

I welcome any dissention in the Giants' ranks. We can use all the help we can get.

That would be Frank Walker starting actually. He's a raw, small school guy who will get burned, but he has tremendous natural talent - it seems for every time he gets burned, he turns around and picks one off. Good guy as a nickel back, but Will Peterson is bordering on pro-bowler - I hope he and Coughlin can get it straightened out.

But I wouldn't make too much of any feud between Peterson and Coughlin - if Peterson didn't want to play for Coughlin, he wouldn't have signed a contract extension a couple weeks ago. The NY media just loves to make Coughlin out to be even more strict than he really is. Its quite a bit overblown...

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In a happy note for us Bengals fans, Mistah Discipline has demoted Giants' starting CB Will peterson for Sunday's game. He may play some in the nickle and dime packages but Frank Miller will apparently start.

It's part of an ongoing feud between TC and Peterson. Coughlin fined Peterson a few weeks back for wearing the wrong socks in practice, or something stupid like that, and then he pulled him for a couple play last week after he commited a holding penalty. So Peterson protested by skipping a meeting this week.

I welcome any dissention in the Giants' ranks. We can use all the help we can get.

That would be Frank Walker starting actually. He's a raw, small school guy who will get burned, but he has tremendous natural talent - it seems for every time he gets burned, he turns around and picks one off. Good guy as a nickel back, but Will Peterson is bordering on pro-bowler - I hope he and Coughlin can get it straightened out.

But I wouldn't make too much of any feud between Peterson and Coughlin - if Peterson didn't want to play for Coughlin, he wouldn't have signed a contract extension a couple weeks ago. The NY media just loves to make Coughlin out to be even more strict than he really is. Its quite a bit overblown...

B) Kinda hard to overstate a guy who paints a line on the field. When the guys step across the line, all non football talk ceases. Don't get me wrong, I like it .... but you have to admit that it's kinda overboard ... and so makes overstating it all but impossible. B)

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That would be Frank Walker starting actually. He's a raw, small school guy who will get burned, but he has tremendous natural talent - it seems for every time he gets burned, he turns around and picks one off. Good guy as a nickel back, but Will Peterson is bordering on pro-bowler - I hope he and Coughlin can get it straightened out.

My bad, it's Xmas and I'm doing 1001 things at once so I get a little confused (as opposed to the rest of the year when I'm just a plain old idiot! :lol:).

Walker did a pretty decent job today, even had a pick, so all the second-guessers on the Giants' side have some grist to chew on. He could turn out to be another Artrell...but if he keeps taking advantage of these kind of "Coughlin hiccups" he may make a bigger mark!

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My bad, it's Xmas and I'm doing 1001 things at once so I get a little confused (as opposed to the rest of the year when I'm just a plain old idiot! :lol:).

Walker did a pretty decent job today, even had a pick, so all the second-guessers on the Giants' side have some grist to chew on. He could turn out to be another Artrell...but if he keeps taking advantage of these kind of "Coughlin hiccups" he may make a bigger mark!

I thought he played pretty well too, except for the personal foul and the TD to CJ - if Walker had come under control to make the tackle on Kitna that would have been a sack - instead he goes all out, presumably to level the QB, and with all that momentum Kitna just steps aside and makes the game winning completion. The exuberance of youth bit Walker and the Giants on the rear that time. He's got talent though, and he showed it yesterday. He managed to not get burned by Chad Johnson, which is really saying something - Johnson is on the verge of being the top WR in the league.

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I agree with Redsfan2 about initially wanting Coughlin during the coaching search for several reasons. First, he took an expansion team in Jacksonville and got them to the playoffs within a few years. I looked at our 2-14 season in 2002 as if we were an expansion team. Second, he was a hard ass and I thought LeBeau was so soft and mushy that they needed someone to instill a little fear and some order and accountability.

My biggest problem with ML was that he had been turned away twice (Buffalo and TB). However I do remember hearing that he ran the show for Spurrier in 2002 until he got used to the NFL, etc. So I figured he got some good experience there. He also had the reputation from Pittsburgh and Baltimore's Super Bowl defense that was impressive.

I think it is ironic that we played Mularky and the Bills and Coughlin and the Giants in back-to-back weeks. Based on this years' developments, I think Palmer would have played last year if TC was our coach.

I am happy with ML for sure. :player:

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I agree with Redsfan2 about initially wanting Coughlin during the coaching search for several reasons. First, he took an expansion team in Jacksonville and got them to the playoffs within a few years. I looked at our 2-14 season in 2002 as if we were an expansion team. Second, he was a hard ass and I thought LeBeau was so soft and mushy that they needed someone to instill a little fear and some order and accountability.

My biggest problem with ML was that he had been turned away twice (Buffalo and TB). However I do remember hearing that he ran the show for Spurrier in 2002 until he got used to the NFL, etc. So I figured he got some good experience there. He also had the reputation from Pittsburgh and Baltimore's Super Bowl defense that was impressive.

I think it is ironic that we played Mularky and the Bills and Coughlin and the Giants in back-to-back weeks. Based on this years' developments, I think Palmer would have played last year if TC was our coach.

I am happy with ML for sure. :player:

I didn't have any problem with ML not being hired in Buffalo. It's a Donna Ho thing. He could literally f**k up a one car funeral. As to Tampa Bay, he Was hired till the owners put the kibosh to the deal and bought Chucky from the Raiders.

My only thing ( well 2 ) on him was he was a rookie, and he's a defensive coordinator. There are exceptions to the rule, but OC's in general have more success at the head coaching level than DC's. I know that he was Spurruiers right hand man, but it's still not the same as being THE MAN. ( you'll also notice where Spurrier is now )

No ... all in all I'm glad things worked out the way they did.

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